« Sunday Morning Book Thread - 01-22-2023 ["Perfessor" Squirrel] |
First World Problems . . . »
January 22, 2023
Go For It! Freeze...In The Dark...Taking Cold Showers...Watched By Big Brother!
This Is Nothing More Than A Reversion To The Brutal Mean Of Human Existance
This is all sorts of awesome. Not only are they going to freeze, of their own volition, they are going to do it while being observed by the authoritarian nanny state they accepted without a fight.
I want Europe to bundle up and take cold showers (when they bother) and pretend that everything is just hunky-dory. They deserve it after two generations of sloth; ceding their defense to America, their manual labor to Africa and Asia, and their autonomy to a cabal of globalists in their midst.
Europeans dial down the heating, heed calls to save energy
Europeans have dialled [sic] down their heating this winter, apparently heeding government calls to conserve energy amid the Ukraine crisis, with some delaying switching it on by almost a month and setting the temperature lower, data shows.
The data, from hundreds of thousands of smart thermometers installed in households across the continent by Munich-based company Tado, shows that as temperatures dropped, households responded to dire warnings about higher heating costs.
People and businesses across Europe are increasing their use of such smart thermometers to keep an eye on how much gas they are using. These are sometimes linked to an energy provider's tariff structure to smooth demand and reduce peak costs. Germany has made them obligatory in newbuilds.
If I want to know how much energy I am using, I can take a look at my gas and electric meters, which admittedly entails a 14 second walk down to the basement, and I am happy with that 20th century technology when the alternative is to allow the power company unfettered access to my decisions, and the possibility of controlling my consumption of energy. Sorry, but
1984 is not a how-to manual.
But Europe is happy to give up control over their own lives, and allow the idea of the individual to be subsumed by the communitarian sensibilities of their overlords. They are hedonists and nihilists, without any sense of national or personal pride, and they deserve their self-inflicted descent into totalitarianism.