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March 16, 2022
The Morning Report - 3/16/22
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and the truly colossal, earth-shaking story this morning is the greatest deliberative body on the planet, the United States Senate has decided to tackle arguably the greatest existential threat we face. Russia? China? Iran? No. -- Daylight Savings Time.
Rest easy, America. The United States Senate has got your back. Mostly with a knife sticking in it. Ides of March indeed.
Back here in the real world, while the Klain Kalorama Komintern have now doused the drapery with gasoline - kind of a miracle considering it's almost too expensive even for them - and are ready to burn down the house, far too many have been focused on what's happening in Ukraine. While it is for sure tragic, and a trip that was not necessary had it not been for the incompetence of past administrations (Trump notwithstanding) and for sure the clueless, globalist pinheads in Foggy Bottom and the Kennedy School of International Relations et al, is Putin's attempted annexation of that nation really worth the potential to touch off a nuclear confrontation? If you answered yes, or if you think that it won't and that we should still get involved, you need to seek help.
Unfortunately, Dennis Prager seems to be getting right up to that line.
If the Left were concerned with what is in America's interest, it would not advocate—and, under Joe Biden, implement—open borders. It is not in America's interest to allow millions of people to illegally enter the United States.
If the Left were concerned with what is in America's interest, it would not advocate—and, under Biden, implement—policies to change America from an energy-independent country into an energy-dependent country.
If the Left were concerned with what is in America's interest, it would not advocate lying to its youth by telling them that America is systemically racist, that it was founded in 1619, that it fought the Revolution to preserve slavery, and that America's founders were immoral racists. It would not advocate defunding police departments. It would not have advocated depriving young children of education for two years.
The Left everywhere despises America. And the American Left is no exception. Most liberals love America, but they vote for the Left. So, their love is irrelevant.
Stop the tape. Dennis, you are now getting yourself into a semantics trap of your own design. How can most liberals supposedly "love America yet still vote Left" knowing full well that the Left hates the America that you claim they, "most liberals," allegedly love? Roll tape . . .
Unlike the Left, people on the Right are preoccupied with the question, "What is in America's interest?" That is why the Trump-era slogan "America First" so resonated with conservatives. . .
. . . they believe that America, despite its flaws, has been exactly as Abraham Lincoln described it: "The last best hope of Earth." Therefore, teaching young Americans that America is the very opposite is not only a lie, but it will also destroy the foundations of this country.
One hopes that virtually all conservatives (and virtually all people across the political spectrum) regard the invasion as evil. Whoever doesn't has a malfunctioning conscience.
Yet, some people, on the Right as well as the Left, do not put the entire blame for the war on Putin. Their chief argument is that Putin felt threatened by the possible expansion of NATO into Ukraine.
Stop tape. No, Dennis. Accusing people who try to explain WHY Putin invaded as somehow mitigating his actions or even taking his side is offensive. Roll tape . . .
NATO notwithstanding, the primary "not in America's interest" argument goes like this: "What Putin is doing is wrong, but essentially it is none of our business. The United States has no interest in Ukraine."
To this argument, one can ask: Other than an attack on America, when and where does America have an interest? And why? If a Russian dictator can invade and decimate another country in an act of unprovoked aggression and it not be in America's interest, what about China invading Taiwan, or Iran unleashing nuclear weapons against Israel, or North Korea doing so against South Korea? Why are Taiwan, Israel, or South Korea more "in America's interest" than Ukraine?
And, finally, what about the moral question? Is morality "in America's interest"? I have supported the notion of "America First." But as a conservative and as a religious conservative, I do not believe in "America Only." For the same reasons, I believe in "my family first," but I do not believe in "my family only."
Well, that is the question, isn't it? Let's look at the examples that he cites. In virtually all of them, we have either treaty obligations or other agreements that hold that the US would actively defend or otherwise provide materiel assistance to a nation in the event of an attack. In at least two, the regions involved are of tremendous strategic importance to our economic well-being as well as global security and containment of enemies. In the case of Ukraine, I could be wrong but I don't think the 1994 Budapest Memorandum obligates us to go to war with Russia in the event it invades Ukraine. Commenters please advise. That said, we have abject dolts like Sean Hannity and Lindsay Graham calling for the CIA or the SEALs to assassinate Putin to the neo-con Right and now the neo-neo-con Left calling for the imposition of a no-fly zone over Ukraine. That is a de facto declaration of war against a nuclear-armed Russia. Brilliant.
