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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (22:22:22 2/22/22) That is a whole lotta 2s Edition »
February 22, 2022
Bulletproof Cat Cafe

So: This is obviously highly photoshopped and not really a photograph. (I mean in terms of color.) Should I include this kind of very-"pushed" image in the Cafes?
Capybara shiatsu massage.
Enough You Time, it's Me Time again.
Horse plays keep-away with another horse. I'm always amused and intrigued to see animals playing the same games children play.
Puppies loving up on a cat.
Zero residual presence.
Puppy gives you the shy eyes.
Black cat blues.
Lambirda-- the forbidden dance.
Inman: NeverTrump footrace.
NeverTrump MMA.
In case you missed it: Dogs encourage toddler in learning to crawl.
This is a new thing to me. I had dogs growing up but I don't remember ever getting into balloon volleyball volleys with them. Do you?
In case you missed it:
This is fun:
Here's some of the Italian I recognize there. Mostly the cursing.
Va fa'n cul: Often heard as "vafangool," means go (va) do it (fa', short for fare) 'n (short for in) cul' (short for culo, ass).
Vai, vai: Go, go. I think he's saying this to his rockets, "go, go!" I don't think he's saying this to the biker. If he were saying something like this to the biker, he'd say something like Vai via!-- "Go away!"
Adesso: "Now." I don't understand the rest of this sentence.
Pazzo. Crazy.
Testo di Cazzo: Dick head. I talk about cazzo below.
Simpatico: Nice. I think maybe he's saying "fai simpatico" (make nice or be nice) but I don't know if that makes sense or not.
Cullone Coglione (coo-yone-ey): I think this is "balls," as JJ reminds me. I thought it was asshole but no, I think JJ's right.
Cazzo (cat-zoh): Technically this means "dick," but as with the English f*** or the French putain, this has become the general, generic vulgarity, used very often without any specific meaning except to add a vulgar charge to a sentence. He doesn't say this, but an example of cazzo's use as a generic vulgarity is in Che cazzo fai? The non-vulgar question is Che cosa fai? What (thing) are you doing? Changing "cosa" to the similar sounding "cazzo" changes it to "What the dick are you doing?" or, really, "What the f*** are you doing?" as we'd say in English. I saw a street interview thing where they were asking Italians the most used curses and they all said cazzo, often shrugging as if it say, "I know everyone is saying this, but it's obviously the the most used."
Speaking of putain, he also says...
Figli de putana: "Sons of whores." I guess this is a set expression. He doesn't say figlio de putana, son (singular) of a whore.