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Monday Overnight Open Thread (1/23/23) »
January 23, 2023
Domestic Shooting Cafe

Upper Eskdale, Cumbria, England
by @photographydove
Note the remains of a Roman fort at bottom center.
Here's the link to expand the picture.
Wife gets vengeance on husband for pranks.
I guess this whole family's on high alert about the other members being "armed" so one of their tactics is to have weapons delivered into their hands without their victim seeing -- dropping from the ceiling, etc.
Husband enlists daughter in plot to shoot wife.
More of the family shooting each other.
And more.
And still more.
The children are targets too.
Kids get involved with a lot of weapon hand-offs.
Here's what everyone must be wondering about: The clean-up. There's a lot of cleaning up.
Wife getting in position to get vengeance on husband, for the behind-the-refrigerator shot. These ambushes take a lot of work and preparation.