And now we get to the crux of the biscuit. Prager opines, "Other than an attack on America, when and where does America have an interest? And why?" I guess my glib response to that would be, American interest is a bit like pornography. I'll know it when I see it. Sorry to say, our own government's fuck ups both past and present vis a vis Ukraine and Russia notwithstanding, I just do not see Vladimir Putin - brutal, thuggish and international war criminal he surely is - invading Ukraine as a threat to our national security interests.
The bigger point I want to emphasize is, considering that as a direct result of the hijacking of the 2020 election which resulted in the overthrow of the legitimate government of the United States of America, any conversation about "American interests" and "national security" such as those concepts were before November of 2020 are moot. Prager himself takes up almost half of his very well-written essay actually identifying the greatest threat to our national security, inextricably linked to our individual freedom and security, without even realizing it: The American Left. As Michael Walsh underscored in the latest podcast, ever since Aaron Burr slew Alexander Hamilton (as well as conspired with Spain to seize part of early 19th century America and be installed as its emperor) right up until the present day, it is they in the form of the Democrat Party that have been and remain our gravest threat.
But the Democrat Party are merely the visible pawns doing the bidding of a much more malevolent force. That is, the World Economic Forum and its coterie of multi billionaires and other self-proclaimed globalist elites who are seeking to upend over a thousand years of human progress and essentially enslave the world. Funny how the loudest, most strident calls for Putin's head are coming from individuals like Nazi collaborator George Soros, Hans-Georg Wyss, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and others. Considering the truly sick, megalomaniacal machinations that these fiends intend to impose on us and the world, their protestations are hardly because of the pain and suffering of the Ukrainian people. Putin is not "down for the struggle," so to speak. Whether or not Xi is is not readily apparent. Him supporting Putin - and it's been lukewarm so far - could be that he, Xi, is playing both sides against the middle.
What's going on in Ukraine is horrendous. That said, I'm more concerned with what's going on right here and now in the former United States.
The Davos/WEF/Great Reset Mafia have aided and abetted in the destruction from within of our society and government (ironically started by the former Soviet Union nearly 100 years ago). I'm not really "rootin' for Putin" because I love what he's doing. But I sure as hell am not rooting for the enslavement of us and whatever is left of the free world such as it is. As to what is in our interest, right now it's our own self-preservation from the cancer that de-facto invaded/metastasized from within ever since Woodrow Wilson, if not earlier.. When we excise that disease and cure ourselves, then we can talk about national security from an international perspective, or even from a moral perspective, though I would still resist that.
Psaki-Psircling back to the Psenate . . .
But wait! There's more! Six (count 'em!) of our wonderful GOP Senators took the slings and arrows of outrage to defend the greatest medical mind of our age, Anthony Fauci, from being removed from his position. Leading the cause was none other than our own Mitt "Pee-Air" Defecto" Romney. Our hero.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "Who run Barter Town?!"
Russia Reverses Gas Flow Via Key Pipeline Serving Europe
- "The answer may lie in his tactics in previous conflicts. . . What this clusterfuck of a conflict will lead to in the days, weeks, even months ahead is anyone's guess, but the fact that both sides are ratcheting up their responses does not bode well for the future."
Will Putin Up the Ante?
- "It's no surprise, then, that CIA Director Bill Burns recently told lawmakers that Russia 'is losing' the information war. But what he really means, though, is that a false, Manichean narrative has emerged to absolve the West of all wrongdoing and inch us toward nuclear war. Supposedly, all in the name of 'democracy.' But 'democracy' in Ukraine started a civil war that has raged for nearly a decade, with more than 14,000 dead before Russia even crossed the Rubicon. It meant turning Ukraine into the poorest country in Europe and using it as a proxy in the West's new cold war, for which it is now paying dearly."
The Fog of Information War in Ukraine
- "Most of the false asylum claimants are economic migrants from North Africa and the Middle East."
30 Per Cent of "Ukrainian Refugees" Are Actually From Other Countries
- Jeffrey Lord: " World War I and the lesson of unintended consequences."
