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April 13, 2022
Quinnipiac Poll: Biden at 33% Approval;
Hispanic Approval Rate: 26%, Lower Than With Whites
Well, bear in mind: Suburban College-Educated Karen is all-in for the Democrat Party because Twitter Told Her So.
I don't think Hispanic women have become Twitter addicts yet. Or maybe their men are just able to satisfy them more so they don't have to go off to social media to find their validation and value.
Josh Kraushaar
New Quinnipiac poll:
Biden approval 33%
Biden disapproval 54%
26% approval with independents
18% approve strongly
43% disapprove strongly
This is not actually a record low approval for Quinnipiac, though it ties the January level of 33%. However, this disapproval level of 54% beats January's level of 53%.
So this is a record low in net disapproval.
As I always mention, the smaller the sub-sample -- and Hispanics, being only around 16% of the population, would be a small sub-sample -- the larger the margin of error, so I wouldn't have much faith in that 26% figure.
Still, as the poster says, even assuming a 10% or even a 15% miss on the number -- it's bad. Really bad. No es bueno.
63% support from blacks isn't setting any world records either. Maybe he should show off his Barack Obama Friendship Bracelet some more.*
Clay Travis adds that Stutterin' Joe's lost all support with the Democrats' key age demographic:
Wow. His approval rating for 18-34 year old voters is 21%, lowest of any age group.
Fortunately for the Democrats, the young don't vote at high rates. Maybe we'll hear fewer demands that college students should be allowed to vote at their non-permanent residences this cycle.
Will Stancil
Biden's approval among 18-to-34-year-olds is literally lower than Trump's was, in the same Quinnipiac poll in March 2018! Hard to overstate what a shocking failure this is for a Democratic administration.
81 million votes, everyone.
Joe Biden sure better hope that Tara Reade doesn't start retelling the story of being r@p3d by him again. And he'd better hope that LuluLemon and GOOP don't start hiking their prices.
Because once the AWFLs (Affluent White Female Liberals) start defecting, hoboy, we could be looking at 28%.
As far as Biden's great success in Ukraine: 39% approve, 48% disapprove.
* This is a real f***ing thing that exists.
26 The AWFLS won't start defecting until the supply chain crisis hits the availability of wine and "Live Laugh Love" signs.
Posted by: Mark1971