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February 23, 2022
The Morning Report - 2/23/22
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and it's the Ukrainian blintzkrieg, a.k.a. "squirrel!" and the collapse of our neighbor to the north into a totalitarian police state with the figurative and quite literal bastard child of Fidel Castro at the helm.
Let's get the bullshit of Ukraine out of the way first, although in the cold light of day, when viewed as yet another political calculation of Biden's puppet masters in the Klain Kalorama Komintern, it makes total sense. First, Ukraine was (and may still be to a greater or lesser extent) a pit of corruption so much so that Biden and his son, the erstwhile boyfriend of "Weed Slut 420," made millions off of Burisma and other pay for play influence peddling. Even though there's a different government now than when Biden was "fucking things up" as Obama's gravitas veep, Putin was propagandized as being in bed with Trump, and despite that myth/blood libel being completely exploded, the talking heads are still rubbing that shit into the ground. More to the point, with everything they are doing to this country turning into an abject disaster, the junta is desperate for a win. But as Russia - at the invitation of Biden to execute a "minor incursion" - rolls into the Donbas, the Dumbass in the Oval Office now has to pivot to perhaps the other part of the plan all along. IRAN.
The Ukraine invasion directly benefits the Islamic Republic. That's why, after months of stagnation in Vienna, in the days leading up to Russia's recognition of the separatist enclaves in eastern Ukraine, we are hearing that a deal with Iran is close to being signed.
Biden has alluded to securing cheap Iranian oil as an answer to high gas prices in the United States, a policy which has now been picked up by the media. Biden hit on rising oil prices again in his Tuesday speech, as did Kamala Harris in the course of the Munich conference.
Biden is cynically using Russia's destabilization of the global energy market to argue for the return to appeasement for the ayatollahs.
Ukraine was likely sacrificed well in advance in exchange for a lucrative energy deal and Iran's cooperation in Vienna.
So, strangle American energy production that under Trump made America a net energy exporter for the first time in over 60 years, try to kill off the Israel/Greece/Cyprus pipeline to Europe, then give the Mullahs the green light to nuke up in exchange for Iranian oil to try and ease Americans' pain at the pump.
What kind of a fucking insane, gibbering, drooling gabba-gabba-hey pinhead do you have to be to think this up? No, I'm not aiming that at Biden necessarily because he wouldn't know the time of day even if he was standing in front of a Best Buy and every TV in the window had on "Wapner." This crap was dreamed up by truly disturbed people like Jake Sullivan, Tony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Ben Rhodes and Obama or some combination of them and others at Foggy Bottom-feeders.
Frankly, I feel sorry for the innocent people of Ukraine, Russia and anywhere else in the world. But it's not America's problem. And for sure, there is no way in hell American troops or other assets should be anywhere near there. Thank you Marsha Blackburn for that original and brilliant moniker of "the Axis of Evil." And a gigantic FUCK YOU to that praline sucking criminal Roger Wicker who is hot and horny to nuke Moscow. Worse, to send American soldiers into combat to die for absolutely nothing at all except to boost his holdings in whatever defense contractor has his seat reserved on its board when he slithers away from DC, or sent to the glue factory after resting in a pine box in the Rotunda.
Axis of Evil. Want to see the Axis of Evil? I'll tell you where it is right now, my friends. It's in DC and Ottawa, and everywhere a Democrat/leftist regime wields the power to crush you mind, body and soul, not to mention wallet. And if you were literally barefoot with only a ratty linen sheet like Mahatma Gandhi and dared state out loud "I protest," you'd be arrested as a terrorist fomenting the overthrow of the government and have your sheet confiscated and sold off. After getting your face stomped by the hooves of the RCMP's horses or the state-sponsored and approved enforcers.
Locations of the Freedom Convoy donors in Ontario, Canada, have been published on Google Maps after the names of those who gave money to the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo were leaked online.
The Google Maps link contains thousands of pins pointing to locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated, including those as low as $10.