Yes, Putin Could Go Nuclear
- "The legacy of his positive spirit, boundless energy and eye for the story will carry on."
Fox News Cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski Killed in Ukraine Outside of Kyiv
- "Reckless talking heads promote a no-fly zone that would inevitably lead to more problems, conflict, and death for the U.S. and our allies."
Meet the Reckless Elites Wishing War on the West By Promoting an Air War in Ukraine
- "'So, I will say what I know we all say and I will say over and over again, the United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance,' Harris said during her DNC meeting speech, though Ukraine is not a member of NATO."
White House Alters Official Kamala Harris Speech Transcript After Embarrassing Ukraine/NATO Flub
- "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded to the sanctions with a joke, tweeting, 'I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award.'" (you should only take a permanent vacation in Kolyma - jjs)
Peppermint Piss-Hockey Floats Bizarre Joke Theory That Russia Meant To Sanction President Biden's Deceased Father
* * * * *
- "If Xi makes good on his earlier promises to support Putin, China will find itself joining the club of pariah nations that includes Russia, North Korea, Syria and Iran. If Xi turns his back on Putin in this time of need, his word can no longer be believed while his country will not regain the trust of the West. In short, Xi has seriously miscalculated."
China Won't Let Putin Lose His Ugly Ukraine War
- "It weighs action as Russian oligarchs flee to Israel."
Israel Considers Possible Break From Its Policy of Noninterference
- "There is a method to Putin's madness."
Why Russia Invaded Ukraine
- "How long can this Ukraine war last before Russia's population collapses?"
Is Putin More Afraid of Russian Mothers Than NATO?
- Michael Goodwin: "China's apparent willingness to assist Vladimir Putin's army in addition to helping him avoid economic sanctions dramatically raises the stakes. A Russian victory in Ukraine now would be a triumph for a New World Order led by brutal autocrats and a defeat for the West and democracy itself." (Goodwin and far too many others are blind to the Global Reset/Davos Mafia that is at our throats right here and right now - jjs)
Aid Ukraine to Halt Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping's Diabolical Plans
- "Reflecting on the willingness of people to fight for their own."
Nationalism Good and Bad
- Dennis Prager: "If conservatism means 'America First,' count me a conservative. But if conservatism means 'America Only,' count me out."
Ukraine: What Is in America's Interest?
- "China has been pushing its yuan petro-currency idea since 2018. The Journal reports that the Saudis, who overwhelmingly use the U.S. petrodollar to do their oil deals, may not switch. But if they do, and the U.S. slides as the world's reserve currency, who in their right mind would buy America's debt created with inflated dollars? The Chinese, who own about $1 trillion in America's treasuries, wouldn't need us anymore."
Will Anything Be Left of the U.S. After Biden Is Done With It?
- "The move would deal a major blow to the dollar's supremacy in the oil market. The Saudis have grown motivated to turn against the United States, according to the Journal, because they are unsatisfied with America's foreign policy decisions and support for the kingdom."
Saudis Mull Ditching US Dollar for China's Yuan in Oil Sales
- "Why Saudi and UAE leaders don't bother."
Taking Calls from Biden
- "Psaki also offered no clarity regarding reports that Colombian President Iván Duque, who expressed lukewarm concern about a potential Biden-Maduro deal, had offered Colombian oil as an alternative during his visit to the White House last week."
Peppermint Piss-Hockey Says No Venezuelan Oil "At This Time" as Hispanic Support for Democrats Collapses
- What does this fool think the main ingredient is in his friggin' Aveda pomade?
Gavin Newsom Opposes Republican Bid To Pause Sky-High Gas Tax Because It Would Help "Petro-Dictators and Oil Companies"
* * * * *
- "Though no statement has been released yet at the time of this writing, Joe Biden is widely expected to blame Vladimir Putin."
Joe-mentum: Inflation Reaches Double-Digits for the First Time
- Pelosi I'm sure thinks this is a sign of a healthy economy.
Prices of Goods Climbed Record 2.4 Percent in February
- Charlie Gasparino: "Of course, Powell won't do that when he unveils his new interest-rate policy [today] because in doing so he would have to admit to one of the biggest monetary-policy blunders in recent history. It was Powell who promoted the panacea of 'transitory inflation.' As we all know now, it was a cynical PR stunt designed to fool the American people that there would be no consequence to his historic money printing (in the trillions), low-interest rates and support of President Joe Biden's trillion-dollar spending sprees well past the time that [Chinese] COVID was squeezing growth from the US economy."
