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� Daily Tech News 21 November 2022 |
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November 21, 2022
The Morning Report — 11/21/22
Good morning, kids. Thanksgiving week is upon us and a local crime story is once again being primed and readied to be weaponized as agitprop to be used against the Left's enemies and yet again as a call to disarm same. That being you and me.
When a known wolf opened fire on club-goers at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., the shooter’s name wasn’t even public before the usual suspects started screaming about how criticism on social media of the insane LGBTQWTF**kery infecting our kids’ schools is to blame for the violence. We still don’t know what the shooter’s motives were, but we do know that he was known to police and had a previous troubling incident where he threatened to blow someone up with a bomb. But because Club Q is a gay club, the people who hate free speech have taken the opportunity to attack the first amendment in a predictable way.
“You can draw a straight line from the false and vile rhetoric about LGBTQ people spread by extremists and amplified across social media, to the nearly 300 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced this year, to the dozens of attacks on our community like this one,” GLAAD’s president and CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis, said.
But can you? For one, we have no idea what the shooter’s motives were and if history proves, it’s more likely that he’s mentally ill and has been ignored by law enforcement who should not have ignored him. But even if he were harboring some anti-LGBT sentiment, that in no way should curtail everyone else’s right to speak out about whatever they want, including criticizing the outrageously radical and highly sexual agenda brought to us by the LGBTQWTF activists and groups like GLAAD.
The rainbow cult is desperate for parents to shut up about the disgusting pornographic books their activists put in children’s libraries, and the unscientific and confusing nursery stories for kindergartners that tell them they can be the opposite sex if they don’t conform to gender-specific toys. The cult really wants us to shut up about the dangers of puberty blockers to children and the crippling complications of gender “affirming” surgeries. The cult wants us to give up our parental authority to school counselors and the state. We’re not going to do any of that.
I admire the author's defiant attitude, but given the nation we live in is for sure no longer the United States of America but rapidly morphing into a de facto fascist totalitarian regime (the Orwellian irony being the word "fascist"used to slime its enemies), at some point it will target those who criticize the sexualization of their children by labeling them as terrorists and criminals. Oh wait; that already happened in Virginia when the NASB colluded with the DOJ and the Oval Office to do exactly that!
In any case, recall the reaction a little over six years ago to the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting used almost exactly the same language. And indeed it was a "hate crime" that targeted the homosexual community. But the volume and ferocity from same went instantaneously from head-inside-Marshall-amp-at-1973-Deep-Purple-concert-level to zero the moment we learned that the perp was someone named Omar Mateen. QED. Details so far are still somewhat sketchy but evidently the perp in this case is also known and even reportedly had made bomb threats in the recent past. While he may not be a Religion of Peace peacenik, he may very well not turn out to be the white supremacist MAGA hat-wearing h8tr the Left is itching for but someone whose politics and motives might turn out to not fit the approved/desired narrative. Stay tuned. Prayers for the victims, in any case.
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, the usual suspects are itching to completely erase the already gossamer thin illusion of our national borders and completely eradicate whatever remains of our national identity, culture and heritage.
Sen. Chuck Schumer made some startling admissions last week about his immigration views: “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but to get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”
The honesty was breathtaking. For so long, Schumer and his party have danced around the truth: They want to legalize anyone coming over our border for any reason. . .
. . . You can tell it’s a political loser as Schumer, who won re-election by 13 points, waited until after the election to tell us all how his party plans to disregard immigration policy and just legalize anyone it wants.
The idea that we have only 11 million illegal immigrants in the country is also laughable. The “or however many” is doing the heavy lifting in Schumer’s declaration. A 2009 Reuters piece on Schumer’s immigration policies had the number at 12 million. The US Border Patrol had 227,547 encounters along our southwest border in September alone. These have been the numbers for much of 2022 and 2021. We had nearly 5 million people in just two years enter on just the southern border. Unlike Democrats, we can do math: 11 million is the lowest of lowballs. . .