Recall California's Proposition 8 that passed by a handy margin that banned same sex marriage and what happened to the anonymity of its donors. One of them, Brendan Eich, was hounded out of his CEO position at Mozilla, and he was lucky he didn't wind up with his house burned to the ground. That was just eight years ago. Look where we are today. Cities now get burned to the ground simply because cops were doing their job and a black criminal died while resisting arrest (I don't give a rat's ass about the knee on the neck. That was not what killed the thug.). And the government gives its seal of approval. Protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and that's treason and insurrection. Never mind that the violence and mayhem inside the building - a mile away from the rally - was planned and executed by the FBI/DOJ at the behest of the Democrat Party and its allies in the GOP-e.
So, there's a convoy heading to DC and I can see the writing on the wall right now.
Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ) called for seizing the trucks of protesters headed to Washington, D.C., and then giving the property to businesses looking to grow.
"Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business," Gallego tweeted in response to the following news headline: "Trucker convoy could shut down DC Beltway tomorrow."
"Law enforcement agencies in Maryland, Virginia and D.C. are monitoring what could be a number of trucker convoys coming to D.C.," the report said. "Truckers apparently spurred on by the recent protests in Canada want their voices heard, but the extent of the protests and how disruptive they may be is still unclear."
I'm not saying the truckers shouldn't come to DC. It's kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. There has to be protest. There has to be pushback. The problem is, we now have a government in power that is so desperate and fearful as well as drunk on its own power that what happened up in Ottawa is making their mouths water at the prospect of doing it here.
The idea that they can actually strangle any and all voices of opposition - not just in a trucker convoy but all over the country, in the media and right here where we live on the internet - is just way too tempting. Especially now that their agenda and what they have wrought is collapsing in on them.
We are fast approaching a moment of truth here. Yikes.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- This is surprising, how exactly?
Survey: Majority of Democrats Support Justin Trudeau's Crackdown on Freedom Convoy Protesters
- "The Google Maps link contains thousands of pins pointing to locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated, including those as low as $10."
Ontario Freedom Convoy Donors Published on Google Maps
- "If ever there was a time to put principle over consequence, this was it. Instead they chose the coward's way out, voting as they were told to vote but broadcasting to the media they didn't like it in case it comes back to bite them one day."
Cowards in the Canadian Parliament
- Robert Spencer: "The worst part about this ludicrous claim is that no one stood up in the Canadian parliament and said: 'Wait a minute. That's insane. '. . . No one said it. Saks just sailed on. . . "
Canadian MP Demonizes Freedom Convoy, Claims "Honk Honk" Means "Heil Hitler"
- Robert Spencer part deux: "Hitler's Enabling Act also went along party lines. . . Leftist revolutionaries always ultimately turn on one another; some of those who are thrilled that Trudeau is finally cracking down hard on those insufferable right-wingers will one day find that out."
Canada Votes Away Its Freedom, 185 to 151
- "Is anyone surprised?"
Flashback Video: Canada's Trudeau Says He Most Admires China's Dictatorship
- "How quickly can one of the oldest, most stable and most credible democracies descend into rank authoritarianism? How about three weeks?" (that's after the two-week curve-flattener, right? - jjs)
The Descent to Tyranny Can Be Very Swift Indeed
- "Thanks to Biden's border policies, Mexico may soon sense an opportunity."
Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada Should Start Worrying
- Dennis Prager: "There does remain one major difference between Canada and Cuba. Few Cubans support their Marxist leaders, but most Canadians support theirs. They don't know what they're in for."
Is Canada Becoming North America's Cuba?
- "This is a country that has closed down practically all avenues of political dissent. There is no effective opposition in Parliament, which has approved of the government's invocation of the Emergencies Act; we cannot vote ourselves to freedom."
Canada Has Become a Standing Joke
- Finally! Actual emmes truth from beneath the fog of dementia and monkey hormones!
