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November 08, 2022
Exit Polls Begin Dropping: 73% of Voters Either Dissatisfied or Angry at Biden Record; 66% Don't Want Him to Run Again
So this is how democracy dies...
with a vote.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken
Biden's campaign stops hurt Democrats and helped Republicans, claim Republican operatives. Sounds legit.
President Joe Biden's presence on the campaign trail failed to resonate with voters, GOP strategists say, and ended up hurting his Democratic colleagues in what Biden himself has said is "one of the most important elections in our lifetime."
Biden played it safe on the campaign trail over the past week as he visited mostly Democrat-heavy areas, but he already did damage to Democratic candidates with several appearances that failed to talk about issues that voters care about. GOP strategists said the shift in polling data toward Republicans in recent weeks can be attributed, at least in part, to Biden's lackluster performance on the campaign trail.
Brendan Steinhauser, a consultant for GOP candidates, said Biden failed to create a message that can appeal to moderate voters.
"I think his message is tone-deaf and out of touch, especially with working-class voters and independents," Steinhauser told Fox News Digital. "He's still relatively popular with the Democratic base, but that's it. With independent and swing voters, he's a liability not an asset."
Fake Jake did some of his patented pearl clutching over Trump referring to Nancy Pelosi -- who is a senior member of the opposing party during an election -- "an animal," insisting that you're not allowed to say anything negative about her because it might inspire another Right Wing Nudist Pedo-Adjacent Drug Addict BLM-Flag-Flying Hemp-Jewelry-Making Ultra MAGA Republican Attacker.
Fake Jake never told anyone they are not permitted to attack Rand Paul or Bret Kavanaugh, and he never attacked Democrats for saying that Rand Paul's neighbor "had a point," as Paul Pelosi's daughter did.
But he's a Good Guy, twitter cvcks tell me.
Palm Beach County, the county that tried to steal the 2000 election for Gore, is -- or was -- heavily Democratic.
And today?
Anthony Pedicini
Palm Beach County, FL performing just over D+5%... are we seeing a major shift in Florida's political geography?
Ralston is running away from his previous (favorable to the Democrat) predictions:
Jon Ralston
"How are you feeling about your predictions?"
--Multiple people emailing and texting me.
"What predictions?"
--Me, trying to get into @TheNVIndy's Content Management System to find the delete key.
Al Franken on CNN:
"What I worry about...if the Republicans take over...we're not gonna be able to pass anything...There will be hearings...they'll investigate Hunter Biden...those people will want to impeach Biden...I worry about it just being very, very ugly."
Me, Voting Straight Republican Ticket:


Regarding the exit polls: The exit polls understate Republican support, and yet... they seem to presage a Republican victory.
Take, for example, the, um, example of Guam.
Rich Baris "The People's Pundit"
Worth noting, James Moylan, the Republican who defeated Judi Won Pat (D) for Guam's delegate to Congress, was trailing in the exit polls, SIGNIFICANTLY.
13 points, last I saw. He won by 5 points.
Folks, I kid you not. The exit poll showed:
Judith Won Pat, Democrat: 56.3%
James Moylan, Republican: 43.7%
Moylan, won. 5 points.
Speaking of exit polls, though:
Political Polls
CBS Exit Poll:
Would you like to see Joe Biden run for president again in 2024?
No 66%
Yes 30%