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May 03, 2022
"Pro-Life Spider-Man" Free-Climbs Tallest Building in San Francisco

He says the intention of his stunt was to "put a doctor behind bars." And to raise a million dollars for a pro-life cause.
Good on ya.
Here's the Salesforce Tower. Completed in 2018, it is 1,070 feet tall.
Here's the climber, "Maison DesChamps." He's a rightie, involved in anti-lockdown protests and suchlike.
His name translates to House of the Fields, and is the name of a commune in France. He doesn't seem French at all.
Article here.
He's been arrested. That's not so bad. The guy who did the tightrope walk between the Twin Towers got arrested to and was treated like a hero.
He posted these videos from mid-climb:
He's climbing to drive donations to this site, Prolifespiderman.com. He names the particular doctor he wants to put in jail, who is a doctor at that DC clinic that was aborting the late-term babies.
I knew this was going to drive the news today but I did not expect this.