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February 04, 2022
The Morning Report - 2/4/22
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and while, by any honest accounting, it was yet another terrible, horrible, absolutely no good week for the Biden junta as well as the globalists in general, they're still at the controls, hell bent on creating paradise on earth no matter how many lives they destroy.
With everything that isn't being pulverized with a wrecking ball disintegrating of its own accord thanks to the full on implementation of anti-free market, anti-constitutional, and anti-sanity economic and social policies, which more and more disparate groups are finding common cause to oppose via their shared misery, does the junta and the Democrat Party back off, engage in humble introspection and reconsider what they're doing? No. They blame the victim while simultaneously shoving a few shiny objects in its face in the hopes of causing a distraction. This is akin to John Wayne Gacy in full clown regalia attempting to make a balloon animal for a child while sodomizing it at the same time (see also: SUNY Fredonia. That's a cranium just begging for a tire iron).
First up, is this impending Ukraine non-crisis "crisis" that allows a geriatric dementia patient to pretend he's George S. Patton in standing up to the Russians. Here's the estimable Daniel Greenfield to burst that bubble.
To believe that Biden is about to get tough and go to war with Russia, you have to also believe that there's a Moscow hotel tape of Trump and all the other Russiagate nonsense and lies.
Even while the Biden [junta] issues meaningless threats of "devastating" consequences and "disaster" for Russia, it's also made it clear that there will be no troops in the Ukraine.
And there will also be no sanctions on Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline (one of whose lobbyists is a Schumer backer) even as the Biden [junta] not only killed the Keystone XL pipeline, but the Greco-Israeli East Med pipeline. The Biden [junta] just got through lobbying Democrats to filibuster a sanctions push by Senator Ted Cruz on Nord Stream 2.
Is it any wonder that Biden signed off on a "minor incursion" by Russia.
The only way there could even be a war between Russia and the U.S. would be if Putin decided to invade Poland. And even then the same [junta] which turned over Kabul to the Taliban, stranding Americans behind enemy lines, would turn Warsaw into the new Saigon.
You can accuse Biden of many things, but being a warmonger isn't one of them. . .
. . . But Biden would like a fake war with Russia. And Putin probably wants one too.
Democrats have played this game for a while, building up tensions with Russia in the media, while remaining good friends behind the scenes. The more the public thinks a war might happen, the tougher and more heroic the Democrat in the White House seems. And when a war that was never going to happen, doesn't happen, they also look like great peacemakers.
The Cuban Missile Crisis blueprint has been rerun any number of times. During the Cold War it was a useful defense against accusations of Communist sympathies. Now it's a failed attempt to attack Republicans and distract the public from runaway inflation, a massive economic mess, the pandemic, crime in the streets, and a dozen other Biden [junta] failures.
But the vast majority of Americans aren't paying attention and don't care. . .
. . . Neither Biden nor Putin want to fight a world war. And if there were any chance of one happening, the troops would be going home right now. But both profit from the illusion of war.
Biden wants to pretend that he stopped a war and Putin wants to prove that America is weak.
The odds are that by the time this is over, both will be declaring victory to their respective domestic constituencies, but only Putin will have actually won while Biden will have lost.
Bingo. Matt Lee, about the only person even approaching that of an honest journalist in the media that is openly boasting of its non-impartiality in being purveyors of globalist agitprop, who somehow still has a job at one of the biggest purveyors of agitprop, the Associated Press, utterly humiliated State Dept. stooge Ned Price over the latter's claims that Russia was about to create a "false flag" operation as a pretext to launch an invasion of Ukraine.
Then again, what's to be humiliated about since to the best of my knowledge, none of Matt Lee's colleagues picked up the figurative tire iron and continued the pounding of Price as they should have. Well, their job is "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," as the saying goes. Except the afflicted in this case was Ned Price and the illusion of a competent administration, instead of a bumbling, fumbling disastrous "JV squad" of a junta that's illegitimate to boot.
