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February 02, 2022
The Morning Report - 2/2/22
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and ABC has announced the suspension of Whoopie Rape-Rape for her remarks about how the Shoah was not about race and that it was white on white so what's the big deal? No doubt this beast who in one photo I've seen looks as if she swallowed Hermann Goering has some unspoken thoughts about Jews and the media over this, but she shouldn't. Said ABC News prexy Kim Godwin (a rather ironic name given the circumstances, nein?):
“While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments.”
See? All better! All friends again. Just don't mention the war! (image of Basil Fawlty, head wrapped in a bandage and goose-stepping into a dining room full of German tourists). That right there, plus the fact that this is a "suspension" and not a firing is Godwin telegraphing that Whoopsie-Daisy'll be back faster than Jeffrey Toobin can pull up his pants in a Zoom meeting. Total farce, but at least she can keep that razor sharp wit of hers in top form by being a gag writer for everyone's favorite incest enthusiast Ilhan Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou.
Considering what was done to Gina Carano in particular (and dozens of others too numerous to mention) for her alleged invocation of the Shoah - which to my Jewish and son-of-a-survivor's ears was completely accurate - this is an abomination. Whoopie Goldberg should not only have been terminated effective the moment they broke for commercial, but in a just world she should be barred from ever having any sort of paid platform in the media.
I don't begrudge her the right to have an opinion or perhaps to even express an opinion, as noxious as that opinion might be. Hell, we've been screaming bloody murder and rightly so about our voices being silenced from the public discourse. It's just the abject double standard of how those persons whose opinions that run contra to the approved narrative of Democrats, globalists and what-have-you are treated. But this raises a somewhat ticklish question, and for a moment I'll rescind my call for her head on a platter to play devil's advocate.
Who gets to decide what is and what is not acceptable? Meh, perhaps that argument doesn't really apply anymore in the nation formerly known as the United States of America. It's not that what Whoopie said was wrong; the Shoah not being about race was completely ignorant, but the "white on white who gives a shit" remark was manifestly irresponsible and dangerous in its implications. We've gotten to a point where we're no longer debating nuances or for that matter, even diametrically opposed points of view within a forum where each side respects the other, and more crucially the right to even hold an opinion. Check that "we" stuff; our side has always allowed even the most rabid lefty to express himself, no matter how repulsive or repugnant, simply because he had the right to do so. More importantly, the insanity of these views is the perfect foil in which to dismantle them. The implication of what she said was not just to slough off what happened between 1933 and 1945; it was an acclamation and declaration on her part that what happened in America in the wake of George Floyd's death while resisting arrest was correct and justified.
Rush Limbaugh, of blessed memory, used to say that the Left doesn't want to level the playing field, they want to clear it. That's because in a fair, open and honest debate in the arena of ideas, we'd wipe the field with them every single time. At least that used to be the case. Click here and watch Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell utterly dismantle Frances Fox Piven of Cloward-Piven infamy as an example. (it's an episode of the absolutely vital Free to Choose and the debate starts at about the 28:00 minute mark)
What Whoopie farted out on live TV is what far too many of our children are being indoctrinated with every single school day from 9 to 3. Plus what they absorb from TV, films, social(ist) media, magazines and music, etc. Yet even with all this indoctrination that has poisoned the minds of 2-3 generations of Americans, they still felt the need to create a pretext of fear via the General Tso's Sickness in order to rig an election that surely would have been a landslide referendum on the MAGA agenda and a confirmation of the repudiation of American Leftism and the Democrat Party. But I digress.
Whoopie's "white-on-white, local crime story" comment is right in line with the poison in Ibram X. Krement's Jive Kampf Crackpot Race Theory book that, along with Howard Zinn's and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is firmly in the hands of almost every teacher in almost every classroom in this nation, not just in the generationally Democrat-run inner-city shit-hole UFT/AFT/NEA brainwashing mills. And woe betide anyone who dares object to these being taught in the schools. In fact, parents now not only do not have the right to say what can and cannot be taught to their children, they are officially declared at the highest level of this government to be terrorists for voicing their opinions about it at school board meetings or anywhere else for that matter.
Yeah, devil's advocate hat off about two paragraphs ago. I didn't mean to give this much real estate to something I thought I got out of my system yesterday, but the story goes way beyond a bloated, angry, unreconstructed pig-ignorant racist. It's a very fat canary in a coal mine about what's in store not just for Jews, but for anyone and everyone who gets in the way of the fundamental transformation (read: disfigurement and disemboweling) of our society.
If there is any good news and reason for hope in this whole thing, meaning the situation we all find ourselves in right now, it's that there are voices of protest that cross not just ethnic lines but more importantly generational lines. And those voices are growing. You see it now in Canada, as well as in reaction to the out of control crime in the disintegrating cities as well as the aforementioned school board meetings with parents that are horrified by what their children are being subjected to. But as those voices grow louder, the forces arrayed against them grow more desperate and reactionary.
