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May 06, 2022
The Morning Report - 5/6/22
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and of course the leak of Justice Alito's majority opinion that indicates overturning the hideous anti-Constitutional Roe v Wade decision tops the news. The issue of abortion is not, for lack of a better word, important, or at least should not be the focus of things. Like everything else the Left gloms onto or otherwise uses as both a shield and cudgel, the goal was, is and always will be to seize absolute power and hold onto it "by any means necessary," as the saying goes.
The reaction from virtually every level of Democrat-Leftist political leadership has been absolutely appalling if not surprising. Worst of all is the reaction to this from the rotting cabbage at the top, via the kontrollers in the Kalorama Klown Komintern.
“You guys spent some time yesterday talking about what you think are … extreme wings of the Republican Party. Do you think the progressive activists that are now planning protests outside of justices’ houses are extreme?” Doocy asked.
“Peaceful protest? No. Peaceful protest is not extreme,” Psaki replied.
“Some of these justices have young kids. Their neighbors are not all public figures, so would the president think about waving off activists that want to go into residential neighborhoods in Virginia and Maryland?” Doocy pressed again.
Psaki pushed back, saying that the United States had a long documented history of allowing peaceful protest.
“We certainly encourage people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of violence. Let me tell you what I was referring to and what the president was referring to yesterday,” Psaki attempted to redirect the conversation.“
Not about yesterday, just about moving forward — these activists posted a map with the home addresses of the Supreme Court justices,” Doocy said. “Is that the kind of thing this president wants to help your side make their point?”
“Look, I think the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document,” Psaki replied, saying again that the White House supported peaceful protest.
“He doesn’t care if they’re protesting outside the Supreme Court or outside someone’s private residence?” Doocy asked.
“I don’t have an official U.S. Government position on where people protest,” Psaki replied. “I want it — we want it of course to be peaceful … I think we shouldn’t lose the point here, the reason people are protesting is because women across the country are worried about their fundamental rights that have been law for 50 years. Their rights to make choices about their own bodies and their own health care are at risk. That’s why people are protesting — they’re unhappy, they’re scared.”
Yeah, they want it to be peaceful. But if Sam Alito, his wife and his kids should wind up burned to a crisp because of mostly peaceful Molotov cocktails hurled through their window, while the police and fire department are ordered to look the other way, well that'd be a real shame but completely understandable because the hurlers of said incendiary devices were "unhappy" and "scared."
The highlighted quote from Peppermint Piss-Hockey above is proof positive that not only does this Junta approve of the terror campaign, they more than likely are paying for it and orchestrating it. Just as they did in the wake of the criminal George Floyd and no doubt all the other innocent-as-the-day-is-long little lambs "murdered" by white cops /sarc. About the only spark of sanity is Democrat Senator Mark Warner who has come out unequivocally to condemn the terrorizing of the justices as well as the leak of the decision. Good on him for that.
There's a reason they're doing all this. A growing mass of people across the political spectrum are truly "unhappy" and "scared" to say the least over what this illegitimate junta has done to them and the country in the span of barely 15 months and are champing at the bit to kick their asses out power. Dao-Min Yen shenanigans at the polls notwithstanding.
But there's more to it than that. Even after more than a half century of indoctrination in the schools, societal dissolution via cultural rot, and balkanization via mass immigration without assimilation, the fact that we are on the cusp of tossing out a landmark (for all the wrong reasons) SCOTUS decision that is the sine qua non of Leftist dogma, utterly debunks their belief that they represent the majority of thought in this country. The more I think about it, the more I don't think the election of Reagan was a one-off and for sure Donald Trump. Both were complete rejections of the Socialist/Globalist project to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian shit hole prostrate before the world. When you see who each one defeated and what they had wrought during their terms in office, that becomes crystal clear. Especially Obama.
Obama, as we all know, suffers from narcissist personality disorder and cannot handle either rejection or criticism. When he doesn't have a teleprompter or an audience of confederate clapping seals, he truly is a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure. Joe "the plumber" Wurzelbacher proved it and we all know what happened to him.
