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June 03, 2022
The Morning Rant: Woke Corporations Aren’t Showing Their Rainbow Pride in the Middle East
Happy “Pride Month” everyone. You may have noticed that everything is suddenly rainbow-hued for the month of June. Pretty much every institution is demanding that you celebrate the rainbow of sexual lifestyles. Sorry, but the demand that I celebrate something – anything – is compelled speech, and I assertively reject compelled speech.
By the way, I have gay family members and a few good friends that are homosexual. I choose to celebrate them, their friendships, their talents, and even their loving relationships, but I do not celebrate their sexual orientation. Neither do I celebrate my being straight. No one should celebrate the fact that I’m attracted to women, although they certainly may celebrate how blessed I am to be married to Mrs. Throckmorton.
For those trying to keep their virtue signaling current, they’ve suddenly been put in a tough spot. If they haven’t already replaced the Ukraine flag with the rainbow flag in their social media avatars, I can only assume that they’re anti-LGBT bigots.
And now I’m going to get serious about something that is seriously offensive.
Woke corporations that drape themselves in the rainbow flag during the month of June throughout the western world - even altering their logos to be rainbow hued - are leaving their logos unchanged in the Middle East. They’ve done this for years, but I’ve noticed that more media outlets are calling them out on it this year. Good.
Here are some disturbing examples. Because I’ve always loved the auto industry, I am mainly going to pick on auto manufacturers, but there are hundreds of other examples in other industries.
This is a really bad look for HSBC, which rainbowed-up its logo throughout most of the world, but chose not to do so in the United Arab Emirates, where homosexuality is punishable by death.
It would be less offensive if global companies just abstained from the whole June LGBT celebration if they’re going to simultaneously accommodate the laws and regulations of Middle Eastern countries that criminalize homosexuality.
By forgoing the rainbow in Middle Eastern countries only, it is clear that these companies endorse Middle Eastern countries’ anti-LGBT policies. Why is that acceptable to LGBT activists? It’s time for woke corporation to either put up or shut up.
(buck.throckmorton at protonmail dot com)
posted by Buck Throckmorton at
11:00 AM
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