But this cannot go on. It must not go on. We cannot allow it to go on.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "Arcane and radical pedagogy has infiltrated schools across America's heartland."
Even in Idaho
- "Their new oath embraces the woke racism of 'anti-racism' and 'health equity.'"
Pharmacists Ingest Woke Poison
- "The upside-down and backwards world of two Never Trumpers."
Kinzinger, Cheney Stand Up for Stolen Elections
- "The left wants control and will target anyone who undermines their goal. That’s why they sicced the mob on armed civilians such as Kyle Rittenhouse. Leftists already endorsed letting anarchists run rampant in the streets and have deterred law enforcement officers from doing what they were hired to do. And they don’t want people such as Rittenhouse getting in their way."
The Left Doesn’t Just Want More Criminals on the Streets. It Also Wants Police to Be Scared of Doing Their Jobs
- "The way to deal with multibillionaire, arch-bully Soros is to expose his own perverted versions of democracy and capitalism." (RICO, freeze/confiscate all assets, deport to where they execute - jjs)
The Left’s Moneybag
- "For the first time, the Democrat Party has taken actions that have broken its long-held ties to this large future voting block. Young people are suddenly experiencing the same types of painful oppression from leftist policies that businesses and land owners have experienced for decades. And they apparently don’t like it."
The First Signs of a Coming Revolution for Freedom From the Next Generation
- Trudeau has adamantly refused to address the protesters’ concerns and dismissed them as a “small fringe minority” that is representative of neither truckers nor Canadians generally.
Canada Police: "All Options on the Table" to End Peaceful Trucker Protests
- "Meanwhile, Canadian PM Trudeau’s gambit to smear Freedom Convoy participants as racist is an epic failure."
“Convoy to DC 2022” Gains Momentum as American Truckers Get Organized
- Richard Fernandez: "Whether or not the Canadian truckers are successful in obtaining their demands, they have already undeniably wrung from the establishment the right of recognition, emerging from the shadow of a news blackout to an entity worthy of prime ministerial hatred. PMs don’t hide from something they’d scrape off their shoe. Whatever they may tactically signify, the truckers are almost certainly part of something larger abroad in the world, the full extent of which we have not yet seen, still taking shapes unguessed."
Protests From Out of Nowhere
- "In a time when our media are obsessed with the tensions between Russian and Ukraine, a far more valuable piece of real estate that shares our border is the under hostile rule of a tyrant."
Freedom Loving Canadians Need Support from the Land of the Free
- "'Support The Truckers, I hear something similar is happening in the U.S. and if it does it will be a great first step,' said Donald Trump Jr."
Canada’s Truckers Inspire in America While Forcing Trudeau into Exile
- "These pathetic attempts at J-6ing are not working with wide swaths of an increasingly international audience -- though they maintain their hold in the echo chambers of Canadian official opinion."
Keep On Truckin’
- "Shortly after getting his third shot, Canada’s Prime Minister falls ill with the very disease against which these 'effective' injections were supposed to protect him. But rather than repenting of his mistake, he goes on Twitter and advises the Canadian people to do the same."
Justin Trudeau is a Bungler and Menace to His Nation
* * * * *
- "Becerra is being given the Kamala Harris treatment: Appointment to a position for which there was no prior experience, and then no offer of guidance or support."
Is Biden Getting Ready to Toss HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Under the Bus?
- "City restaurants losing as much as $15,000 per week because of Michelle Wu's vaccine mandate."
Boston Mayor Hints at Keeping Mask, Vaccine Mandates Through Next Winter
- We knew this "Two Weeks" ago!
Japanese Pharmaceutical Company Touts Ivermectin’s "Antiviral Effect" Against Chinese COVID-19
- "Biden's choice of [Chinese] COVID test kits raises more alarms about Beijing's influence over the White House."
Biden’s Home Chinese COVID Test Kits Funded By Blacklisted Chinese Company, Praised For "Obeying" Communist Officials
- "The end is nigh." (we shall see - jjs)
Paul Joseph Watson Video: The Chinese COVID Grift is Almost Over
- "The Left and their media allies have terrified our children and ordinary citizens so much that they desperately want to believe masks and vax mandates are the only answer."
The Chinese COVID Narrative is Falling Apart
* * * * *
- "A recent NPR report quotes a Maryland mother who complains that you risk being tarred as 'a psychotic, anti-vax right-winger' if you dare to question whether children should be forced to wear face masks in day care and K‒12 schools. That attitude is based on the premise that rejecting mask requirements is tantamount to rejecting science. The truth is closer to the opposite. Supporters of school mask mandates assume they are effective at reducing [Chinese] COVID-19 transmission, then desperately search for evidence to validate that conviction. That process bears little resemblance to science."