. . . as President Donald Trump said in 2019, “If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world.”
Actually, that was Sen. Bernie Sanders. And he was right.
Karol Markowicz is absolutely correct, if not putting it mildly. 11 million isn't a "lowball." It's a complete myth. Even before the Biden junta was installed two years ago, the twin torpedoes of Hart-Celler in 1965 and Simpson-Mazzoli in 1986, along with the barest minimum of border enforcement and a virtual moratorium on mass deportations has meant we more than likely had upwards of three times that number. Now that I think on it, 11 million was the number that was being bandied about at the time of Simpson-Mazzoli. That's 36 years ago.
Think about it. Nearly 10% of our entire population are illegal aliens and at the risk of making a generalization, have no desire to adopt our language, culture and attitudes but are here for a handout or to be charitable, to escape the third world shitholes that define where they came from.
If all those migrant waves streaming north had any idea that the junta in power waving them in is hell bent on performing trans surgery on the American golden goose and turn it into a foo bird, they'd probably turn the hell around and head back from whence they came. The destruction of our economy via the devaluation of the dollar and most alarmingly, the war on carbon is going to turn us into something akin to Haiti meets Weimar Germany. Add to it the absolute political divide on top of the influx of all this third world peasantry and you can throw in Yugoslavia circa 1992 on top of it.
- "What's really behind this move to create synthetic meat from a test tube?"
Which Came First? The Chicken or the Laboratory?
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Sam Bankman-Fried is the ultimate dangerous and ridiculous expression of the most toxic and creepy culture in America."
The Strange Morality of the Bay-Area Billionaire Left
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Why American films ignore life under Communism."
Hollywood Movies Still Missing
- Michael Walsh: " . . .until the country returns to day-and-date elections, between limited hours, in person only, with ironclad identification, there will be no end to this mischief. . . And if nothing meaningful is done, when the GOP loses again in two years, the 2,000 donkeys of the DNC will look at their 'friends' at the RNC and say like Henry Gondorff to Doyle Lonnegan: 'Tough luck... but that's what you get for playing with your head up your ass!'"
The Sting
- Roger Kimball: "Would Merrick Garland have wheeled out the old special counsel wheeze absent Trump’s announcement that he was running for president again?"
Third Time’s a Charm For Merrick Garland
- "Trump officially declared his presidential candidacy to reclaim the White House three days before the appointment of a special counsel."
Garland Moves to Transform J6 Inquisition Into a Permanent Prosecution
- "On Oct. 8, 2010, Smith, then-Chief of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section at the time, called a meeting with former IRS official Lois Lerner 'to discuss how the IRS could assist in the criminal enforcement of campaign-finance laws against politically active nonprofits,' according to testimony from Richard Pilger, then director of the section’s Election Crimes Branch and subordinate of Smith’s, to the Oversight Committee. "
Special Counsel Investigating Trump Was Key Figure In IRS Targeting Scandal
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Mike Pence speaks cowardice to power and joins the January 6 gang."
Pious Candy-Ass Sidewinder
- "Sold as a legal solon, Barr proves that he’s nothing but a hack who hung around in government long enough to make a name for himself."
Bill Barr's Latest Anti-Trump Diatribe Explodes the Myth That He's a Wise Man
- "According to a report, Hartsfield is also facing charges connected with a GoFundMe."
Fake Hate: San Diego Vegan Food Truck Owner Charged With Arson, Insurance Fraud
- "More federal bureaucrats than U.S. Marines are now authorized to pack heat."
Armed and Beltway-ish
- Robert Spencer: "We’re already dealing with a fascist regime."
Free America 2
- It had been an article of faith since the 1990s when the idea of “climate reparations” was first proposed that the United States would never participate in such an extortion scheme. Then Joe Biden got elected. (he wasn't "elected" - jjs)
U.S. Reverses Course, Now Says It Will Pay Climate Extortion Money to Poorer Nations
- "The companies’ vehicles are very clean."
