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Daily Tech News 4 June 2022 »
June 03, 2022
It's Always ONT Time
Welcome to Friday night. Please open your bibles to the letter of Paul to the...
I notice this a lot
The left can't seem to take yes for an answer. A few weeks ago when when the Roe decision leaked, there was some lib going on about how if abortion was outlawed, then men should be required to support the child and be a father to it. I've never seen so many people agreeing with a post, and she just kept trying to fight them because if she'd have listened to them it would have ruined her chance to be a victim. Gun control too. How many times have you seen a Prog say something like “We should give black people guns, the Republicans would ban them within a week”, and refuse to budge from the statement even after hundreds of pro-2A folks say “What a marvelous idea”. WRT the meme, that song is from the video game FarCry 5. Never played it, but as I understand the plot, you play a fed who is taking on a Christian group in Montana that just wants to be left alone. I agree with ChadJack up there. It's a banging song.
If it's not Baroque, don't fix it
Word of the day
I looked it up in the dictionary, and apparently emordnilap is a perfectly cromulent word.
What did you do that for?
We're down to the final 4, who are you pulling for?
Happy Platinum Jubilee Queen Elizabeth!
Always cite facts when arguing online. From an argument about pit bulls
I don't think this is going to go away anytime soon. The Uvalde cops did more harm to law enforcement than a month's worth of BLM riots
Friday wholesome content
Bon Mot
Fido Friday: Wheeee!
That would be a good t-shirt
The monkey's paw for a more cynical age
You're never too old to stir shit
Tone deaf. I've never heard of one Latino person who likes “Latinx”. Why do the libs keep using it?
Tweets from Sodor
False flags
Inflection point: A thread of memes linked in a meme ONT
Like a Roman stone
People are people, and always have been. This stone was found near Hadrian's Wall, built in the 120s. The inscription reads "Secundinus Cacator", which would roughly translate to "Secundinus is a shithead". There's also a giant dick.
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Top Gun: Maverick:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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