There's No Science Behind the CDC's Insistence on Masking in Schools
- The cracks that are opening in the dogma that “masks work” are just the tip of that iceberg.
Coming to Grips With the Facts About Masks
- "Pandemic masks are a symbol of the crackdown on free speech and personal decisions."
This is Not America, Part 2
- Two weeks to flatten humanity.
Johns Hopkins University Study: "Lockdowns Have Had Little to No Public Health Effects," "Imposed Enormous Economic and Social Costs"
- "Dissenting doctors say, 'Yes.'"
Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless Chinese COVID Deaths?
- "News show grimly celebrates new form of inhumane tyranny."
Unvaxxed Parents in Western Australia Banned From Visiting Sick Children in Hospital
- "Coffee prices are going up due to weather issues around the globe and prolonged supply chain problems."
Coffee Prices Are Going Up
- "Raskin -- who Biden announced as his nominee for vice chair for supervision of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on January 14th -- has previously supported allocating capital and portfolios towards “sustainable investments” and away from fossil fuel projects. In June, she even argued in favor of penalties for banks that serve fossil fuel companies."
Coalition of States Call on Biden to Rescind Federal Reserve Nominee Over "Radical" Views
- "A county supervisor said the office, led by Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, did not follow the law in a sexual assault case that took place in LCPS, Fox 5 DC reported. But, the office’s former attorneys said its problems extend beyond just the one occurrence."
Problems Within the Loudoun County Attorney’s Office Run Deeper Than Its Handling of Sexual Assault
- "Buta Biberaj oversaw Loudoun County Schools sexual assault case."
WATCH: Reporter Confronts Soft-on-Crime Soros DA
- "Green called Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, a hero for putting a bullet in the leg of a Louisville Metro police officer, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, who has since retired from the force. Mattingly was not amused."
Lefty Gov. Appoints New Judge Who Called Breonna Taylor's Cop-Shooting Boyfriend a "Hero"
- “As far as what the consequences are which Jen Psaki is laughing off, it’s no laughing matter when people get pushed into incoming train in the subway and they end up losing their life as a result.”
Rep. Lee Zeldin: Violent Crime is "No Laughing Matter"
- "Federal prosecutors in Ohio’s Northern District are going after the suspects driving homicide increases."
Crime Control in Cleveland
- "Contrary to the narrative, it’s not White supremacism that’s at fault."
The Truth Behind Racist Attacks on Asian-Americans
- "Hear no evil, see no evil, prosecute no evil."
John Kennedy Dumps on "Woke" Crime Policies That Turn Criminals Into Victims
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Ever since [self-gassing apostate] Jonathan Greenblatt, a woke former Obama White House official, took over the Anti-Defamation League, it reflexively screams 'Anti-Semitism!' when critics fault Soros’ political work -- and the left loyally follows suit. . . I’ll be clear: Political pundits, ranging from columnists to cartoonists to on-air talent, should not hesitate to condemn Soros as perhaps the most despicable person in public affairs."
It's a Mitzvah - Not Anti-Semitism - to Attack Nazi Collaborator George Soros' DA Campaigns
- "Fontanilla wrote a letter to the school board protesting the 'attempt at left-wing indoctrination.' When the letter was read at a public school board meeting, the parents cheered. The school board banned anti-CRT comments at its next public meeting."
Hispanic Students in California Were Forced to Learn Crackpot Disg-Race Theory. Here's What Happened
- "Two studies examine the information available to parents about public schools -- and supply more questions than answers."
What’s in a School Rating?
- "Hillsdale College is a liberal arts college in southern Michigan known for its refusal to accept federal funds. The college has launched an initiative to revitalize 'public education through the launch and support of classical K-12 charter schools.'" (good on Bill Lee; now do every other state - jjs)
Tennessee Partners With Hillsdale College In Statewide Charter School Initiative
- "A senior White House official boasted about a clandestine effort to resettle 13,000 migrants across the southern border and into the United States, calling it 'beautiful to watch.'"
Biden Junta Official Boasts About Releasing Migrants Into US
- "Are those crimes or not?"
Josh Hawley Grills Biden Judicial Nominee Kenly Kato On Illegal Immigration
- "How did Biden go from inheriting the most secure southern border in history to overseeing a historic border crisis? Well, just ask White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. According to her, “' had every intention of implementing a different approach' than the Trump administration on immigration."
Oh, So This Is Why There’s a Border Crisis
- "Stephen Dinan with the Washington Times now reports that Biden’s sanctuary country orders -- where Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are banned from arresting and deporting illegal aliens unless they meet narrow thresholds of criminality -- are helping Padilla evade deportation from the U.S."