Claims That Volkswagen and Toyota Failed Emissions Tests Are Just Part of Plan to Push EVs
- "We've had just about enough of your individualism, comrade."
Big Brother's Heating & Cooling Service
- "The costs of this moral fraudulence, evident in the Sam Bankman-Fried scandal, are coming due." (pace Joe Mannix, "Sam Bank-Fraud" - jjs)
An Irreligious Culture of Virtue Signaling Without Virtue
- Clarice Feldman: "There's a sucker born every minute."
From Ether to Gold to Dross
- "Retail customers who held assets on FTX are learning a hard lesson on the importance of taking custody of their own wealth."
The Real Victims Of Sam Bankman-Fried’s Ponzi Scheme Are Not Celebrities Or Institutional Partners, But Everyday Investors
- There is little in the way of economics, statistics, or real world deliverables associated with what Samuel Gregg calls a 'new economy.'”
Economic Realities and the New American Economy
- "The report, which assembled union representatives, economists, and others to discuss the impact of decades-long U.S. free trade policy, was requested by U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and conducted in March and April of this year."
Federal Trade Report: Globalization Cripples American Towns as Free Trade Moves Jobs Overseas, Crushes Wages
- Karol Makowicz: ". . . , as President Donald Trump said in 2019, 'If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world.' Actually, that was Sen. Bernie Sanders. And he was right."
Cuck Schemer finally admits it: Democrats don’t want any real immigration law
- "Does he really think those border crossers can fit right in overnight?" (they're not supposed to "fit right in" - jjs)
Schumer on Immigration—Lies, Damn Lies
- "As noted by the group of Democrats, Biden did promise to open taxpayer-subsidized health insurance benefits to illegal aliens living in the United States while on the campaign trail in 2020."
Democrats Beg Joe Biden to Open Taxpayer-Subsidized Obamacare to DACA Illegal Aliens
- "Title 42, a Trump-era COVID-19 pandemic policy banning migrants from crossing the U.S. border, has been used to remove 2.3 million migrants since 2020, or about 40% of migrants encountered, according to the New York Post and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But a federal judge has overturned the ban with a five-week deadline, and there are already crowds camping on the border waiting for Dec. 21, the official end of Title 42."
‘Avalanche’ of Illegals Ready to Flood US Border as Title 42 Ends
- Police learned that the suspect was in a home near his mother’s residence and went to speak with him. He initially refused to interact with the police before eventually coming out to surrender. He was charged with “with two counts of felony menacing, and three counts of first-degree kidnapping for the incident.”
Report: Colorado Shooting Suspect Allegedly Threatened His Mother with Homemade Bomb in 2021
- ". . . the myth that the attack was a hate crime specifically targeting the LGBT community remains alive and well. There’s even a planned memorial and museum — yes, a museum — dedicated to perpetuating the lie that this was an LGBT hate crime."
Reminder: The Club Q Shooting May Not Be What the Left Wants You to Believe It Is
- "They’re so desperate for us to be silenced that they are now trying to smear everyone who refuses to join their cult as being responsible for some deranged lunatic who shot people."
GLAAD's Club Q Shooting Response Calls for Silencing Critics
- "I find it noteworthy that he began his statement by acknowledging that there is no known motive. Biden has never missed an opportunity to exploit a tragedy for political ends; does his concession that there is no known motive mean that his administration has already learned the shooting wasn’t an LGBTQ hate crime?'
Biden Makes an Interesting Admission About the Club Q Shooting
* * * * *
- "If we’ve learned anything from the response to [Chinese] COVID-19 it’s that you do not allow government more power because it will find a way to abuse it. If the new standard of the death penalty is whether any activity provides mortal harm within a society, we could apply this incredibly low standard to nearly any industry."
If Chinese Covid Response Taught Us Anything About Government, We'd Reject the Death Penalty for Drug Dealers
- “The people have spoken. Trump will be reinstated. Vox Populi, Vox Dei,” tweeted Musk, quoting a Latin phrase that means “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” He tweeted the announcement immediately after the conclusion of a poll asking the question “Reinstate former President Trump.”