I would say in another time and another place, when you look at Obama's words and deeds - regardless of who put them in his mouth - politically speaking, there is very little to distinguish him from a Saddam Hussein or an Idi Amin. Then again, in this time and in this place, that is exactly who he is. With American citizens continuing to languish in the Garland Archipelago because of an FBI entrapment scam, as well as an impending Ministry of Truth run by a Department of Internal, er, Homeland Security that ignores Leftist and Islamic acts of real terrorism while targeting spurious fictional "white supremacists" and "insurrectionists" and more to the point peaceful citizens who are speaking out against the Junta's legitimacy as well as its policies, Obama and his beard with the tiresome angry black woman schtick are damning the first amendment while at the same time urging the mind numbed robots of the left to "get in their faces."
Remember, Obama was the one (heh) who kept going on and on about the Constitution needing to be trashed because it was a compendium of what he called "negative rights." I doubt he came up with that but the crux of the biscuit is that he hates the Constitution because it protects the individual while constraining an all-powerful State. To him, that is a negative - mostly because he views himself as the State. And so, here we are. Everything crashing in on the Left and worse, crashing down on our heads as a result of what they have done. They've stolen elections, they have a virtually uncheckable bureaucracy and they thought they had SCOTUS in their back pocket. And now this.
I really think with everything happening, there is nothing they will not resort to that will prevent them from the final overthrow. Even the completely unthinkable.
It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It’s not just that we’re sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin’ words, are training Ukrainian troops and are trying to effect Moscow’s economic destruction. It’s also that, senior American officials have now revealed, via intelligence aid the U.S. has helped to:
-- kill Moscow’s generals,
-- down a plane carrying Russian soldiers, and
-- sink one of Putin’s warships. The kicker:
By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden [junta] officials appear to be bragging about these “exploits” and rubbing the Russians’ noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you’d do it.
But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.
But there may be method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however:
A serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.
This, not mention that Nancy Pelosi called the longest ever occupation of an American government building — leftists’ 2011 takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol — an “impressive show of democracy in action.” This statement was, of course, as true as claiming that the stolen (and it was) 2020 presidential contest was “the most secure election in U.S. history.”
Get the picture?
It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: A major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake? . . .
. . . Note two matters when assessing this. First, being completely un-American and unpalatable, the Democrats have nothing to run on in the midterms aside from the just ginned up Roe v. Wade abortion controversy. Second and as I often warn, these demagogues aren’t normal. They’re power mongers.
Just as people can lust after food, sex or money — motivations everyone can understand — so can they exhibit that rarer phenomenon: lust for power. And just as a man may endanger his marriage and career to indulge his prurient desires, megalomaniacs may assume great risk to satisfy their dark cravings. . .
. . . A major war (along with food shortages) could certainly fit the bill. And while this may appear a crazy theory, the people in charge may just be crazy enough for it to be true.
Have a good weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: A major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake?"
Is the Left Agitating for War With Russia So It Can Cement Domestic Tyranny?
- "In Barack Obama’s tiny world, Patrick Henry would have [been] banned from speaking in public again after he dared to utter his defiant choice: 'give me liberty, or give me death!' Fighting words do not, as the left seems to believe, necessarily or even frequently result in physical confrontations. They instead are part of battles that involve ideas. No one, and certainly no arm of government, has the right to intervene on that sacred battlefield."
"Disinformation" Tyranny Brooks No Debate
- CDC lauded the data for “hourly monitoring of activity in curfew zones or detailed counts of visits to participating pharmacies for vaccine monitoring.”
Report: CDC Spied on Americans to See if They Were Complying With Lockdowns
- Daniel Greenfield: "Are women powerful or powerless?"
Saving the Birthing People From Having to Birth
- "Ian Millhiser, a senior correspondent at the far-left site Vox, seemingly called for violence against the justices. “Seriously, shout out to whoever the hero was within the Supreme Court who said ‘fuck it! Let’s burn this place down,’” he tweeted the night the leak was first reported." (find Millhiser and do what Obama suggests: get in his face - jjs)
Threats Force Justice Alito to Cancel Public Appearance
- If you could kill Alito and Thomas “should you do it while Biden can get his nominees to replace them confirmed?”
British Gaming Journalist Wants to Know if You’d Murder Justices Alito, Thomas if You Could
- "The legislation was introduced the same day a liberal group called 'Ruth Sent Us' organized protests outside the homes of the six conservative justices."
GOP Sen. Introduces Legislation to Expand Security for Supreme Court Justices Amid Roe v. Wade Leak
- Translation: The Kalorama Klown Komintern approves of, and is likely organizing this terror campaign.
