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Daily Tech News 14 January 2023 »
January 13, 2023
Tonight's ONT Is Back To "Normal"
Friday night! Pretty much back to normal. Gingy is comfortable as long as she lies in bed, so she's had a pretty sedentary day. Time for me to get back to COB work on the Fabulous Friday ONT!
Fido Friday: Fren
Memes in real life
Outdoors advice
Last night Jim SND and CBD were bragging about their prowess with 18 wheelers. I happen to have some footage from their trucking days...
This was Big Enos Burdette's first attempt to get Coors beer from Texarkana to Atlanta. After this incident, he hired someone else.
I feel seen
Ladies and gentlemen, the modern Left
I don't understand why woman's basketball isn't more popular
Dr. Seuss writes LOTR
When Berserker goes on a vision quest
The one we had at the TexMoMe didn't have the briefcase attachment. Pity.
Remember those bumper stickers from the 70s? Jesus is coming and he is pissed? I understand them better now
How the internet will save the human race
Still more popular than woman's basketball
Old school advertising was wild
Um, that's not a feature
Nailed it
Here's content for the food thread CBD. No need to thank me. I'm a giver.
Nice prank
When your name is Shelby, even your mom takes the piss
Excuse me, do you take commissions?
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Truth:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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