Biden: There Will Be "Costs" for Americans "Here at Home" as a Result of My Foreign Policy Decisions
- "These have been closely coordinated with our allies and partners and we'll continue to escalate sanctions if Russia escalates," according to Biden. "We're implementing full blocking sanctions on two large Russian financial institutions -- VEB and their military bank. We're implementing comprehensive sanctions on Russian's sovereign debt. That means we've cut off Russia's government from Western financing."
Biden Announces "First Tranche" of Sanctions Against Russia, Says the Invasion Has Begun
- "The defining image of his failed [so-called quote-unquote] 'presidency.'"
Biden Slammed Over Press Conference on Russian Invasion
- "He could have imposed much stronger sanctions."
Biden's "Minor Incursion" Prophecy on Ukraine May Be Coming True
- "Ukraine requested an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) on Monday night in response to Russia's military incursion. The rotating presidency of the UNSC happens to be held by Russia at the moment."
Russia Presides over U.N. Security Council Meeting on Russian Aggression
- "Weak sanctions are insignificant."
Donald Trump Slams Biden for Losing to Putin
- "Europe's most divisive energy project, worth $11 billion, was finished in September, but has stood idle pending certification by Germany and the European Union. The pipeline had been set to ease the pressure on European consumers facing record energy prices amid a wider post-pandemic cost of living crisis, and on governments that have already forked out billions to try to cushion the impact on consumers.
Germany Blocks Nord Stream 2 Pipeline After Putin Recognizes Breakaway Regions in Ukraine
- "The Biden [junta's] refusal to take tough unilateral action when faced with aggression has emboldened these nations, [Sen Marsha Blackburn] said. Her remarks came during a recent roundtable discussion on the escalating situation in Ukraine." (please, it's the same axis, different day - jjs)
As Ukraine Falls, New "Axis of Evil" Rises, Senator Says
- "Arming rebels and occupying territory as a pretext to invade and topple governments is only bad when Russia does it. When NATO does exactly the same thing, with disastrous consequences, it's virtuous and noble."
The Truth About Ukraine
- "A conflict born in failures of imagination."
Russia and the West
- "Biden is using Russia's conflict with Ukraine to deflect attention from the fact that his [junta] is failing on the homefront."
For Crisis-Riddled Biden, Russia is the Foreign Distraction He's Been Waiting For
- "Biden is cynically using Russia's destabilization of the global energy market to argue for the return to appeasement for the ayatollahs. Ukraine was likely sacrificed well in advance in exchange for a lucrative energy deal and Iran's cooperation in Vienna."
Biden's Cynical Ploy to Return to Iran Deal Because of Ukraine
- "We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet."
Rand Paul Warns That Trudeau's Tyrannical Emergencies Act Can Be Implemented in U.S.
- Or it could be the perfect pretext to suspend the elections and grab even more power just like in Canada.
America's Trucker Convoy Could Become the Next Tea Party -- Just in Time for the Midterms
- "Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business," Gallego tweeted in response to the following news headline: "Trucker convoy could shut down DC Beltway tomorrow."
Democrat Congressman: Seize Trucks From Protesters Headed To D.C., Give Them To Growing Businesses
- Rep. Lance Gooden:"So barriers in Washington work, but not at the southern border?"
American Freedom Convoy Heads to D.C., Dems Put Up Capitol Fence Ahead of SOTU
- "What we've seen in Canada, and what I fear we'll see even more of in the U.S., causes one to no longer wonder where a tyrannical regime manages to find its Gestapo, its Stasi, its jackbooted thugs; they're already in place, uniformed, armed and well-regimented."
Cops, Convoys, Conservatives and Tyranny
- "With [Chinese] COVID-19 finally drawing its last breaths, now is the time to rein in the executive branch, before it establishes further precedent for power accumulation by future administrations." (it will never draw its last breath; health scares are the perfect expediency - jjs)
Unbridled Presidential Power and Executive Actions
- "Because of the egocentrism and megalomania of the current ruling class, our country is inexorably and stealthily marching toward a tyrannical one-party socialist oligarchy beholden to a globalist agenda."