Speaking of JV squads, the other distraction was a Delta Force raid in Syria (we're back there again?!) that supposedly took out the leader of ISIS. In theory, that's a good thing. While there are claims that the raid also took out nine civilians, the DoD is countering that they died as a result of their target detonating a suicide vest to avoid capture. I have no love lost for these dark age savages, but considering there wouldn't even be an ISIS in Syria or anywhere else had Biden not unilaterally decided to hand Afghanistan, $80 billion in US military hardware and dozens, scores or even hundreds of American civilians still trapped there (we can't get a straight answer from the White House), the fact that he's puffing up his chest even at the risk of rupturing the colostomy bag strapped to his thigh is galling in the extreme.
They don't care. Well, perhaps they do care or else they wouldn't be engaging in these cheap, wag-the-dog theatrics. Most transparent "administration" evah! Transparent frauds. And as an infamous, dog-eating, vapid sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder would say, "let me be absolutely clear"; the lives of our servicemen who are being put in harm's way merely as the very human equivalent of styrofoam columns to foist an illusion on the American people are priceless. What is being done to them and has been done to them since Obama performed his fundamental transformative Stalinist purge of soldiers loyal to the Constitution instead of Saul Alinsky, plus the forced vaccine mandates, the indoctrination with actual Marxist-inspired anti-American propaganda and the morale-destroying Diversity Inclusion Equity rot are nothing short of acts of treason.
Well, they rigged an election and now they're going for the jugular.
And we have witnessed over the past 20 months a coup d'etat against democracy and the controlled demolition of the United States Constitution—and the Bill of Rights.
And starting with the censorship—James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson all said the same thing—we put Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment, because all of the other rights that they were trying to protect relied on that right.
If you give government the license to silence its critics, you have given them the capacity to commit any atrocity they want and to obliterate all the Amendments and Rights of the Constitution.
As soon as they got rid of Freedom of Speech they went after Freedom of Religion. They closed every church in this country for a year, with no regulatory process, no public hearings.We are watching something now that I never believed that I would see in my lifetime. . .
. . .They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control that we've never seen before. It's been the ambition of every totalitarian state since the beginning of mankind to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct of thought and to obliterate dissent. None of them had been able to do it. They didn't have the technological capacity.
Even in Hitler's Germany you could cross the Alps to Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. ... So it was possible to escape [to escape]. Many died truly, but it was possible.
You have a series of rights, as flawed as our government is, you can still go out and go to a bar. You can go to a sporting event. You can get on a bus or an airplane and you can travel. You have certain freedoms.
The minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right you have is transformed into a privilege, contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates. It will make you a slave!
You know who said that? It wasn't Donald Trump. It wasn't Ted Cruz. It wasn't even Tucker Carlson. It was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. As an aside, it was that mere invocation of Anne Frank that got him banished from YouTube. But Ted Danson's bloated, filthy, diseased puli-looking whorehouse mop-top gets two weeks paid vacation. Go figure.
It's probably safe to assume that on any one of a dozen issues, he and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum. But on what is undoubtedly the most important issue of all, personal freedom, I thank G-d that he and I are singing from the same hymnal. This goes to the very heart of the existential crisis we are confronted with. The Left in this country do not merely disagree with us. They consider us evil; a cancer to be eradicated because they consider the country itself evil and a cancer to be eradicated. Yes, it's technically political, but in a real sense it's personal.
It's why I spent so much time on Caryn Johnson, the celebrity who wears the Goldberg brand of Jewish blackface. Her attitudes about the nature of the Shoah reveal her attitudes - and that of far too many people on the Left regardless of ethnicity - about her political enemies. She and her paymasters in Hollywood and more alarmingly, the junta in DC and its enablers in and out of government are dangerously close to using their power much like the you-know-who's did you-know when. Whether because you're white, Jewish, Christian, male, heterosexual, unvaccinated/unmasked or merely want to state an opinion, you are no longer merely a political enemy; you're an evil to be eradicated.
On a hopeful note, if there are folks like RFK Jr., Naomi Wolf and Glenn Greenwald out there, perhaps we're not so alone as we thought we were. Our mission: find them amongst family, acquaintances and co-workers and make common cause.
Have a good weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Seriously, I really want to meet this guy in person, just to have a chat . . .
SUNY's Pedo-Friendly Prof Lectured at U.S. Military Academies and Insisted "Americans Should Not Be Grateful to Veterans"
- "Every time someone finds a symbol of hate (noose, swastika, BLM flag), the left poops their crocs and bangs the gong of white hatred. Then they PRAY the police arrest some white trash troglodyte in a MAGA hat. That's what they were hoping for when swastikas appeared on the walls of Washington D.C.'s Union Station around Holocaust Remembrance Day. Wrong again, my delicate fur-babies."