Peppermint Piss-Hockey Says There is No "Official U.S. Government Position" on Activists Terrorists Protesting Outside SCOTUS Justices’ Homes
- "'People should not serve in public life and feel that outrageous extremists on either end of the political agenda suddenly have license to physically, verbally attack public officials. . . I completely condemn the leak, and whoever leaked it, you know, should be prosecuted,' he added."
Dem Sen. Warner Denounces Threats From "Outrageous Extremists" on SCOTUS Justices
- “Once again a parish community showed up for a morning mass and had to walk in and witness that their parish had been targeted. I hate to say it. I was not surprised to learn of this, this morning.”
Abortion Terrorists Vandalize a Catholic Church in Boulder for the Second Time in Seven Months
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden must immediately and forcibly condemn these domestic terrorist threats. Anti-Catholic zealots are plotting to intimidate and harass Catholics across the country, along with justices and their families. This country was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The President of the United States must stand up for both." (condemn? he's encouraging it! - jjs)
CatholicVote Calls on Biden to Condemn Pro-Abortion Protests in Catholic Churches on Mother's Day
- "A shadowy left-wing group operating under the moniker ‘Ruth Sent Us’ is asking activists to target Supreme Court justices at their homes."
Meet the Shady Left-Wing Group Targeting SCOTUS Justices and Their Families
- Julie Kelly: "Will pro-abortion protesters who disrupt the Senate be charged with felony obstruction?"
Roe Ruling: Making Protest Lawful Again
- "Flip-flopping Barack Obama articulates why the Constitution should be changed to fit his agenda."
Obama and Michelle Call to Arms Over Roe v. Wade
* * * * *
- "But Schumer’s true objective appears to be embarrassing Republicans by forcing them to pick a side on the issue in an election year." (does he really think opposing abortion is a losing position for the GOP?! - jjs
SHOT: Cuck Schemer to Force Senate Vote on Actually Legislating Abortion Access, Now That SCOTUS May No Longer Impose It
- "Democrats have purged almost all pro-life members from their party. But there are still reps like [Henry] Cuellar who are now in the crosshairs of the radical left for their pro-life stance."
CHASER: Rep. Clyburn Says the Party Shouldn't Shun Pro-Life Members
- "Earlier versions of the bill used language tying race and transgenderism to the issue of abortion in its non-binding “Findings” section. Democrat Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the bill’s sponsor, told Politico the language had been removed from the bill due to objections from some Democrats." (they're flailing on this and they know it - jjs)
Democrats Quietly Scrub Abortion Bill Language Saying Men Can Get Pregnant
- "Schiff lets it all out. It’s all about packing the court, impeaching the six conservative justices, and allowing infanticide."
Schiff-for-Brains: "Codifying Roe Isn’t Enough. We Must Expand the Court"
- "Democrats claim they misrepresented their views about its precedent."
Conservative Justices Didn’t Lie About Roe at Their Confirmation Hearings
- "The most realistic prediction is that around half the states will go pro-life in varying degrees."
What Would a Post-Roe Landscape Really Look Like?
* * * * *
- "The left understands that abortion ends a baby’s life in utero, and they are still advocating for the destruction of preborn lives."
The Left is Finally Admitting That Abortion Means Killing Children
- "Here’s Kamala Harris stooge Tim Ryan defending abortion through 40 weeks. This is a barbaric position anywhere in the world (even European nations typically don’t allow abortion after 12 weeks). But it’s an especially radical position in Ohio."
J.D. Vance on "Kamala Harris Stooge" Tim Ryan’s Late-Term Abortion Stance: "Barbaric Anywhere in the World"
- "Barnette said that regardless of whether the premature release of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion was a leak or a 'tactical operation,' she is pro-life because she believes life in the womb is just as important as life outside it. . . Barnette also cast doubt on her opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz for saying he is pro-life."
GOP Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette: I’m the Product of Rape But Was Never Just a Clump of Cells
- "California has been preparing for this possibility for some time. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has already made the point that the Golden State will be a sanctuary for women seeking to get an abortion who are not able to get one in their home states."
Planned Parenthood In California Anticipating Spike In Out-Of-State Patients Seeking Abortions
- "To preserve Roe would be neither prudent nor courageous. It would be absurd and cowardly. And certainly not 'conservative.'”
No Conservative Case for Upholding Roe v. Wade
- "What the 'leak' is really about."
