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May 27, 2022
Texas Department of Public Safety Admits: Waiting an Hour Before Taking Out an Armed Madman in a Room Full of Children Was Not the Optimal Call
We made a bad call, Ripley.
Julio Rosas
DPS Director McGraw says it was a mistake for the on-scene commander to determine the shooter was a "barricaded subject" instead of an active shooter. Believing he was a "barricaded subject" gave police the false impression they had time.
Scott MacFarlane
Texas DPS: On-site commander was convinced there was no more threat to the children... Which is why posture of police changed
But agency now acknowledges: Kids were still at risk. And kids and others needed medical response
It was a bad call, Ripley. There's no getting around that. It was a bad call.
Don't re-think your initial declaration while you've got a madman in a room with children. Just keep "waiting for resources." Just keep waiting for the Real Police to save you.
I know everyone's shocked that the cop paid to be at the school, safeguarding it, was in fact not at the school, and the cops are not giving us a reason why he wasn't at the school.
Julio Rosas
DPS Director McGraw confirms a school resource officer was not originally on campus before the shooting but could not explain why that was the case.
What do you want to guess? Donuts or banging his mistress?
Think we'll find out that he did this routinely, and that people at the school and other cops routinely covered for him?
They decided they had time to send someone to go find the spare key to get into the room instead of knocking the door in.
Wouldn't want to harm that door. That could cost a couple hundred dollars to fix!
Reporter: "What efforts were the officers making to try and break through either that door or another door to get inside the classroom?"
Texas DPS Director Steve McCraw: "None at that time"
https://t.co/FaBNzlT36Z https://t.co/sC65hOrTcR
-- Anthony DeRosa (@Anthony) May 27, 2022
And apparently the Border Patrol Tactical team that killed the shooter did wait and waste time before breaching the room and killing the maniac.
But they were told to wait by local police.
J. David Goodman
DEVELOPING: The tactical team that eventually killed the Uvalde gunman arrived at the school far earlier than previously known, but was told to hold back and not go in by local police, according to two officials familiar with the response
Remember, no one needs a gun.
You have the highly-trained and motivated professionals of government-paid law enforcement to protect you and your family.
Repeating this question:
Here's what I'd like investigated: I wonder if the nation's prioritization of never shooting "unarmed (but actually armed) felons" has caused us to stop hiring cops with the sort of psychology you actually need for effective law enforcement -- which may occasionally necessitate shooting people -- and caused us instead to hire passive, cowardly shlubs who enjoy sitting around picking the underwear out of their asses while waiting for Real Police to show up and do their jobs for them.
I honestly do not understand how "men" were content to stand outside while a real monster was inside a room with children, some alive, some dead, some bleeding out, and were content to just stand there doing nothing.
Wasn't this what they signed up for?
Or was it just all for the early retirement?