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November 08, 2022
One Progressive Group Has Already Sent Out a Post-Mortem Explaining Why Democrats Lost This Election
First Republican Victory of the Day!

Matthew Yglesias
At least one progressive group *already sent out* its analysis of why Democrats lost the midterms because they weren't progressive enough.
The first Republican win of the day comes from Guam. Guam sends a non-voting delegate to Congress. This position was created in 1972. Only one Republican has ever been elected from Guam before today. But now there is a second.
In New York District 17, where DCCC Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney -- who just told people bitten by his party's inflation to eat Chef Boy-ar-dee -- may well lose to Republican Michael Lawler, what do you know, voting machines aren't working in precincts with a lot of very conservative-voting Hasidim. It's almost as if Democrats have a national strategy of voter suppression.
Meanwhile, Democrat turnout problems are all-natural, and well-earned:
Pradheep J. Shanker
I've heard bad turnout among Dems in both Ohio and Michigan.
In Ohio, it's going to be an early night.
Erick Erickson
Democrats are having turnout problems in a growing number of states today.