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June 03, 2022
PolitiLie Lies Again
PolitiFact lied in its "fact"-checks of reports that Stacy Abrams had encouraged Major League Baseball to boycott Georgia. She had. She had said "boycotts work" and, speaking of sports leagues playing in the state, said she "couldn't argue" with an "individual's choice" to boycott Georgia due to its supposedly racist voter laws.
When this exhortation to boycott prodded MLB to move the All-Star Game from Georgia to Colorado (a state with more restrictive voting laws, amusingly enough), Abrams began to get blowback for her op-ed.
Charles Gasparino
SCOOP: @MLB sources say owners were blindsided at least by the timing of
@RobManfred's decision to pull the All-Star game from Atlanta. Also said his decision came after speaking w @staceyabrams, which is odd since she has now said she's against the boycott. Story developing
So she advised in favor of the boycott, and then, when it happened, claimed she'd been against it the whole time.
But there was that little matter of the paper record -- her Op-Ed in which she'd argued in favor of the boycott.
No problem there: USAToday allowed her, against all journalistic ethics, to retroactively stealth-edit it to remove the clear urging of MLB to boycott her own state.
And PolitiFact now ignores the original op-ed -- and only cites the edited version -- in claiming that it's "missing context" to say she told MLB to boycott the state.
Furthermore, when people point this out -- when they point out that PolitiFact is now lying in their fact-checks -- PolitiFact (who FaceBook employs as a supposed professional, disinterested "fact" checker) slaps criticisms of PolitiFact itself with a "Missing Context" warning label.
PolitiFact is now being permitted to act as Disinformation Governance Board in its own matter of pushing disinformation.
Which is, of course, by design; this is exactly what the censors intend all along. They will censor; they will counterfeit the truth and substitute falsity for fact; and when you point out they are lying, they will brand you as DISINFORMATION WRONG-THINKERS and punish you.
That has always been the ultimate goal of every thought-controller, everywhere, since the beginning of the hateful practice.