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February 23, 2022
Doughy-Faced Dictator Trudeau: I Will Stand Up to Authoritarianism
Video below.
Meanwhile, the left continues demonstrating why the only two options possible for dealing with them are peaceful separation, or nonpeaceful separation. They're putting bounties on us -- they defined themselves as existing in a state of war with us.
We should take them at their word.
Marie Oakes
He said it, he actually said it.
The Canadian state media are right there to back Trudeau up:

The heady notion of freedom, defined as the unconstrained right to do what you want free of government limits, serves as a cloak for actions that harm women, men and children who are simply going about their business and trying to do the right thing. Freedom without limits slides imperceptibly into freedom to say and do what you want about people who don’t look like you or talk like you. Sadly, the Ottawa truckers' convoy has revealed this ugly side of freedom.