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February 18, 2022

Leaked Internal Democrat Polling: 57% of Voters in Competitive Districts Agree That Democrats "Went Much Too Far" In Their Pandemic Lockdowns

Behold, the "changing of The Science (TM):"

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is concerned that Republican attacks on the Democrats' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have "alarming credibility," according to a slide deck obtained by SFGATE.

The DCCC, which is the main campaign arm for House Democrats and is currently chaired by New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, worked with outside consulting groups to conduct an online poll of voters in the 60 most competitive House districts for the upcoming 2022 midterms. The poll was conducted from mid-January to early February, had approximately 1,000 respondents and a 3.1% margin of error.


The poll found that that 57% of voters in competitive congressional districts agree with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response," and 66% of self-defined "swing" voters in competitive districts agree with that statement. White and Hispanic voters in competitive districts were equally as likely to agree (59%), while Black voters (42%) and Asian voters (46%) disagreed with the statement. The poll also did not define what "taken things too far" means.

The Democrats shouldn't worry too much about covid, though.

Because they're in even worse trouble on crime, the border, and woke bullshit.

The DCCC found that critiques of COVID-19 restrictions were slightly less potent than other issues. In swing districts, 64% of voters agreed with the statement that "Democrats in Congress support defunding the police and taking more cops off of the street." The internal poll found that 80% of self-defined swing voters in competitive districts agreed with the same statement.


Sixty-two percent of voters in contested districts agreed with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have created a border crisis that allows illegal immigrants to enter the country without repercussions and grants them tax-payer funded benefits once here." Seventy-eight percent of swing voters in those districts agreed.

Sixty-one percent of swing district voters agreed with the statements, "Democrats in Congress are spending money out of control," and, "Democrats are teaching kids as young as five Critical Race Theory, which teaches that America is a racist country and that white people are racist." And 59% agreed with the statement, "Democrats are too focused on pursuing an agenda that divides us and judging those who don't see things their way."

Politico previously reported other findings from the DCCC: that swing voters just generally hate the Smug Woke Karen Democrats:

Democrats' own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is "preachy," "judgmental" and "focused on culture wars," according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

"Tout qui est 'woke,' il devient en merde."
-- Donaldus Trumpus, medieval philosopher

Politico is blaming The Squad.

So we're now in the Post-Election Recriminations and Scapegoating phase, and we haven't even had the actual election yet.

The hard-left politics of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the so-called "Squad," once a dominant theme for vast numbers of elected Democrats, is backfiring big-time on the party in power, top Democrats tell us.

Why it matters: The push to defund the police, rename schools and tear down statues has created a significant obstacle to Democrats keeping control of the House, the Senate and the party's overall image.

"It's what we've been screaming about for a year," said Matt Bennett, c0-founder of center-left Third Way, which launched Shield PAC to defend moderate Democrats.

"It's a huge problem."

The latest sign of the backlash was the landslide (70%+) recall this week of three San Francisco school board members, who were criticized for prioritizing issues like the renaming of 44 public schools -- including ones honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln -- over a return to in-person classes.

Other factors like an abrupt admissions change to a prestigious high school were at play (all politics is local).

But the most liberal city in the most liberal state decided that liberal activists had gone too far.

It's part of a barrage of evidence that the progressive activism of the Squad pushed the party's image way left of where most voters are -- even most Democratic voters.


Aides to several Squad members declined immediate comment.

Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies:

After all, what happens when the most extreme elements of a major political party start controlling its policies and tactics? They lose voters in the center and sometimes within the party's coalition, and wind up defining their colleagues by their spectacular failures rather than accomplishments.

I wish I could say that this is the first example of this in my lifetime, but alas...

I wish you could lay off the Little Debbie's Snack Cakes, Ed.

Yes, Ed, it's "extremism" for the alleged conservative party to embrace actual conservatism instead of your preferred brand of Democrat Liberalism With Some Insincere Pro-Life Messaging.

The GOP is just like The Squad. You nailed it, Ed.

This is very much on-brand for Ed Morrissey, and AllahPundit -- every story about Democrat extremism and failure somehow immediately becomes fodder for attacking Trump and Trump-supporting Republicans (which is like 80-90% of Republicans).

Fuck you, "Captain," you useless obese midwit twat.

Here's the link, as requested by ShainS. I don't link Salem Media any longer.

TJM writes:

"Republicans are supposed to run on conservatism but govern as technocratic progressives in order to manage the federal government in moral ways, you rube." -Ed Morrisey, who definitely voted for Trump, you guys

Yeah no one believes that. Hot Air realized that it wasn't viable to have a supposed "conservative" blog where the two longest-serving writers had both voted for Democrats in both 2016 and 2020 and so decided that one of them would have to lie and claim he voted for Trump.

They looked at each other and decided it was just not even conceivable that the deranged drunk obsessive AllahPundit voted for Trump, so Ed Morrissey told the lie.

Once. I don't think he ever told this horrible, acid-in-the-mouth lie again. He lowered himself to telling it just the once.

Alarming credibility?

Sounds like malinformation to us.
Posted by: DHS

114 Ed Morrissey, a "True Conservative," immediately suggests that the Democrats' embrace of far-left extremists is just like the Republicans' embrace of far-right extremists -- like actual conservatives, like strong border policies

I like how squishy fucks like Poppin' Fresh are always quick to label a middle of the road conservative policy as "extreme".
Posted by: Captain Hate won't forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt

Yes, and remember, it is the claim of NeverTrump that they voted against Trump because of his "incivility" and "poor character" (and his TWEETS!).

They never want to admit the truth -- they voted against him because of his conservative policies. They don't want to admit they're Open Borders. They are, but like the Democrats (which is what NeverTrump are), they realize this admission would be used against them so they lie, lie, lie.

But every once in a while they accidentally let the truth slip out-- no, this isn't about Trump's personality. It's about policy.

Ed Morrissey finds it "extremist."

So, there's an accidental admission: what conservative voters actually want in their policy is "extremist" according to NeverTrump, and I guess we should then return to the days of the GOP Establishment simply ignoring conservative voters' policy demands.

These people are all about dishonestly. They could argue honestly in favor of liberalism or "moderation." But that might damage their lies about being True Conservatives, so they just... like, and frame every one of their arguments in favor of the liberal position or "moderation" as about something else, like "civility" or "Trump's Tweets." Whatever.

And the same people who absolutely refuse to admit their actual agenda will then scold others about their "character" or "lack of integrity."

Ed, we could have a real and civil discussion about your policy preferences... if you ever admitted what your policy preferences are. But you won't. You just keep lying about them, and posing as a True Conservative who's forced to pursue a liberal path out of devotion to "civility" or whatever. And it's this constant dishonesty and false posturing that cause the incivility -- because you always have to mischaracterize your real point of contention with your opponents, and accuse them of something like "extremism" or "bad faith."

We're not "extremists," Ed. We're conservatives.

I know that's a scary word for liberals like yourself. But it's not civil to smear your political opponents as "extremist" just because it helps you obscure what your own politics actually are.

digg this
posted by Ace at 12:09 PM

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