Pro-Abortion Dems Disrespect the Democratic Process
- “Critical Race Theory has become one of those hot-button issues that the Republicans and other disinformers, who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly … have seized on,” Jankowicz said.
Biden’s Disinformation Czar Has it In for Americans Opposed to CRT (has it in for Americans, period - jjs)
- "Jankowicz, who besides the Mary Poppins bit, is also billed on her website as 'an internationally-recognized expert on disinformation,' has not yet explained how she, as America’s arbiter of what speech is acceptable and what isn’t, can impose measures meant to stop the online abuse of women or stop any kind of 'disinformation' she claims to identify without placing unconstitutional restrictions upon the freedom of speech."
Disinfo Board Chief "Shudders" at Thought of "Free Speech Absolutists Taking Over More Platforms" (meh; she had douche chills - jjs)
- "[Michael] Chertoff's appointment could signal more trouble for the board, which has come under intense scrutiny from Republicans." (Deep State Bushie stooge - jjs)
Homeland Security Pick To Clean Up "Disinfo Board" Pushed Disinfo Himself
- "The lawsuit accuses top ranking government officials of working with Meta, Twitter and YouTube 'under the guise of combating misinformation' in order to achieve greater censorship."
GOP AGs Sue Biden Junta for "Colluding" with Big Tech to Censor Speech on Chinese COVID-19, Hunter Biden
* * * * *
- “Great to connect with you my ‘new’ friend @elonmusk,” Prince Alwaleed tweeted on Thursday. “I believe you will be an excellent leader for @Twitter to propel & maximise its great potential @Kingdom_KHC & I look forward to roll our ~$1.9bn in the ‘new’ @Twitter and join you on this exciting journey.” Prince Alwaleed had rejected Musk’s proposal to purchase Twitter in mid-April.
Saudi Prince Changes Tune About Elon Musk Buying Twitter After Musk Grilled Him For Rejecting Offer
- "Obviously, the best and only way the left — exemplified and represented most officially by the New York Times (NYT) — assassinates someone’s character is to call them a racist."
NYT: The First Amendment is Racist Because of Where Elon Musk Grew Up … Or Something
- "Conservative journalists must seize the Elon moment to win."
The Dunk is Not Enough
- "The White House announced on Thursday that White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will replace outgoing Press Secretary Jen Psaki on May 13."
Biden Announces Peppermint Piss-Hockey's Replacement
- Aside from being a Jew-hater and MoveOn flack, she's "married" to XiNN's Suzanne "evil calves" Malveaux which should be an immediate disqualifying conflict of interest.
5 Radical Facts About Incoming White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
- "Tim Cook wants to get to know you better."
Your Stolen Privacy: Apple’s Greatest Asset
- "Lorenz, whose pro-TikTok activism has been touted by Chinese propaganda outlets, does not appear to have been equally alarmed by the report. She has previously suggested that negative articles about TikTok were being planted as part of a nefarious public relations campaign funded by Facebook parent company Meta, the Chinese app's largest competitor in the soul-destroying social media space."
Crypto-GILF Taylor Lorenz SILENT After Disturbing Report Exposes TikTok’s "Sexual Exploitation" of Children
- “The attack happened after Ukrainian forces asked the Americans about a ship sailing in the Black Sea south of Odessa, U.S. officials told NBC News,” the news outlet reported. “The U.S. identified it as the Moskva, officials said, and helped confirm its location, after which the Ukrainians targeted the ship.” (and we're openly admitting this?! - jjs)
Ukraine Sank Russian Warship With U.S. Intel, Officials Say
- "Ukrainian officials lost contact with the defenders at the Mariupol steelworks plant."
Ukraine: Putin Apologizes to Israel for Lavrov’s Hitler Comment, U.S. Intelligence Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals
- "Sergyi Lavrov expresses anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that might be the tipping point for Israel."
Russia’s Unhinged Foreign Minister Miscalculates Badly
- "Before we get started, a quick note: 'Win' does not mean 'Come up smiling.' Win, lose, or some muddled inconclusive mess, that country is ruined for a generation. But there are signs this war could end with the Russian Army back where it started or at least something close to it."
Could Ukraine Actually Win This War?
- "All the American people know is that Russia is Bad, and Zelensky is a Hero. An oligarch-backed comedian who won an election on a platform of Peace, and then turned into a dictator."
