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June 13, 2022
Network Sunday Shows Completely Embargo Story of One Of Their Political Fellow-Travelers Trying to Kill a Supreme Court Justice
Steve Guest
How the Sunday shows covered the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh via TVEyes.
# of mentions of "Kavanaugh":
ABC's This Week: 0 mentions
NBC's Meet The Press: 0 mentions
CBS's Face The Nation: 0 mentions
CNN SOTU: 0 mentions
Fox News Sunday covered
Glenn Greenwald
Would anyone like to claim that if a MAGA supporter were arrested outside of Sonia Sotomayor or Elena Kagan's house with a huge arsenal of weaponry, saying he wanted to murder them to stop their votes on Roe and gun control, that this media data would be the same? Anyone?
Even this old satyr gets it:
Even this liberal simp gets it:
Via Twitchy, and via Posobiec -- the week that a domestic terrorist attempted to "pop" Brett Kavanaugh, Joe Biden brags about getting "viscerally angry" against political opponents and wanting to "pop 'em."
He's just discovered that the US has no shipping industry of its own and that foreign companies do all the shipping and can set prices.
Strange how we never, ever have a National Discussion about the left's nonstop calls for violence, and their acts in furtherance of political violence, such as posting the addresses of Supreme Court justices, or bailing out antifa rioters who hit cops in the head with chunks of concrete.
But we're supposed to believe they're very very sad that poor Brian Sicknick got hit with some mace.