The Fed Must Fix the Mess it Created and Raise Rates to Choke Off Inflation
- "The Russo-Ukrainian conflict has ensured investors of a rising defense budget and triggered the recent outperformance of defense names related to the S&P500," said the March 7, 2022, report by research analysts at Bank of America Securities and Merrill Lynch. (I wonder which anti-military Marxists supported defense spending in the latest multi-trillion dollar budget fiasco - jjs)
Defense Stocks "Outperform" After Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- In the past week, op-eds in the Nation and the Hill have argued that Biden should make use of the National Emergencies Act and the Defense Production Act to aggressively regulate the supply and demand of U.S. energy and move the nation off fossil fuels. Both articles reference climate reports published in February, when Russia invaded Ukraine, and echo a claim made last week by Biden that the invasion "should motivate us to accelerate the transition to clean energy."
Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: Biden Urged To Use Ukraine as Excuse To Advance Green New Deal Through Emergency Order
- "The transition will happen over the next three years because of sustainability and environmentalism -- and garden variety wokeness."
Woke Starbucks To Phase Out Disposable Cups For Nasty Reusable Ones
- Reason, and economic reality, and "energy security" will overcome "green energy" fantasies every time. "Climate change" can wait indefinitely.
China Upping Its Use of Coal
- "Among the examples of 'extremism' cited by DHS are: a belief that fraud occurred in the 2020 election, and objections to current [Chinese] coronavirus policies."
Meme Police: DHS Scanning Employees' Social Media for "Conspiracy Theories," "Extremism"
- "AG Schmitt asked that the MSBA be penalized for knowingly violating the law."
Missouri Sues School Boards Association For Hiding Details About Biden's War On Parents
- "Three recent left-wing tracts demonstrate how the Woke Occupation Army, and its pagan gods, are at war with traditional America and how they are determined to pin the blame on us."
Poking the Deplorable Bear
- "Neither the Left nor their lapdog media can endure hoi polloi challenging their official narratives."
Whose Democracy Is This, Anyway?
- "Assuming voters restore Republicans to the majority in the House of Representatives in November, the odds then will be that Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will become Pelosi's successor with the House gavel, come January 2023. House Republicans now are increasingly bold in calling for reopening the Capitol to the general public as soon as possible. How McCarthy decides this issue if and when it is in his power to do so will say a great deal about what to expect from him and the rest of the congressional Republicans."
PREDICTION: Malig-Nancy Pelosi Will Never Actually Reopen the U.S. Capitol
- I imagine it dies in the House, or does it? And will Ron Klain veto it?
Senate Passes Rand Paul Resolution to Ban Travel Mask Mandates
- Scum: Republican Senators Richard Burr of North Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, and Jerry Moran of Kansas each voted against the amendment.
These 6 Republicans Voted Against Ousting Fauci
- "It appears Americans are truly trying to move on from the pandemic, as roughly one-third, 32 percent, said they have returned to levels of pre-pandemic normalcy in their day to day routines. Another 23 percent plan to do so this year. Overall, 66 percent said the Chinese coronavirus poses 'little or no risk.'"
Poll: Americans Forgo Masks, Deem Coronavirus "Little or No Risk"
- "Deaths represented a stunning 1.3% of side effects reports. Many, however, argue that data from the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which the study relied on, isn't the most reliable."
CDC Study of VAERS Data Finds High Incidence of Chinese COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Including Death
- "Meanwhile, Chinese stocks experienced the biggest plunge since 2008." (good - jjs)
China Orders 51 Million into Lockdown as "[Chinese] Covid-Zero" Policy Utterly Fails
- "Just as Pfizer head says fourth shot needed 'right away.'"
Comedy Gold: Fauci Says MORE Vaccines WILL Be Needed; "We're Not Done With This"
- "During a Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions hearing over the bipartisan PREVENT Pandemics Act, Romney voted no to lifting mask and jab mandates in the federal Head Start program."
