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January 02, 2023
Not So Quick Hits
That cartoon is spot-on. It reminds me of so many of the enlightened liberals I have met over the years, who wax poetic about their sensitivty to the less fortunate, but carefully turn a blind eye to their complicity in that misfortune.
California has many significant problems. In no particular order... homeless, water, energy, illegal aliens, wild fires. And those are just the first ones that came to mind. Luckily the California legislature is true to form, so we can be entertained and disgusted by what they seem to think are more important issues.
Five Radical, Woke California Laws Go Into Effect Today are just nuts. California is done. Stick a fork in it.
This is just perfect. Well...almost perfect. It would have been magnificent had he bet against the Reds, which is obviously what he was doing when he was a player and a manager.
Pete Rose places Ohio's first legal sports bet on Reds to win 2023 World Series
Sorry...Pete Rose is a bum. Betting is bad enough, but his serial lying about it makes it that much worse. And he's a whore for money, and won't sign autographs for his few remaining fans.
These sorts of articles are always good for a laugh. They are based on the pontifications of knuckleheads who bothered to answer a mass email or text from some junior writer at a third-rate website.
6 Hangover Cures We Bet You've Never Tried Before
Besides, everyone knows that the perfect hangover cure is a MacDonald's bacon-egg-cheese biscuit.
There has been a conspicuous and disturbing absence of
this song on AoSHQ, and I for one will not be the one who lets down the side.
Op-Ed: The Racist Roots Of Sleep
How to Poop on a Nuclear Submarine