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June 24, 2022
The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear ONTs Shall Not Be Infringed
Welcome to Friday. Kind of a momentous couple of days. I could have loaded up the ONT with nothing but SCOTUS memes, like this one, which is borderline NSFW, but I shall refrain.
The gang violence in the streets today was shameful
And after dark it got worse
The perils of talk to text
Another example of red flag laws
Friday wholesome content
I can't argue with this
Nice illustration of how stupid “BCE” is
Friday Meme making tip
99 degrees at 7 PM tonight in East Texas
Anon has a cunning plan
Don't try to out-Cruise Tom Cruise

Fido Friday: Hi!
Meme from the Great Red North
And another
Sneaky little rascal
What we've lost
Why are they fighting to withhold the body cam footage?
Oh, OK. 1 SCOTUS meme
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Brian Stelter:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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