Blanco Supremacy! Mexican Illegal Alien Painted Swastikas in D.C., Won't Be Deported
- "I bet these students won't learn how Georgia's voter law — y’know, Jim Crow 2.0 — has actually increased voter turnout and made elections more secure. In other words, DeKalb's BLM at School Week of Action is a far-left fever dream."
Georgia School System's BLM Event Features Speaker With a Domestic Violence Charge
- "A letter from the ghetto to the suburbs."
"I Wish I Could Make You Cry over Robert Cuadra As You Cried over George Floyd."
- "We need to end this perpetual state of crisis."
Two Canadian Provinces Move to End Chinese COVID Restrictions Amid Protests
- "When the wheels stop, the world stops."
NJ Trucker Sen. Ed Durr Supports Canada Freedom Convoy
- "This is the second time GoFundMe paused the fundraiser."
GoFundMe Pauses Canadian Freedom Convoy After Hitting the $10 Million Mark
- "Those who move the world's goods to market demand an end to oppressive and unnecessary [Chinese] COVID restrictions."
Canadian Convoy Movement Goes Global -- Next Stop, U.S.?
- He already spends at least 50% of the time chained to a radiator in his basement.
Could an American Trucker Convoy Force Biden to Hide Like Trudeau?
- "The only power the tyrant has is the power we grant him when we comply."
Truckers vs. Tyrants
- "Righteous indignation against the effete elite has been building worldwide for some time now."
Today's Truckers in Canada Are Yesterday's Yellow Vests in France
* * * * *
- Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at Stanford School of Medicine, said Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins try to "create a false impression of scientific consensus on [Chinese] COVID policy" by labeling scientists "who disagree 'fringe.'" "[They] deploy big tech misinformation hordes to suppress opposing thoughts," Bhattacharya tweeted as part of a list.
Stanford Doctor Lays Out What He Believes is the Fauci "Playbook" for Silencing Dissent
- " . . . a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument." (we knew this "two weeks" ago - jjs)
Johns Hopkins Study Shows Pandemic Lockdowns Failed Spectacularly
- "Johns Hopkins itself did not even put out a press release about this study."
Video: Johns Hopkins Prof. Slams Media, Own Institution For Hiding Bombshell Study That Found Lockdowns Are INEFFECTIVE
- "Putting people at risk by omitting information."
Video: What They Aren't Telling You About N95 Masks
- "School that said it couldn't punish rapist suspends student for 10 days for not wearing mask."
Virginia Governor Joins Parents' Lawsuit Against Loudoun Schools Over Masks
- If you refuse to do your jobs and follow the law, yeah, I'd say the hostility is warranted.
Loudoun County Educators Allege "Hostile Work Environment" as Districts Threaten to Terminate Maskless Teachers
- "It's another example of poor policy informed by environmental zealotry."
Flashback: Colleges Advised Students to Wear Cloth Masks for the Sake of the Environment
- "Parent says son forced to work outside in 43-degree weather."
Hundreds of Students Segregated in Gyms After Protesting School Mask Mandates
- "The insanity of masking children -- by the numbers"
Kids Full of Life, Adults Obsessed with Death
* * * * *
- "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes Dr. Doom."
The Real Anthony Fauci
- "Protesters have been energised by Macron admitting he wants to 'piss off' the unvaccinated."
Video: French Protesters Surround Pfizer HQ Chanting "Assassins"
- "The Commerce Department said on Thursday that factory orders dropped 0.4 percent in December, the largest month-t0-month drop since the pandemic lockdown crash of April 2020. Economists had forecast orders tumbling just 0.2 percent."
Bidenflation: Factory Orders Plunge Twice as Much as Expected
- "Lisa Cook claims she held Spelman College officials in a room until they voted to divest from South Africa."
Biden Fed Pick Says She Led College Protest for Which There Is No Evidence
- "If Biden really wanted to boost Adams' agenda (and turn around his own failing political fortunes ), he could have called out the extremists in his own party who block even the most minor reforms. But he's still making apologies for authoring the 1994 crime bill that ushered in two decades of reduced violent crime and greater public safety across America."
