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January 11, 2023
Rasmussen: 50% of Likely Voters Think the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill that Mitch the Bitch and 17 Other Republican Senators Voted to Ram Through Congress In December Is a "Disaster" for the Country
In the last post, I wrongly said "12" Republican Senators voted for the omnibus.
It's worse than that. Of course. It's always worse than that.
It's 18.
And voters don't like it.
A Rasmussen Reports poll found half (50 percent) of the respondents disapprove of the $1.7 trillion, 4,155-page omnibus spending bill passed by Congress last month that was signed into law shortly after. Only 45 percent of the likely voters said they approved of the massive spending package.
Additionally, 61 percent of the respondents agreed with former President Donald Trump's description of the bill when it called it a "monstrosity" and a "disaster for our country." About a third (32 percent) said they disapproved of Trump's characterization of the spending bill.
I agree with Trump here:
On Monday, Trump slammed McConnell and the other Republicans who voted with him to pass the spending bill last month, saying they should be primaried when they are up for reelection.
"It's as though he just doesn't care anymore, he pushes through anything the Democrats want," the former president said of McConnell allowing the Democrats to pass whatever they want in the upper chamber, including last year's omnibus.
"If he waited just ten days, the now "United Republican Congress" could have made it MUCH BETTER, or KILLED IT," Trump explained. "Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him. PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!"