Elon Musk Reinstates Trump’s Twitter Account
- “I am terribly disturbed about it. I know that he is going to try to use it to continue to organize his constituency. It also gives him an opportunity to try and make people believe why he should be president of the United States. So he is going to politicalize it, he is going to use it, and all of those domestic terrorists that he is leading will have a voice. I am very disturbed about this.” (foul, criminal, low-life shit-whore - jjs)
Maxine "Mikva" Waters: Trump Will Lead Domestic Terrorists on Twitter
- "Cope and seethe."
Idiots React to Trump’s Twitter Return
- CBS News reporter Jonathan Vigliotti said Friday that the network would cease sharing content on Twitter out of “uncertainty” of how the platform would perform after thousands of employees had either been forced out or chosen to resign instead of continuing to work under Musk.
CBS News Resumes Twitter Activity Less Than 48 Hours After Pausing ‘Out Of An Abundance Of Caution’
- “The New York Times spoke to 10 experts in aging about what the next six years might look like for a person of that age. They agreed that Biden has a lot going in his favor.”
NY Times Runs Interference for Joe Biden on Age, Fitness Questions Ahead of Expected 2024 Run
- Larry Elder: "But writer Ian Prasad Philbrick is keeping it real - by saying he too is black."
NY Times’ Racist Attack Against Herschel Walker
- "The Empire State’s problems keep getting worse as a new report reveals the state paid out billions in fraudulent unemployment claims."
Report: New York Paid $11 Billion in Fraudulent Unemployment Claims in a Single Year of Chinese Covid
- "The academic shouters are largely part of the broad comedy of youth. Many of them are going to learn what freedom of speech is, possibly the hard way."
Coulter Shouted Down at Cornell: What to Make of the Shouters?
- "What should make this whole story even more disgusting is that both the previous and present board is made up entirely of Republicans. This odious behavior was not done by Democrats, but by the so-called defenders of conservative values."
Pushback: Court orders school board to stop censoring and banning parents
- "Teachers unions finally have some competition in all-important school board races."
School Board Battles Are Raging
- "Writing on the wall."
Here’s Why Top US Universities May Be Pulling Out Of High-Profile Ranking System
- "Both Fadel’s story and the testimony videos produced by Live Action serve to share this reality with other women before they make a decision that will potentially leave them with the same trauma and grief."
Therapist: Yes, Post-Abortive Women Suffer From ‘Trauma’ and ‘Complicated Grief’
- "The Democrats recognize that today’s lazy voter will never press the matter of voter fraud."
Lazy Voters Enable Democratic Fraud
- "The Democratic Party of Georgia — along with Warnock’s campaign and prominent Democratic lawyer Marc Elias — have filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent the Peach State from banning early voting on Saturday, Nov. 26, two days after Thanksgiving. But Georgia law clearly states that if the second Saturday before the election follows a Thursday or Friday public holiday, early voting should not happen on that Saturday. The Georgia runoff will be held on Dec. 6."
Georgia Democrats Cry ‘Voter Suppression’ Over a Law That Will Restrict Ballot Harvesting Plans
- Clarice Feldman: "Despite Kevin McCarthy's uniparty aspirations, a Republican House must begin investigating the Biden [junta]."
Congressional Hearings — Do Them Right or Not at All
- Robert Spencer: "As foggy as her speech is, Jean-Pierre made the Biden regime’s strategy clear: dodge, deflect, impute base motives, change the subject, and more. Will this strategy save Hunter and Joe? Given the competence of congressional Republicans, almost certainly."
Asked About Joe Biden’s Involvement In Hunter’s Shady Dealing, Karine Jean-Pierre Flails and Sputters
- "Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) claims his church's building does not evict residents."
This Vietnam Veteran Paid His Past-Due Rent. He Still Faces Eviction From Ebenezer Baptist Church’s Apartment.