Pee-Air Defecto Romney Just Voted To Keep Masking Two-Year-Olds
- "Some medical people are probing the edges of what could be a staggering fraud case."
What if the Chinese COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Really Vaccines
- "Gerald Brevard, 30, was taken into police custody and questioned, NBC Washington reported. The Metropolitan Police Department in D.C. told NBC that a suspect has been apprehended and was being interviewed, but wouldn't detail how he was caught. (looks like he's non-white so down the memory hole this one goes - jjs)
Man Suspected Of Shooting, Killing Homeless Men In NYC, DC Has Been Caught, Police Say
- "The point is that society has a choice to make: either we allow the clowns who have created this system to remain in power, and we start wearing helmets and body armor when we're out and about; or we get serious about transforming our culture, services, and law enforcement back to a sane model."
Horror Show: Homeless Monsters Commit Unprovoked, Life-Altering Violence
- "The victim suffered facial bone fractures, brain bleeding and multiple contusions and lacerations to her head." (name that melanin; down the memory hole this one goes - jjs)
Man Arrested for Allegedly Punching Elderly Asian Woman 125 Times, Stomping on Her Head
- "A police agent posing as a 14-year-old girl responded to an online notice posted by a user named 'English Teacher,' who was identified as Matthew Christopher Yates, a 27-year-old who taught eighth grade English in St. Augustine, Florida, according to the DOJ."
Middle School Teacher Arrested For Allegedly Attempting To Solicit Sex From 14-Year-Old
- "Street crimes in American cities were down in 2020, but Americans weren't safer."
Lower Rate, Higher Risk
- "DA Alvin Bragg is keeping violent criminals from going to jail, and Mayor Eric Adams's only achievement is that he is best known for hitting the city's coolest clubs. Go ahead, bite the Big Apple, don't mind the maggots." (shattered, sha-doobie - jjs)
Put a Fork in New York, Too
- "The letter from VASS called out Youngkin for repealing equity initiatives largely launched by Former Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam's administration, as The Daily Wire reported. The governor signed an executive order on day one barring the teaching and training of critical race theory in public schools. Youngkin launched a tip line for concerned parents in January, which VASS takes issue with."
Government Liaison For Virginia Superintendents Group Deflects Whether Should Have Consulted All Members for Youngkin Letter
- "The medical-school accreditation body places an increasing emphasis on 'diversity, equity, and inclusion.'"
First, Brook No Dissent
- "Apparently, what school officials and teachers did not like is this girl talking to others about religion. Yuch! We can't have the minds of other children poisoned by such stuff! It will take time away from convincing them that boys are girls and girls are boys!"
Today's Blacklisted American: Second Grader Punished for Talking About Christianity
- "The Left disrespects the child, dismantling the innocence of youth and future possibilities in the process."
"The Future is Not White": The Normalization of Activist Elementary Education
- "America was built on the notion of possibility and growth rather than to become a static government that falls into tyranny and turns citizens into subjects." (A review of The United States in Crisis: Citizenship, Immigration, and the Nation State by Edward J. Erler)
In Search of an American Citizen
- "The plaintiffs say the ordinance violates state law and claim that local elections officials can determine how elections are carried off but not who can vote. They may agree with the voters and the outcome of the election, but they don't agree that everyone who voted should have been allowed to cast a ballot. There's something about two wrongs making a right in there somewhere."
Wild San Francisco School Board Recall Election Prompts a Big Lawsuit—But Not for the Reason You Think
- Amnesty U.S. Director Paul O'Brien: "We are opposed to the idea … that Israel should be preserved as a state for the Jewish people." (he's thinking Madagascar, or perhaps Birkenau - jjs)
Amnesty's U.S. Chief Says Israel Shouldn't Exist "As a State For the Jewish People"
- "Report exposes anti-Semitic, anti-Israel postings from Qatar-Northwestern U program."
Inside Qatar's "Multimillion-Dollar Plan" to Mainstream Anti-Israel Journalists
- "Rheanne Wirkkala is awaiting Senate confirmation for the role of Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs at the Pentagon."
A Key Biden Defense Nominee is Adam Schiff's Aide Who Trained at Hunter Biden's Think Tank, and Fell for a Russian Prank Offering Nudes of Trump
- "Blumenthal, one of the richest members of Congress, claimed last month that he does not own stocks."