So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Biden Delivers an Empty Message on Crime That Promises Nothing NYC Needs
- "The motto of radicals in the 1960s was 'By any means necessary.' In that context, Boudin's crooked actions are entirely explainable and would even be applauded by his fellow radicals."
SFPD Chief Refuses to Work With Radical DA, Accusing Him of "Concealing Evidence" in Cop Shootings
- "The crime surge coincided with the rise of the Defund the Police movement and progressive billionaire [and Nazi collaborator] George Soros's massive donations to support far-left prosecutors who believe in lax law enforcement."
Carjackings Up 200% in DC
- Fire them all and hire actual, normal, decent, pro-American teachers who teach.
School District Cancels Classes After Nearly 1,500 Teachers Call In Sick To Protest Conservative School Board
- "'This system has a lot of establishment people . . . And I think it's time for a change,' says a Texas father running for State Board of Education."
School Indoctrination Prompts Wave Of Primary Candidates For Texas Board Of Education
- ". . . citing staff shortages, pandemic stress and burnout, according to a National Education Association (NEA) survey."
Over Half the Members of the National Educational Association Say They're Thinking About Quitting
- "A North Carolina school board doubles down on student indoctrination."
School Board Demeans Parents Over Controversial Books
- "The kid's father and stepmother are in law enforcement."
"New Confederacy Flag: Substitute Teacher Yells at 8th Grader Over Thin Blue Line Mask
- "Teachers union boss assures American children will be spared 'drowning in an ocean of online dishonesty.'"
News With the Union Label
- "One doddering old man's heartbeat away from the presidency, ladies and gentlemen."
Kamala Harris on "What Has Gone Wrong" at the Border: [BLANK STARE]
- "By December of 2021, Texas authorities apprehended over 165,000 illegal migrants. In the January 26th letter, the Democrats wrote that over 2,600 migrants have been arrested on misdemeanor trespassing charges."
SAY WHAT? Democrats Call on Biden to Stop Texas from Arresting Illegal Immigrants for Trespassing
- "As the creepy porn lawyer faces fines and jail time, questions about his operation -- and who was financing it -- linger."
Was Hillary Clinton Paying Michael Avenatti?
- "The failed whistleblower received state protection after actively pursuing a case against his own Commander-in-Chief."
Lt. Col. "Bearclaw" Vindman Got Tax Payer-Funded Military Protection After His Failed Attempt to Remove Trump From Office
- "As CAIR releases report accusing Jewish groups of 'Islamophobia' as way of silencing criticism."
FEMA Partners With CAIR To Protect Houses of Worship, Ignoring Incitement Against Jews
- "Jewish students were subject to a 'hostile environment,' complaint alleges." (two weeks vacation with Whoopie - jjs)
Education Department Launches Investigation Into CUNY Anti-Semitism
- "Do not comply: Policeman Matthew Schrenger has won a $75,000 settlement from the city of Louisville, Kentucky, for suspending him after he prayed, while off duty, in front of an abortion clinic."
Pushback: Cop Wins $75,000 Settlement for Being Punished for Praying
- "Ben & Jerry's is circling the drain due to its decision to join the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement."
Ben & Jerry's: The Millstone Around Unilever's Neck
- "And I honestly think part of the calculation is. . . that they see that Joe Biden is struggling as president. He is probably not going to be here for very long. I think this represents a turn, as it were, as far as some of the news publications' management is concerned."
Schweizer: NYT's "Turn" on Biden Family "An Important Development"
- "Whitmer's Golden State getaway included stay at ritzy Beverly Hilton hotel."
When Michigan Became Chinese COVID Hotspot, Wretched Whitmer Fled for Hollywood Fundraisers
- "Garcetti should get high marks for the least imaginative excuse in political history."
L.A. Mayor Garcetti Says He "Held His Breath" During Maskless Photo With Magic Johnson
- "AOC called for making Sinema's life as difficult as possible four months after Leftist activists followed her into a bathroom at Arizona State University in order to harass her for her opposition to Biden's handlers' socialist Build Back Better agenda. Around the same time, Leftists in kayaks harassed Manchin while he was on his boat."
