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April 05, 2022
New York City Fires Lawyer and Mom for Asking the Mayor Why the City Continues to Forcibly Mask Toddlers
Ironically -- or inevitably -- this was at Eric Adams' press conference announcing that he was using taxpayer money for a publicity stunt, telling Floridians they should move back to the Shithole City New York because in New York, people are allowed to "say whatever they want."
Are people really allowed to "say whatever they want" in New York City, though?

Another thing you're not allowed to say in New York City: that the practice of forcibly masking toddlers is deranged anti-science barbarity, imposed only because mentally-ill superstitious Karens view the masks as a cilice (hairshirt or other uncomfortable garment worn to feel pain and thus punish the wearer for his sins) needed to purge toddlers of their sinful innocence.
The Big Apple mom who crashed Mayor Eric Adams' press conference Monday to blast him over his tot mask mandate was fired shortly afterward from her job at the city Law Department, The Post has learned.
Daniela Jampel, who served as an assistant corporation counsel, learned she was canned less than an hour after she confronted a caught-off-guard and apparently annoyed Adams over when he would "unmask our toddlers."
Jampel had publicly challenged the mayor at an unrelated event on LGBTQ issues -- as Adams stood in front of a podium banner that read, "Come to the city where you can say whatever you want.''
"Three weeks ago, you told parents to trust you that you would unmask our toddlers," Jampel told the mayor.
"You stood right here, and you said that the masks would come off April 4. That has not happened."
As Jampel attempted to ask why, City Hall staffers tried to cut her off when they realized she wasn't a reporter, but Adams, seemingly miffed at the mom getting a question in, allowed her to continue, although he told her she needed to "come to a conclusion."
"Turn on your phone so you can get my answer correctly but come to a conclusion," he snipped.
Sources close to the matter said Jampel -- a leading local critic of the toddler mask mandate and pandemic school closures -- was informed by email shortly after the presser that she was fired.
The Law Department's spokesman confirmed to The Post that Jampel was terminated Monday, although the rep said the decision to fire her was made "prior to today.
Christina Pushaw
Today, @NYCMayor held a press conference to beg Floridians to move to NYC, after half the city moved to Florida to escape covidian dictatorship. At the presser, a city employee (& mom) asked the mayor why NYC is still masking toddlers. She was promptly fired. Can't make this up.
Anyone who thought this c0cksucker Eric Adams was a "different kind of Democrat" -- more fool you.