- "Will Democrats return bankrupt FTX donations to its investors?"
The Dems' FTX Scandal is Only Just Beginning
- "Associates of Nadine Arslanian, who married Menendez in 2020, were subpoenaed by the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. It is not clear what specific information the office is seeking." (yawn - jjs)
Dem Senator and Wife Under Scrutiny in Federal Corruption Investigation
- Daniel Greenfield: "The Obama Presidential Center finds a noose as fundraising declines."
Obama Goes Jussie Smollett With a Fake Noose
- “These complaints go beyond pure speculation, but include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election law,” wrote Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright in a Saturday letter to the county’s chief civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy.
Arizona Gov. Election In Doubt As AG Demands Full Report On ‘Myriad Problems’ In Maricopa Voting
- On Saturday, Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright informed Thomas Liddy, the Civil Division Chief at the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, that the AGO wanted some answers.
Finally! Arizona Attorney General Launches Inquiry Into Maricopa County Election Day Fiasco
- "The Biden family is expected to mark the occasion with brunch at the White House hosted by first lady Jill Biden, according to the White House. Many Biden family members are in Washington, DC for the president’s oldest granddaughter Naomi Biden’s wedding, which was held at the White House on Saturday." (may Malach ha Mawis give him a fat kiss on the lips, with tongue - jjs)
Oldest American So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" in Office Joe Biden Turns 80 as He Weighs Reelection Campaign
- "There is no substitute for victory."
Ron DeSantis Lays Out The Roadmap For Republicans To Dominate
- "At the very moment that the midterm campaigns have come to an end, Trump has turned the attention to himself."
Choose a President Who Can Harness His Ego for the Greater Good
- "While others have become prominent in our political culture after him, no one is quite like Trump and to think otherwise is ludicrous."
Remember Why You Liked Trump In the First Place?
- "The next two years are about House Republicans building a record full of initiatives that voters approve."
A House Majority, if Republicans can Keep It
* * * * *
- "Republicans must stop relying on the political consultant class that’s addicted to losing."
The GOP’s Political Consultant Problem
- "One of the more bizarre twists of the upcoming presidential election is that the real Donald Trump must first defeat the fake Donald Trump his enemies created."
Donald Trump I should run, while Donald Trump II might be stopped
- Expletive deleted.
Paul Ryan Calls Himself a "Never-Again-Trumper," Says It Will Be "Really Hard" to Govern With Thin Majority
- “We watch anti-Semitism grow, not just on our campuses, but we watched it grow In the halls of Congress.”
Kevin McCarthy Vows to Remove Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou
From House Foreign Affairs Committee
- "The Right has an overly restrictive view of politics. But for the Left, politics occupies the same place that religion does for most people."
For the Left, Politics Is a Full-Time Job
- "The Democrats don’t want a middle class that votes Republican, they want poor dependents and urbanites with multiple, expensive degrees."
The Wokeing Dead Horde Stopped the Red Wave
- "It said the continued probe would determine whether it would be possible to identify those responsible."
Sweden Says Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Confirmed as Sabotage
- "Everyone knows what Article 5 means."
More Fog, More War
- “The structure was set ablaze as protesters celebrated a symbolic victory over the Iran’s regime.” (BLM = Burqa Lies Manifest - jjs)
Iran: Protesters Set Fire to Ayatollah Khomeini’s Ancestral Home
- "Pay close attention to the president of international soccer as he takes identity politics to the absolute zenith of idiocy. Why? To make a point about western nations complaining about the oppressive nature of the World Cup host nation’s government."
International Soccer President in Epic Rant Against the West for Misunderstanding Qatar's Oppression
- "Qatar is trampling on the rights of hooligans."
The First World Cup Without Beer: Sharia and Corruption in Qatar
- "In 2022, the heroic land of 1956 has, under Viktor Orbán, squandered its reputation."
The Writing on the Wall: Hungary Between East and West
- "When you get a tongue-lashing from your boss."
