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June 04, 2022
Daily Tech News 4 June 2022
Actually made it to New House today. Turned out the real estate agent isn't open on Saturdays, but the agents are out doing open homes and my agent came back and gave me the keys and a little box of goodies that I can't eat.
New House is as expected. Took me a long time to find the heating controls - the panel is in the back hallway - so it was a pretty chill place for the first few hours.
Everything I tried seemed to work. I didn't have an Ethernet cable with me (those will arrive tomorrow) so I couldn't try out the fiber internet, but I did discover that there are four rooms wired with Ethernet, and a patch panel in the study where the fiber connection comes in. Unless they've used truly garbage cables I should be able to get at least 2.5Gb between those rooms.
Shower works. Built-in Pepsi fridge has a capacity of 24 1.25L bottles - or presumably 30 wine bottles. Boiling and chilled water on tap work. Garbage disposal - I didn't know there was one - seems to work.
I also opened the Never Open This Door door. Behind it are a lot of tins of paint, spare tiles, that kind of thing, a 3000 litre rainwater tank and pump, and a lot of dirt. No Eldritch Horrors so far.
Normal tech news to resume shortly.
Oh, and I found donuts. Gluten-free donuts. Bought half a dozen. They're going to be dinner tonight.
The one thing I really miss after a decade and change with Celiac Disease is donuts. If these are even half decent I'm going to buy a lot of them

posted by Pixy Misa at
06:56 AM
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