The Treason of the Ruling Class
- "Our freedom went to the cities, where it's been on a bender ever since." (and it started with the ratification of the 17th amendment - jjs)
Where Did Our Freedom Go?
- "In the present political moment, violence is usually thought of as being physical. But quite often, in fact increasingly more often than not, it is psychological or financial violence in the mode that sometimes is referred to as passive aggressive."
The State's Monopoly on Violence
- "CDC failed to publish a tranche of their data -- omitting the impact on those aged 18-49, who are least likely to benefit from boosters."
Experts Blast CDC for Failing to Publish Critical Covid-Related Data It Collected
- "By refusing to acknowledge the harms of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination, the Centers for Disease Control has brought everlasting shame to itself."
The Centers for Disease Control's Lies Have Destroyed Its Legitimacy
- "There's always a reason to pressure the public to remain in a panic and give Democrats, plus 'the experts,' a reason to re-tighten the noose. It just so happens that the politics of the midterm election have inspired the people in charge to take a pause."
After Midterms, All Democrats Need To Restart Pandemic Panic Are "New Variants" and "Waning Immunity"
- Asks "what is the downside?" while not wearing a mask."
Video: Bill Gates Sardonically Compares Wearing a Mask to Wearing Pants
- "Reflections on the pandemic."
Weighing Our Losses
- "The Richmond Fed's Survey of Manufacturing Activity's composite index dropped to one in February, barely in positive territory and down from January 8. Analysts had forecast the index would climb to 10 after plunging from December's reading of 16." (unexpectedly - jjs)
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Gauge Plunges as Demand Collapses and Inflation Still Rages
- But of course, oil and natural gas are still haram..
Biden Junta Rolls Out Plan To Increase Domestic Production of "Critical Minerals"
- "Pentagon gives $35 million to subsidize MP Materials's rare earth mineral production."
Biden Touts Chinese-Backed Company at Made in America Event
- "Gascon's office has now backpedaled on the policy of not prosecuting juveniles under any circumstances as well as several other controversial policies that has criminals and perverts like Tubbs rejoicing."
ENRAGING: Trans Child Molester Gloats About Light Sentence Given by LA DA Gascon
- "None of this had to happen. Bottoms was a decent mayor until she allowed the woke approach to crime to drive her policies. What's really sad is that this crime wave, which continues after she has left office, is her legacy of caving to wokeness."
Atlanta's Soaring Crime Rate Is the Legacy of Leadership Caving to Wokeness
- "2019 law made possession of less than four grams of hard drugs a misdemeanor."
'People Are Dying': Law Enforcement Pins Colorado Overdose Spike to Dem-Passed Law
- "Forcing 10-year-old girls to sleep quartered with grown men is the kind of behavior you'd expect from a sexual predator."
Why Parents Should Assume Government Schools Will Sexually Abuse Their Children Until Proven Otherwise
- Daniel Greenfield: "Woke school board members accuse 79% of city of white supremacy."
White Supremacy Is Alive and Well - and Living in San Francisco
- "Choosing one book over another is the essence of crafting a curriculum."
Curation, Not Censorship
- "Mayor London Breed's reaction to San Francisco's school board recall election may not bode well for educrats' power."
Is the Battle Against the Educational Establishment Reaching a Tipping Point?
- "In other words, Moore -- who is white -- thinks blacks are inferior and can't handle public meetings with other races. They must be protected in their own little enclave."
Today's Blacklisted American: Seattle School Board to Hold Segregated Meetings to Pick New School Superintendent
- "This will play out the way Leftist utopianism always does."
Biden's Handlers Dumping 16,000 Afghan "Translators" in Loudoun County, Most Don't Speak English
- And replace him with whom exactly? Another commie clone.
