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June 30, 2022
Liz Cheney Makes Her Pitch To Democrats: " these days, for the most part, men are running the world, and it's really not going all that well"

More Chins than the blackmail exploitation team
assigned by Chinese Intelligence to Eric Swallwell's casefile
Liz Cheney is, as expected, courting Democrats in her " " " Home State " " " of Wyoming, which she has visited three or four times:
Embattled Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney is turning to Democrats in her state as she looks to fend off a serious primary challenge in August, providing Democratic voters with instructions on how to change parties so they can support her -- even as Cheney and her allies continue to tout her conservative bona fides.
Two people familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN that Cheney has made overtures to Democrats in her state, both through targeted mailers outlining the steps someone would need to take to switch party affiliation and on her campaign website, which now features an FAQ on how to "change my party affiliation to register as a Republican so I can vote for Liz."
She's taken a bit of a hit with Democrats due to the Dobbs ruling, which she is still required to pretend she supports, so she's making an explicitly Feminist appeal direct from Hillary Clinton's playbook: Girls Get It Done!
Scott MacFarlane
Rep Liz Cheney speech in California last night:
"... to the little girls and to the young women who are watching tonight: these days, for the most part, men are running the world, and it's really not going all that well"
Remember, if women ran the world, there would be no war.
As long as none of those women were Liz Cheney.

Oh so now Cheney is a biologist?
Posted by: JackStraw
During Pride Month, Jack? Seriously?
Meanwhile, Evan McMullin is making the same play for Democrats in Utah:
Evan McMullin
I'm running as an independent because I want to represent voters -- not special interest groups, not party bosses, not extremists. It's the way it should be.
126 "Cheney has made overtures to Democrats in her state,"
She should be making overtures to a salad.
Posted by: Marcus T
Victor Davis Hanson's thirst for cruelty is, momentarily, slaked.