Da Nang Dickweed Blumenthal Denies Owning Stocks. His Portfolio Tells a Different Story.
- "The sagging poll numbers must be a continuing disappointment for the [so-called quote-unquote "president"], who may have hoped to regain favorability during the Ukrainian war. The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has used the Ukrainian war to justify high gas prices and inflation that largely occurred in 2021 but have continued to soar since the war commenced."
Poll: Only 37 Percent Approve of Joe Biden After He Blames Putin for Soaring Inflation, Gas Prices
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] confused the two women in his life during a speech at a Women's History Month celebration at the White House."
Jill Biden Corrects Joe Biden After He Calls Kamala Harris the First Lady
- "The Right is the only political home for anyone who wants to live in reality."
No New Normal
- "The poll found overall 58% of participants feel inflation is causing them major financial stress. When broken down among demographics, 35% of black, Hispanic, Asian-American and other minority voters expressed feeling the pain of inflation, compared to 28% of white voters. Among those polled, 44% of black women and Hispanic men reported the highest proportion of major strain among demographic and gender combinations."
POLL: Minority Voters Hit Hardest By Inflation, Some Say They Will Vote Republican Now
- Robert Spencer: "Are Americans really just too stupid to understand the great job he's doing?"
Brand New Biden Whine
- "It's too late for them to move to the center."
Why the Democrats Are In Deep Trouble Even If They Make a Course Correction
- "Politicians need more than the right platform or good vibes. They need a team and a strategy focused on winning—not just the election, but the war we all recognize we're fighting."
The Right's Political Landscape Has Changed—Why Haven't Our Campaigns?
- "Post these on Twitter to show everyone how much you admire strong women and love paying more money for gas and groceries."
Kamala Harris Quotes as Motivational Posters, Because the Time to Be Inspired is Every Day
- "Buckle your seatbelts, folks, because Abrams is going to continue to get this type of softball coverage and hagiography as she battles Gov. Brian Kemp (or maybe David Perdue, but that's not likely) in her latest attempt to ruin the state of Georgia."
Tank Abrams Kicks Off Her Second Attempt to Ruin Georgia
- Good. Too much Oprah baggage for a seat we really have to have a shot at winning in a too-crowded field.
Report: Oz Looks to Exit Senate Race, Return to Television
- "Even red Mississippi is afflicted with RINOs."
Know the Pedigree of the RINOs Representing You
- "The Supreme Court has allowed two state courts to replace congressional districts approved by legislatures, but a broader resolution of the issue may be coming."
Who Redistricts—Legislatures, or Judges?
- ". . .her vetting of Judge Jackson shows clear hypocrisy. Collins is gushing praise on a nominee who we know nothing about, yet refused to meet with Justice Barrett."
Why Susan Collins's Praise for Biden's SCOTUS Pick Irks Senate Republicans
- "Quotas are the latest measure demolishing the principles that underpin Americans' faith in the Supreme Court's authority." (the only minority they really care about are Marxists - jjs)
"This Seat is Reserved": Quotas and the Supreme Court
- "Joe Biden's efforts to smear and derail the advancement of minority candidates of a non-leftist bent demonstrate how hollow his commitment to 'diversity' is."
Joe Biden's Commitment to Diversity Just a Virtue Signal
- "When did they arrest people for saying stuff like this, and who is they exactly?"
Video: Tucker Carlson Responds To Calls For His ARREST Over Bio-labs Coverage
- "Washington Post eagerly promotes misinformation about GOP governor."
FAKE NEWS: How One Reporter's Blatant Lie About Glenn Youngkin Became a Democrat Talking Point
- "ANALYSIS: Trolling Trump on Twitter not the same as risking life to challenge Putin."
National Man-Boy Lincoln Project Schlub Compares Self to Courageous Russian Anti-War Activist
- ". . . the increasingly intolerant behavior of big tech companies like Microsoft to free speech increases the need for people to free themselves from them. The willingness of these companies to also treat your privacy and personal data as a plaything for their use, without your permission, is another rational reason to stop depending on them."
Dumping Windows and Apple and Switching to Linux
- "Never have so few so devastatingly impacted the well-being and future of this country."