Group of Republican State AGs Call for DHS Secretary to Resign
- "Making elections 100% tamper-proof cannot physically be done. But preventing ballot harvesting by people who have plans to skew the election can be done, without making it harder for little old ladies to vote." (hey, all things considered, prevention of theft outweighs the little old ladies; let them apply for absentee ballots at least 6 months in advance - jjs)
Idaho Passes Bill Preventing "Ballot Harvesting"
- Lawrence Summers -- a director of former President Barack Obama's National Economic Council turned advisor to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden -- has collaborated with the Chinese Communist Party's premier foreign influence group, flagged for its efforts to "influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing," The National Pulse can reveal.
Joe Biden's Private Economic Adviser Revealed His "Enormous Respect" for Chinese Communists as He Collaborated With a Key CCP Propaganda Group
- "Zoe Kestan, 28, on Feb. 15 told the jury that she and Biden, 52, shacked up at ritzy hotels in Manhattan and Hollywood. One of the hotels, Los Angeles's Chateau Marmont, is where Biden 'learned how to cook crack,' according to his 2021 memoir, Beautiful Things."
"Weed Slut 420" Dishes Dirt on Hunter Biden to Grand Jury
- Black, female, likely affirmative action byproducts, and Maoists. Meh, given the place we're in right now, and where we are likely headed, does it even really matter anymore?
Biden Interviews Trio of Candidates for Supreme Court
- Jeffrey Lord: "The media's claims that his star is falling are laughable."
Trump Will Dominate CPAC
- Michael Goodwin: "All Trump's flaws [actual or otherwise] and achievements will probably get another airing in the next presidential election. With rallies, fundraising and endorsements, he is laying the foundation for another White House run. Has he made a final decision? 'In my own mind, I have,' he said. 'After the midterms, I'll announce something.'" (surprisingly, not much in the way of sliming Trump from Goodwin - jjs)
Trump Talks About Putin, Mocking Merkel, and More at Mar-a-Lago
- "Her remarks will follow Biden's SOTU address, which takes place Tuesday, March 1."
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Delivering GOP's State of the Union Response
- "The Susan B. Anthony List endorsed Hartzler Tuesday, calling her an 'unwavering pro-life champion' who is 'Planned Parenthood's worst nightmare.' It comes just days after Republican Sen. Josh Hawley also endorsed her over the rest of the crowded GOP field."
Vicky Hartzler Scores Another Endorsement As Frontrunner Loses Momentum
- "Underfunded grassroots organizations, using cheap online resources, can reach millions to fight and win against out-of-touch progressive interests. But they have to work together." (and just like that, down goes the internet; meh, no-knock 3AM FBI raid - jjs)
California's Electorate Is Rejecting Progressive Policies
- Just what we need; a watered-down version of Nelson Rockefeller. Go screw a hooker and have a heart attack at the moment of truth. Meh, maybe this fool is the best the Empire State can ever hope for.
Democrat Donor Harry Wilson Joins New York Governor's Race as Republican
- "So here it goes, and remember: there are a LOT of wrong answers."
Are You a Commie Pinko? Take the Quiz!
- "The Economist says PM went too far in response to Freedom Convoy."
Even Globalist Magazine Warns Trudeau to "Stop Policing Thoughts"
- "The Healthy Indian Project ('THIP') appears to have started as a fitness and lifestyle site in 2018. Its CEO -- Sudipta Sengupta -- is a life-long marketing consultant from a small city (Gurgaon, Haryana) in India."
A Google-Funded "Fact Check" Team is a Handful of Indians With No Experience in Journalism in a Small Town Near Bangladesh
- "Twitter can let content that would seem to be in clear violation of Apple's terms run wild, while Truth Social will likely be slapped down if it allows the same."
Donald Trump Has to Build and Protect Truth Social With Both Hands Tied Behind His Back
- "Are you guys out of your fucking mind?"
Joe Rogan Says Biden "Can't Talk Right" Anymore
- "She of course responded childishly."
The Delicious Tucker Carlson-Titty Caca AOC War
- "The 'breaking' news was announced last month."
XiNN Journalist Mocked for Terrible "Scoop" About Biden's Supreme Court Nominee
- "I don't want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through," he said, adding that he is looking at "quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes," including Whoopi [Fat Albert Speer].
