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March 16, 2022
The Daily Imposition: "Men" Get Periods Too So to Be "Polite to Trans People" We're Going to Have to Further Deform Language and Society and Call Women... "Bleeders"
Literally the only thing that matters is that mentally ill people be made "comfortable" at all times.
Or else they'll kill themselves. They say so 1000 times per day.
No one else's comfort matters at all.
Jennifer Sey
I can't declare myself part of a group or party that expects me to refer to myself this way. Nope.
In the past, the only kind of person I would have been able to fathom referring to women this way would have been some guys with deep hostility/hatred towards women. I'd have avoided them out of self protection. Now we call ourselves this?
Gotta be trans inclusive! It's just a matter of "politeness," you know?