Titty Caca AOC Calls on Cuck Schemer to Make the Lives of Sinema and Other "Obstructionists" as "Difficult as Possible"
- "Arabella [Advisors], which former Clinton administration official Eric Kessler founded in 2005, manages a network of five nonprofit groups: the New Venture Fund, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the Hopewell Fund, the Windward Fund and the North Fund. Each of these groups focuses on different policy issues, but they all operate under the Arabella umbrella. With its base of billionaire donors including Bill and Melinda Gates, Pierre Omidyar and Hansjörg Wyss, the Arabella network doles out money to hundreds of stand-alone organizations across the country, as well as the liberal pop-up groups they establish and control."
Shady Leftist Funding Network Pushing Biden's Hand for SCOTUS Pick
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Joe Biden has found his nominee -- but he's got only two weeks to complete the deal."
Whoopi Goldberg for Supreme Court Justice
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden did a huge disservice to both the integrity of the selection process in nominating justices to the high court and to the candidate that is ultimately chosen. "
Biden's Supreme Court Tradeoff
- "It was a spit in the face."
"Not Black Enough": Virginia Republican Blasts Black Caucus After He Claims They Rejected His Entrance
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's approval ratings are so far underwater, he must be plumbing the depths of the Marianas Trench by now. What's a floundering, failing figurehead to do?"
Desperately Unpopular Biden Makes Play to Control Cancer Cures With "Moonshot"
- Big whoop or big Whoopie?
Biden Refers to Blacks as "Colored" During National Prayer Breakfast Speech
- "Though the resolution will rebuke both lawmakers for their participation on the January 6 committee, it stopped short of expelling them from the Republican House conference. Some Republicans felt the language in the original resolution, led by Trump ally David Bossie, was too inflammatory."
Republican National Committee Will Vote Friday to Censure Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger
- "The former President's latest endorsement has his base wondering who is advising him."
The Battle for TN-5: Trump Defends Ortagus Pick and Suggests Robby Starbuck Voted for Obama. . . Except He Didn't?
- "Nothing would please New Yorkers more than a chance to humiliate ex-Mayor Bill de Blasio by rejecting another of his idiotic quests for political office."
Please, DeBolshevik — Run for Congress from Staten Island. We're Begging You!
- "The object of their collusion: To make Cuomo into a state and national savior figure . . . before the governor got taken down by his own alleged sexual misdeeds. Zucker helped lead the public laundering of Cuomo's disastrous [Chinese] COVID policies, which saw the pandemic rip through New York as the governor piled restriction on useless restriction, closed schools and shoved elderly people with [Chinese] COVID into nursing homes (afterward hiding numbers on the deaths that resulted)."
Jeff Zucker's Real Crime? Helping Angel of Death Cuomo
- "He is allegedly our top media reporter -- yet he failed to report on the scoop that everyone in the office knew. And if he wants to say he didn't know, he is truly terrible at his job."
CNN Insiders Want Brian Stelter Fired over Zucker-Gollust Cover-Up
- "'Kamikaze Jeff' Zucker flies off into the sunset, his honor in tatters, leaving his former news network a burning wreck."
Banzai, Mother Zucker!
- "Hawley's letter comes as Meta finds itself on the ropes. On Wednesday a disappointing company earnings report led to the largest-ever one-day drop in the company's stock price. Lawmakers from both parties have also introduced bills over the last year to more closely regulate the company on issues ranging from transparency to the content it allows users to post."
Sen. Josh Hawley Says Facebook's Human Trafficking Policy May Be Criminal
- "In Inslee's bill, loudly complaining about election fraud that accused complainers knew was bogus, as adjudged by a 'jury' according to the governor, could lead to violence. The person who uttered the words should go to jail, he reasons."
"Pro-Free Speech": Washington State Governor Jay Inbreed's Plot to Criminalize Election Fraud Complaints Moves Forward
- "With the Biden [junta] pushing hard to force a war with Russia, it was a rare pleasure to see Matt Lee nail Ned Price for refusing to give a straight answer."
An AP Reporter Does Some Actual Journalism at the State Dept.
- "ATF will 'sweep up records of every gun sale in America,' GOP lawmakers warn."
Lawmakers Investigate Biden Junta Over Database Containing One Billion Gun Sale Records
- "To quote Lewis Carroll, Biden's speech in New York was the worst combination of 'ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision,' along with a lot of lies."