Kyle Rittenhouse Launches "Media Accountability Project" to Combat Media "Lies"
- Daily Mail: Investigations "found 3,000 'inauthentic' accounts were likely being used to bolster the communist country's image."
Twitter Removes Hundreds of Fake Pro-China Accounts Used to Spread Propaganda During Olympics
- "Today, our biggest problem is not children who are exposed to pornography. It's children who are involved in pornography or child sexual abuse material -- CSAM, as it's known."
Section 230 Needs to Be Fixed So Internet Companies Can't Feature Child Pornography
- "Gun grabbers' heads exploding, but it's quite silly supposing that instruction in or experience with a thing increases the probability that thing will be used for evil."
Gunmaker's New "AR-15 for Kids" Has Left Shooting Intellectual Blanks
- "While the CCP commits genocide and other atrocities, they continue to send their children to the United States to receive a world-class education. This must be stopped."
Rep. Hartzler Introduces Bill to Prohibit CCP Members and Their Kids From Attending U.S. Universities
- ". . . Or will the balance of Middle East power tip toward Iran?" (not going to happen for a few reasons - jjs)
Can Israel Anchor a Defense Alliance of Moderate Arab States?
- "The benefit for both nations will be of great importance," Dominican President Luis Abinader said before he pushed the button to begin pouring concrete into the foundations the wall, located in the province of Dajabón, which is about 230 kilometers northwest of that nation's capital.
Dominican Republic Constructing Wall on Its Border with Haiti
- "A military that gives priority to climate change, LGBTQ+ issues, and the virtues of democratic socialism is surely inviting Putin to bite off even bigger chunks of Ukraine."
Biden's Woke Appeasers Trash U.S. Military Readiness
- "The End of the World as We Know It: Postulation, prediction, or projection?"
Cyber Warfare and Civil Defense
- "No crew members were injured in the accident. Both UH-60s were damaged. The incident is under investigation." (they weren't wearing their pregnancy suits and stilettos properly - jjs)
Two Black Hawk Helicopters Crashed During Training Accident, Utah National Guard Confirms
- "Maryland state bill would prevent police from removing homeless camps from public property." (watch how fast the hickory shampoos and fire hoses swing into action if the tents had MAGA logos on them - jjs)
A New Dem Bill Would Make "Tent Cities" Permanent Fixture
- The NOAA-led Sea Level Rise Technical Report involves six other federal agencies and relies on the United Nation's controversial climate models. It predicts "that the sea level rise expected by 2050 will create a profound increase in the frequency of coastal flooding, even in the absence of storms or heavy rainfall." (maybe I can buy Obama's new Hawaiian beachfront compound for a buck-three-eight - jjs)
Biden Federal Agencies Advance Climate Change Agenda
- "For the sake of the environment, filet mignon and pork chops need to be replaced by grubs and grass."
Let 'Em Eat Bugs
- "We are thus left with a mystery. If that abandoned upper stage did not come from either a SpaceX or Chinese launch, what launch did it come from? Or is it a rocket stage at all? Could it be a previously unidentified asteroid?" (an asteroid that says "Made In China" in asteroid-ese - jjs)
China Denies the Rocket Stage About to Hit the Moon Comes From Its Rocket
- "Cool image time! The Hubble Space Telescope science team today released the photo. . . of the interaction of three galaxies, the larger two of which look like they are hugging each other. This galaxy triplet is estimated to be about just under 700 million light years away. It was taken as part of a program aimed at producing high quality images of strange looking galaxies."
Hugging Galaxies
- Larry Elder: "What exactly are the rules?"
The Great Joe Rogan N-Word Controversy
- Christian Toto: "HBO's Game Theory show reveals the format's extreme lack of thought diversity."
Late Night TV Just Got Even More Liberal
- "And what was it that sent her back into politics? Binge-watching the old NBC political drama The West Wing."
This Explains a Lot About Piss-Hockey Psaki
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:43 AM
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