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Canadian Protesters: Arrest Us All, Fascists, If You Dare »
February 08, 2022
Miracle Moose Cafe

Groupie asses.
Pouncing and seizing.
Rabbit high-jump is A+.
The perfect life.
Emperor tamarins look like the ancient kung fu master in every Shaw Brothers movie.
Cabybara has no truck with ducks.
Dog is very involved in his little sister's coming home from school from the school bus.
Dog likes his dry food wet.
Zen butterlies.
Skateboarding bully.
Inman: McDonald's order comes with a extra helping of Justice.
Female (?) perp bites cop, and cop is not having it.
When popping a wheelie turns into popping a boner. No I mean the 50s kind of boner. The one Robin was always making.
Real or trickery?
I'll give you some time and white space to consider.
You may continue considering.
Your consideration may continue.
Okay do you have your answer?
Answer: It's real, but there's a trick in viewer assumption: The boat the scene is being shot from is an airboat or fanboat. This is a very shallow bit of water.
The deep blue color is misleading.

Story here.