Biden's Heinous, Dishonest Speech Attacking the Second Amendment
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] visited the Big Apple Thursday following the fatal shooting of officers Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora."
Biden Calls America's Most Popular Handgun a Weapon of War During Gun Control Speech
- Daniel Greenfield: "The 'war' with Russia is as real as Russiagate. . . Biden isn't about to fight Russia. But the fake tensions provide a distraction, however limited, from the price of gas, the mandatory face masks, and the rising murder rates in major cities. And when this farce wraps up, Biden will claim credit for preventing a war that never was."
The Truth About Biden's Fake War With Russia
- "The human rights group refers to the UN's position on the report as a 'mutually convenient stalemate.'"
UN Accused of Colluding With China to Delay Uyghur Human Rights Report Until After the Olympics
- "Pelosi said Washington had an 'urgent moral duty to shine a bright light' on Beijing's abuses during the Games." (what about your abuses against the J-6 political prisoners? - jjs)
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Warns Olympic Athletes Not To Anger Chinese Government
- German foreign ministry spokesman: "We reject expressions like apartheid or a one-sided focusing of criticism on Israel."
U.S., Germany Reject Amnesty's Biased Report on Israel
- "So why Soros's antipathy for China? Judging by the rhetoric, I would hazard a guess that he wants to appear genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of the Chinese people and the world. But I suspect that Soros understands that at its core, China, as overextended as it may be, especially when it comes to real estate, is not interested in any partnerships. China wants the entire pie, not just a slice or two. And ultimately, Soros and those behind him will brook no competition."
Your Laugh-Out-Loud (or Shudder) Story of the Day: Nazi Collaborator George Soros Wants Xi Jinping Replaced
- "25,000 asylum seekers being housed in hotel accommodation."
Brits Told to Reduce Living Standards as Government Spends £4.7 Million Per Day on Housing Refugees in Hotels
- "I am still in shock," said Larry Miller, a retired teacher and amateur photographer who taught Fluke-Ekren science at Topeka Collegiate School in the Kansas capital where she grew up. "I can only think she was brainwashed in a way that I just can't imagine."
How US-Born Allison Fluke-Ekren Went From Science Teacher to ISIS Radical
- Raymond Ibrahim: "This tension between the draconian dictates of sharia and mere human living has a long paper trail among Muslims, especially when they come under the influence of and seek to emulate Western traditions." (like socialism, no fun of any kind, or Ikeeeeeeelyou! - jjs)
Islamic Fatwa Condemns Muslim Engagements for Being "Too Western"
- "The Pentagon announced that al-Qurayshi died when he detonated a bomb at the beginning of the attack killing himself and his family, including children." (of aspirin factories and empty Bedouin tents - jjs)
ISIS Leader Killed During Raid in Syria by U.S. Special Forces
- "As the White House is desperately using the raid that ended with the death of Islamic State leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi to boost Biden's approval ratings, it seems appropriate to point out that back in 2019, Biden claimed President Donald Trump deserved no credit at all for the raid that resulted in the death of al-Qurashi's predecessor, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
FLASHBACK: Biden Said Trump Deserved No Credit for Al-Baghdadi Raid
- "Navy SEAL 26 continues to be denied permission to travel to a treatment program for traumatic brain injuries, which this Court already called an 'egregious example' of harm suffered by Plaintiffs," the motion claims. "Continuing to ignore this SEAL's medical needs, even in the face of the Court's explicit recognition of the harm to this SEAL in the preliminary-injunction order, is simply inexcusable."
Navy Allegedly Violating Court Order, Punishing SEALs Seeking Religious Vaccine Exemption
- "Critics say amendment would leave workers vulnerable to union intimidation tactics."
House Democrats Sneak Pro-Union Measure Into Anti-China Bill
- "Bay Area straphangers want public safety before public toilets."
No Place to Go in San Francisco
- "Austin politicos have just finished removing virtually all remaining visible homeless camps. Other cities are taking notice."
Austin Thinks Again
- "Investigators at the White Coat Waste Project found that a study from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) -- a substrate of the NIH -- fitted seven beagle puppies with a drug-injecting jacket. Combined with another study that injected six beagles with cocaine from March 2020 and March 2021, the NIH spent $2.3 million on the initiatives."