Ukraine: The Great American Propaganda War
- This right here is what we in the trade call "the tell."
George W. Bush calls Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky the "Winston Churchill of Our Time
- But, but, but -- muh abor-shunz!
Poll: Economy the Top Issue in the Upcoming Midterm Elections
- "The declines in the major indexes were more than enough to erase Wednesday’s gains. Stocks soared after Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell signaled that interest rate increases larger than 50 basis points were not being considered by Fed officials."
Dow Plunges 1,100 Points in Widespread Sell-Off Led by Tech Stocks
- Pfft.
Inept Stooge Apparatchik Marty Walsh: Most People Say Economy Is Poor and Biden Made It Worse Because "We’re Still Living Within a Pandemic"
- [Charles] Rose, who served as the Education Department's general counsel from 2009 to 2011, wrote in a memo for his law firm that "the Executive Branch likely does not have the unilateral authority to engage in mass student debt cancellation," the Wall Street Journal reported. If Biden enacts the plan, courts will likely overturn it, Rose said.
Biden Lacks Authority To Cancel Student Debt, Obama Admin Lawyer Says
- “OPEC+ continues to view this as a problem of the West’s own making and not a fundamental supply issue that it should respond to,” Callum Macpherson from Investec, said in the Reuters report, adding only Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have the capacity to make significant increases.
OPEC Sticks with Modest Oil Production Increase, Rebuking Biden’s Calls for Greater Output
- "The four Democrats — Texas Reps. Vicente Gonzalez, Sylvia Garcia, Henry Cuellar and Lizzie Fletcher — said the Ukraine crisis has proven the need for domestic oil and gas production to ensure the U.S. isn’t reliant on hostile foreign powers, according to the letter. They urged Biden to make progress on a new five-year offshore leasing plan to replace the current one that is set to expire in late June." (Cuellar is already being targeted by the baby-killers; now the Luddites will pile on - jjs)
Democrats Urge Biden To Boost Oil, Gas Drilling Amid Energy Crisis
- “Okay, de-carbonization of the existing fossil fuel industry is not your mission,” Lee cut in. “Your mission is to provide an affordable and adequate and reliable source of energy at the lowest reasonable cost. If you’re not determined to advance that mission, and in fact if you’re undertaking other efforts … then we have a problem. If the Department doesn’t wanna pursue the statutory mandate for which it was created, perhaps the department should not exist.” (winner winner chicken dinner - jjs)
Senate Republicans Trade Barbs With Inept Corrputocrat Energy Sec Granholm
- The company’s “strategic review” will examine its 50% stake in a multi-project joint offshore venture with global renewable energy powerhouse Ørsted, Eversource — which serves about 4 million customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire — confirmed to investors Thursday.
Energy Provider May Jump Ship on Wind Ventures Touted By Biden Junta, New York Governor
- "After Joe Biden declared Wednesday that 'MAGA is the most extreme political organization' in US history, reporters questioned White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki if Americans should expect that kind of rhetoric to continue, and she said yes."
Watch: Peppermint Piss-Hockey Says Biden Will Continue To Call Americans Who Do Not Support Him "Extremists"
- "Like children throwing fits when they don't get their way, Democrats now explode every time something they don't like happens. . . They believe so deeply in their convictions that they’re willing to break as many eggs as is necessary to make their progressive policy omelet. The costs are meaningless to them, and that makes them especially dangerous."
The American Mushroom Cloud
- "Loder’s tweets also tell us a great deal about Twitter, which banned the President of the United States for posting 'mean tweets,' but finds nothing wrong with leftist Loder bluntly and repeatedly calling for violence and murder."
Pushback: Woman Sues Antifa Member for Falsely Saying She Had Criminal Record
- "Biden’s invasion is an attempt to gerrymander the nation itself. He is redrawing the boundaries of American nationality (its people) for partisan gain. Under Biden, the American government has decided to represent someone else, giving the lie to so much preening rhetoric of defending democracy. Democracy without popular sovereignty is a farce."
The Great Betrayal of American Democracy
- "Suffice it to say the court is wholly unpersuaded by defendants’ position that they have unfettered discretion to determine how (or if) to comply with the immigration statutes and that there is nothing that Florida or this court can do about their policies even if they contravene the immigration statutes. . . Thus, if Florida’s allegations that defendants are essentially flaunting the immigration laws are proven to be true, the court most certainly can (and will) do something about it."