Xi Dresses Down Trudeau
- The 69-page report, titled "Why the Afghan Government Collapsed," gives six main reasons."
SIGAR: U.S. War in Afghanistan 'Failed'; A 'Tragedy That Unfolded Over 20 Years'
- Daniel Greenfield: "The Taliban chop hands while Biden funds them."
Biden Prints Money for the Taliban
- "'Get woke, go broke' also applies to military readiness."
Tip of the Spear: What Our Lack of Military Readiness Portends
- "$25 billion deficit is not likely to dissipate soon, as more California companies moving headquarters out-of-state than ever before."
Recession and Inflation Drain California’s $100 Billion Surplus
- "Conservatives should consider how to make housing more affordable."
Rethinking Conservative Housing Policy
- "Americans deserve a fiscally stable mail carrier that can deliver without breaking the bank."
New Congress Must Revisit Postal Reform
- "Activists and academics exploit a disparity between blacks and whites to push a narrative of systemic medical racism."
A Woke Panic on Maternal Mortality
- "Canada’s surging number of assisted suicides reveals that consent is a weak and malleable thing."
The Collapse of Consent in Canada
- "In three and a half years, the spacecraft completed around 18,000 orbits and traveled 8 million km (5 million miles), adjusting its orbit continuously to keep itself aloft. But all good things must come to an end, and sometime on November 17, drag finally won the tug-of-war and pulled the spacecraft back to Earth."
LightSail-2 completes three-plus year mission, burning up in atmosphere
- "On November 7, 2022, the Lucy science team made another attempt to complete the deployment of one of the spacecraft’s two solar arrays, as shown in the graphic to the right. After launch that array failed to deploy properly, and though later attempts have gotten it mostly open, it has not latched tight."
Lucy engineers again attempt to complete deployment of solar array
- "Her story is a microcosm of what’s happening across the U.S.: thousands of teen girls are undergoing irreversible biomedical interventions to resolve gender identity issues they would likely outgrow on their own, experts say, and doctors are encouraging the medicalization of these minors despite health risks the treatments present. "
‘Groomed And Preyed Upon’: Young Woman Was Pressured Into Mastectomy, Testosterone As A Child — Now She Regrets It
- "If, as a society, we decide that we want to keep these protections on the books, then we need to stop pretending they apply to teachers wearing fetish gear to school and involving all of the staff and students in their sexual kink."
GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS: Predators are Hiding Behind 'Gender Identity' Protections
- "New rules from the Biden [junta] will worsen gender-related distress in children."
The School-to-Clinic Pipeline
- "The choreographer who refused to dance to the transgender beat."
Standing Up to Trans Tyrants
- "REVIEW: White Women: Everything You Already Know about Your Own Racism and How to Do Better."
Dinner Party From Hell
- "Don Lemon is right, for a change. There is no excuse for why any of these contestants didn’t know who Justice Jackson was."
Jeopardy's Brightest Didn't Know Who Ketanji Jackson Is, and CNN Can't Even
- "CNBC’s Jim Cramer called for Chapek’s firing over the financial losses. He slammed the CEO for his 'delusional' characterization of the quarter, in which the streaming service Disney+ took a $1.5 billion loss, causing the media giant to miss Wall Street’s projections."
Disney ousts Bob Chapek, brings back Bob Iger as CEO
- Christian Toto: "Legendary author reveals content battles to bring The Maze to the public."
Nelson DeMille Calls Sensitivity Readers "Chilling," "Orwellian"
- Enola Holmes 2 tones down the wokeness, but it’s not enough to make it a good film."
Second Rate Holmes
- “It feels like everything is betraying you because everything is betraying you.”
The Trad Mystique
- "How many nuts do the Diversity Police want?"
Diversity Is Our Strength? Says Who?
- "As Shakespeare transcended Sophocles in his appreciation of love and hate and wonderment, there might be something of our salvation to be found in novels, and movies, and even in music."
A Commonplace Enlightenment
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:38 AM
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