NIH Study Injected Puppies With Cocaine, Then Killed or "Recycled" Them for More Experiments
- "The Centers for Disease Control has failed to modernize, adapt, and evolve to sustain a position of relevance, let alone leadership. Here's how to change that." (1 part cyanide, 10 parts TNT - jjs)
A Prescription for Transforming the CDC
- "If the corporate HR mealymouthed language isn't clear, this translation should suffice: we support passing costs to consumers to appease Big Green, and we want everyone to go down with us."
Oil Companies Playing the Green Game Is Coming Back to Bite Them
- "Environmentalism is a journey and not a destination, so it should be no surprise that its advocates are targeting creature comforts and humanity itself."
A Plague on Humanity
- "The past century of warming has turned out well."
Results From a Century-Long Experiment Eviscerate the Case for Climate Change Mandates
- "Young activists promote a market-based approach to the environment."
The New Green Right
- "The report predicts that, by using private stations instead of building its own, the agency will save up to two billion dollars per year, money it can than use of planetary missions. This of course is assuming NASA cancels SLS. If not, I predict that overpriced cumbersome rocket will quickly absorb all this money saved."
NASA Outlines Plans for ISS De-Orbit and the Transition to Commercial Stations
- "With the detection by one instrument of the first photons traveling through all of the mirrors of the James Webb Telescope the alignment of its many mirror segments begins."
Webb Mirror Align Begins With First Photons Detected by Instrument
- "The sheer fact that a 12-year-old student attempted to take her life after her own school refused to disclose conversations about a gender transition to her parents is repulsive. Parents across this country deserve to know vital information about their children – and not be blindsided by the very people that are entrusted to teach them."
Republicans Urge Department of Education to Stop Secret Gender Transitions For Students After 12-Year-Old's Suicide Attempt
- "According to Parents Defending Education (PDE), some students at Needham High School interpreted the lesson as the teacher 'trying to show kids that wanting to change your sex is a feeling that is common throughout nature.'"
Radical Trans Ideology Being Taught in Mass. High School Biology Class
- Good. She's still persona non grata to me.
Gov. Kristi Noem To Sign Bill Barring Trans Athletes From Competing In Women's Sports
- "But there is no homosexuality at all in the New Testament," he said. "There is only discussion of homosexual acts, which were to some extent pagan cultic acts. That was naturally forbidden. I believe it is time for us to make a revision in the foundation of the teaching." (what's next, cream on a communion wafer? - jjs)
Top Catholic Cardinal Calls for Changing Church Teaching on Homosexual Relationships
- "The ironies here are multiple, and the near-baseless fuss provides a snapshot of the upside-down state of cultural politics in Canada, in which a demonstration for liberty by genuinely working-class people - exactly the constituents our leaders claim to care about—can find almost no support or even a fair hearing."
Terry Fox, Resurrected as Victimized Canadian Icon
- Makin' "Whoopie?"
Bomani Jones Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says "White People" Are the Problem With the NFL
- "It claims at the same time a 'right to abortion' and a 'right to a child.'"
Today's Entitled Parental Culture
- "My mom looks like you!"
Black Actress Cries, Apologizes to "'Darker-Skinned Actresses" For Not Being Black Enough
- "Don't leave, don't abandon, don't censor. Engage."
Jon Stewart Defends Joe Rogan
- "As attacks on Joe Rogan and Ilya Shapiro show, the woke have certain doctrines that one cannot deny while remaining part of their fellowship."
Cancel Culture Attacks Are Leftist Attempts To Protect Their Pagan Pulpits
- "The western world is currently engaged in a very real struggle, with the majority of good people on one side and a small number of perpetually offended activists and their trained student contingent on the other."
The Perils of Politeness in an Era of Activism
- "Redefining its purpose as antiracism, the Art Institute of Chicago abandons its core mission of preserving history's treasures and instructing future generations."
The Guardians in Retreat
- "Appeals to opposing cancel culture only get us so far -- and not very far at all, as the case may be."
The Limits of Appeals to "Cancel Culture"
- Christian Toto: "Author Lee Child reveals what the Amazon series refused to leave behind."
Masculinity Gets a Comeback with Reacher
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:26 AM
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