Federal Judge in Florida Issues Epic Beatdown of Biden Junta in Suit Over Illegal Aliens
- "In the book, entitled Jobs We Do, children can fill in 14 different images that showcase DHS, including one that features a man in a biohazard suit counting radiation after an apparent nuclear attack. Another features an airport security dog. The book was produced by the DHS 'Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer.'" (feh, and meh; it's actually Biden's press conference crib notes - jjs)
In Midst of Border Crisis, DHS Releases Coloring Book for Children
- Is it me or is this a not-so-subtle signal that the Junta is quietly backing away from pandemic fear porn and trying to get back to normal-ish?
FDA Restricts J&J’s Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Due to Blood Clot Risk
- 10 days ago, he said the pandemic was over.
Anthony Fauci: "We Are Still in the Middle of a Pandemic"
- Ted Noel, M.D.: "We actually know a great deal and the facts have nothing to do with what famous Democrats are telling you."
What Do We Know About Chinese COVID So Far?
- "While red states eagerly ushered kids of all backgrounds back to school, blue states led by Democrats campaigning on solving racial inequality kept impoverished black and Hispanic children at home, thus widening learning gaps between vulnerable, low-income students and high-income students."
Study: Red States Protected Working-Class Minority Children Against Dems’ Chinese COVID Overreach
- "In a breathless essay for Time magazine, Weingarten, head of the nation’s second-largest teachers union, blames 'dark money-funded extremists' for an orchestrated campaign to weaken public education, 'undermining our democracy and further eroding America’s middle class.' In New York, we call this chutzpah."
How Shrill, Shrieking Shrew Randi Weingarten is Actually Undermining Trust in Public Schools
- "Jennings also spoke about using children as effective political tools . . . and using his tool effectively on children." (I added that last bit, but it was implied - jjs)
GLSEN: An Instrumental Organization Responsible For Infiltrating Schools With LGBT Ideology
- "Sussmann’s lawyers fought Durham’s efforts to secure documents from the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign that they claimed were protected by attorney-client privilege. Durham argued that the Clinton campaign couldn’t shield materials based on attorney-client privilege when the materials they were trying to hide were widely distributed to third parties. A federal judge in Washington, D.C. agreed with Durham and has decided to compel the production of the documents in question."
Durham Scores Huge Victory Against Hillary Camp and Fusion GPS
- "New York led the country last year in anti-Semitic incidents." (the closest Schemer ever came to Yiddishkeit was clipped off the end of his yutzick at eight days old; one of the worst individuals of the past 50 years to ever hold office and a truly horrid human being - jjs)
Cuck Schemer’s Selective Outrage at Anti-Semitism
- "Lawrence Bacow's silence on Jew hatred follows his $100 million pledge to atone for Harvard's role in slavery."
No Comment: Harvard President Won’t Condemn Anti-Semitic Incidents
- "Over 4,000 copies were distributed on the Westwood campus."
Stealth Newspaper Campaign Exposes Jew Hatred at UCLA
- "The arrangement shows the extent of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda operation in the United States. It also highlights a type of influence peddling prevalent in Washington, where consulting firms work with think tanks and nonprofit organizations on behalf of corporate clients and foreign entities, often without disclosing the connections."
"Pretty Gross" How a Network of Retired Lawmakers Boosts CCP Influence in Washington
- "Republican politicians united by their proclivity for malfeasance."
What is Going On With Arizona Republicans?
- ". . . the trouble in paradise continues. According to a report from Politico, in early April, Kamala’s office 'began collaborating with the White House on a social media video to promote the [junta's] extension of its pause on federal student loan payments,' but ultimately decided against it."
Kamala Harris Snubs Biden, and Things Ain't Fine in the White House
- "An object lesson in how not to conduct yourself as the world burns."
Kamala the Office Tart
- "Confronted with an established revolution, the conservative must seek to change the status quo; he has no other means of affirming his tradition."
J.D. Vance and the New Right Are Racking Up Wins, While the Establishment Stabs at Their Backs
- Look at it this way; if even one Trump-endorsed candidate had lost, the propagandists and RINOs would be shouting the exact opposite.
Was Ohio’s Primary a Sign Dems Are Heading for a Midterm Massacre?
- "The upper chamber has a spotty ability to anticipate national trends."
Can the Senate See the Future?