Social Media: The Intimidation and Enforcement Arm of the American Left
- "Can a deputy or any person who professes to be a Catholic, while openly cooperating or legislating against life, receive Holy Communion? No."
Diocese Tells Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians They Cannot Receive Communion, Become Godparents
- "Famous for recognizing the value of long-established traditions, Edmund Burke was no apologist for institutional error."
Tradition and Stare Decisis Are More Reasons the Supreme Court Should Reverse Roe v. Wade
- "Cyberattack follows reports of failed Mossad operation against Iran."
Israeli Government Apparently Slammed by Massive Cyberattack
- "The [junta] has thus far refused to commit to submit a new Iran deal to the Senate for ratification as a treaty, as per its constitutional obligation, or for review under statutory requirements that passed on a bipartisan basis in response to the 2015 deal," the statement said.
49 GOP Senators to Biden: Any Iran Deal Lacking Strong Bipartisan Support "Will Not Survive"
- "The Biden [junta] is pressing forward with its efforts to secure a new nuclear deal with Iran, even after Tehran over the weekend launched a dozen ballistic missiles at American sites in Iraq. The [junta's] decision to 'shrug off the attack' is generating outrage on Capitol Hill among Republican lawmakers who say negotiations with Iran should be halted."
Biden Junta Undeterred in Nuclear Talks After Iran Attacks US Outpost in Iraq
- Robert Spencer: ". . . And the cost could be very, very high." (meh, I wouldn't exactly shed a tear - jjs)
Iran Plots to Murder John Bolton, Yet Biden's Handlers Won't Indict the Suspects
- "Åkesson calls for pause on non-European asylum claims." (about 25 years too late - jjs)
Sweden Democrats: Ban All Refugees Except Ukrainians
- "If there is one positive outcome of this crisis, Taiwan and Japan have begun to take China's military threat seriously."
The Ukraine Crisis is a Wake-up Call for Taiwan and Japan
- "This event is a perfect illustration of what the EU has become: an oppressive system run by unaccountable bureaucrats who overturn democratically elected governments."
While Vilifying Putin, the EU Punishes Democracy in Hungary and Poland
- "The two strongest Eurasian powers are united in seeking to end America's global preeminence."
The Decline of Nixon's Global Order
- "Even with successful negotiations, any deal would have to secure the Pentagon's approval." (pfft, look who's running the Pentagon - jjs)
Plea Deal in the Offing for 9/11 Terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Four Defendants
- Finally, something that is actually constructive coming out of Congress.
U.S. Senate Approves Bill To Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent
- "If you're counting on me to do the math, that's 24 states that San Francisco wouldn't do business with as of 2019. But they weren't done. . . "
San Francisco Boycotts Most of the U.S. for Insufficient Wokeness
- "Onerous regulations squash the California Dream."
Tarnishing the Golden State
- "The Democrats have spent decades pretending to care about the poor. If allowing ankle-deep street feces is a sign of compassion, I'd hate to see their angry side."
Blue Cities Are Literal Toilets, and Libs Are OK With That
- "Because almost all Russian communications satellites rely on western components, the sanctions imposed on Russia due to its invasion of the Ukraine will likely prevent the future launch of any such satellites."
Entire Russian Communications Satellite Industry Threatened by Russia's Ukraine Invasion
- "The irrational and rational concerns about using repeated atomic blasts to lift a rocket off the ground will kill any effort to fund this work, or allow private companies to do it."
Launching a Rocket Using Atomic Explisions?
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] implies that G-d supports his gender agenda. How does he know?"
Joe Biden's Gender Obsession
- "A central struggle seems to be West's concerns over leftist and secular influences introduced to his children when they're with their mother."
Kanye West Isn't Just Clashing With Pete Davidson, He's Clashing With Secular Culture
- Christian Toto: "Dog director lunged for victimhood status but learned a crucial lesson instead."
How Jane Campion Stepped into a Woke Trap of Her Own Making
- "Color Us United will spend $500,000 targeting company's 'racial equity' policies."
"Un-American Express": Anti-Woke Group Takes Aim at Credit Card Company's Race-Based Hiring
- "An anti-communist, Cold Warrior, and reporter and personage extraordinaire, dead at 95. But what a life!"
The Most Interesting Man in the World: Charlie Wiley, RIP
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:39 AM
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