- "The office reportedly referred the case to the city’s attorney office for misdemeanor filing consideration, with Gascón’s office saying while criminal conduct occurred, the evidence available does not fit the felony conduct charge." (Chappelle has goofed on transexuals and homos, and that cannot be tolerated - jjs)
REPORT: Leftist DA Won’t File Felony Charges Against Chappelle Attacker
- "The Left seeks to criminalize speech they disagree with, while making it acceptable to engage in physical violence whenever they want." (Chappelle transgressed against the State by ridiculing transexual deviants; no wonder his assailant was given a wrist slap - jjs)
Will Smith Slaps Dave Chappelle
- Kim Jong Un pledges to develop nukes at “fastest possible pace.”
North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, Vows To Step Up Nuke Development
- "There have been a spate of Arab street attacks in Israel in recent weeks. Prior to Elad, Palestinians and members of Israel's Arab minority have killed 15 people, including three police officers and a security guard, in attacks in Israel and the West Bank that have mostly targeted civilians."
3 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Israel
- "France deserves better than a politics of technocratic Europhilia."
Macron’s Tepid Triumph
- “Our society was too weak.”
Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots
- "Mousavian's admission to the U.S. appears to be a too-clever-by-half attempt by the Obama admin. to create an informal Iranian ambassador."
Seyed Hossein Mousavian: Regime Exile or Tehran's Man in America? (hat-tip to CBD - jjs)
- "We've got a problem in our own back patio."
This Little-Known Nation Could Be China's Wedge to Overtake the USA
- If their military hardware is as good as their buildings . . .
53 Dead in China Building Collapse, Search for Trapped Ends
- "What allows rogue nations to feel safer?"
When Bullies Try to Dominate, Even Good People Will Be Among the Losers
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Complaining about fake violence against Muslims while ignoring real violence by Muslims."
Biden: "So Many Muslims Are Targeted With Violence" and "Oppressed for Their Religious Beliefs"
- Raymond Ibrahim Part Deux: "Why all these lies?"
Head of Top Muslim University Offers Mind-Blowing Historical Whitewashing of Islam
- "Yearning for the blessings of Allah."
The Holy Month and the Pursuit of Jihad
- "The Army last month announced the updated standards for soldiers, which lowered expectations for fitness events such as the two-mile run."
Sen. Tom Cotton Slams Biden’s "Pathetic" Army Fitness Standards
- "With looming depletion of Social Security and Medicare trust funds, Congress may finally be forced to dispense with costly illusions about their fiscal structure."
The Twilight of Social Insurance
- "That amounts to two crew launches and two splashdowns in barely a month. Musk’s company has now launched 26 people into orbit in less than two years, since it started ferrying astronauts for NASA. Eight of those 26 were space tourists."
SpaceX Brings 4 Astronauts Home With Midnight Splashdown
- "Now Boeing is moving even farther from Seattle, just so its executives can hobnob with politicians, go to fancy cocktail parties, and figure out easier who to pay off with political donations. Who cares if the actual design and manufacturing work continues to be shoddy and poorly supervised? What really counts is getting contracts to build bad stuff that either doesn’t work or is delivered late and overbudget for our corrupt federal government."
Boeing Moving Headquarters From Chicago to D.C.
- "Capitalism in space: Stratolaunch yesterday successfully completed the fifth test flight of its giant Roc airplane, now being designed for testing hypersonic vehicles in flight."
Stratolaunch Completes Fifth Test Flight of Giant Roc Airplane
- “I believe that we should help those have the life-affirming care that they need.”
Biden’s HHS Secretary: Cutting Off Kids’ Genitals ia "Health Care" and Taxpayers Should Pay For It
- So, okay. But what about blowjobs?
Liberal Women Threaten Sex Strikes to Save Roe, to No One's Dismay
- "Historians have been willing collaborators as they have always been disposed to act as both judge and jury when it comes to the past. It’s time for a change."
Lessons for Historians About Reparations
- Christian Toto: "Long-delayed sequel may have a 'need for speed,' but that's where it ends."
What Top Gun: Maverick Can’t Replicate – Reagan-Era Patriotism
- "David De Jong's new book is brilliantly written, provocative, and necessary."
Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany's Wealthiest Dynasties
- "The revolutionary liberal activist died Sunday."
Kathy Boudin’s Delusions Did Not Die With Her
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:45 AM
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