Biden Helps Illegal Alien, Accused of Killing Teen Girl, Evade Deportation
- "The bill also pushes back the date by which states must certify their electoral slate, to allow for recounts and court challenges, and places responsibility for identifying the correct electors with the governor."
Democrat Senators Release Draft Bill Changing Electoral Vote Count Rules
- Larry Elder: "Midterm elections and double standards."
Biden Preemptively Questions 2022 -- But Trump's a "Big Liar" About 2020
- "State-of-the-art Fractal Programming reviews of American voter rolls reveal huge problems that public officials will ignore until they’re forced to pay attention." (define "forced" - jjs)
We Need a Sarbanes-Oxley Law for Voter Rolls
- ". . . But according to official memos seen by Just The News, this is not the case. Instead, these memos indicate that U.S. State Department officials were “impressed” with Shokin’s anti-corruption plan and fully supportive of his efforts -- undermining a key narrative during the Democrats’ first partisan impeachment of President Trump."
BOMBSHELL: Key Evidence Undermining Ukraine Impeachment Narrative Withheld From Trump Defense
- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement said, “It ought to be disturbing to all Americans that the head of the CIA and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs were reportedly conspiring against the President of the United States."
Judicial Watch Sues CIA Over Communications That Reportedly Targeted President Trump
- “Effective immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg for her wrong and hurtful comments,” ABC News President Kim Godwin tweeted. “While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments.” (that means she'll be back before you can say "Jeffrey Toobin" - jjs)
Whoopi Rape-Rape Suspended From The View Following Holocaust Comments
- "If you want to know what the Bernie Sanders and AOCs of the Left have in mind for people of faith in America, look no further than the People’s Republic of China, where bad things routinely happen to Christians."
China Now Banning Children From Attending Churches; Don't Assume America Can't Be Next
- Oswego, New York District Attorney Gregory Oakes said Monday that there is insufficient legal basis to bring charges against Cuomo, but that the decision is “not an exoneration,” Just the News reports. The decision marks the end of all cases against Cuomo.
Another One Bites the Dust: DA Drops Final Sexual Harassment Case Against Angel of Death Cuomo
- When asked about her hypocrisy, Bush got defensive: “You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see? You want to see me die?” (yes -- in a fire - jjs)
Hey Big Spender! Hypocritical ‘Squad’ Democrats Spent Over $300,000 on Private Security Last Year Despite Hating Police
- Slap, meet Wrist . . .
FEC Records Show Democrat Rep. Jahana Hayes Used Campaign Funds to Pay Family Thousands of Dollars
- "[Marie] Newman's settlement with Chehade came as the Democrat faced a congressional ethics investigation into her employment agreement with the activist."
Illinois Dem Appears To Use Donor Funds To Pay Settlement to Political Rival She Bribed
- "Though Manchin did not support the House-passed bill and was unable to reach a compromise with his Democratic colleagues, he has not shut the door to potentially restarting negotiations in the future."
Manchin: Build Bolshevism Biggerer is "Dead"
- "The White House’s apparent belief that Harris could cast such a vote is at odds with arguments from Harvard Law professor and Biden ally Laurence Tribe. Tribe argued in 2020 that then-Vice President Mike Pence could not cast a tie-breaking vote to approve Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination."
White House Believes Kamala Harris Could Cast Deciding Vote For SCOTUS Nominee, Piss-Hockey Psaki Says
- "A Supreme Court diversity hire is precisely the wrong move for America right now."
Joe Biden’s Racism Is Under New Management
- Margot Cleveland: "There are many positives to the conservative cause if Joe Biden nominates a far-left candidate to the Supreme Court."
Why the Right Should Root for Biden to Pick the Most Insane Supreme Court Nominee
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden’s gender and sex criteria for his Supreme Court nomination is no more rational than the infamous distinction Roman emperor Elagabalus used for his appointments."
Biological Endowments
- "Picking a Supreme Court justice based on superficial traits like race and sex is racist and sexist, even when Republican presidents do it."
Biden Is Wrong About His Supreme Court Pledge -- And So Were Reagan and Trump
- "With Lujan absent, Democrats will have to wait to confirm several executive and judicial branch nominees, unless Republicans pledge to support them."
Democrat Senator Ben Ray Lujan Suffers Stroke
- "The oh-so-normal photo ops of [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden gnawing on a waffle cone have lost their appeal. Polls show consistently that the president’s approval among independents is cratering. Biden’s net approval has declined from -2 on Inauguration Day to -30 rolling into February. It hit -20 on Sept. 21, 2021, and has only gotten worse since."
Biden Loses More Ground With Voters With a Bigoted Approach to the Open SCOTUS Seat
- "These NeverTrump RINOs are also getting help from George W. Bush and at least one other member of his administration."
A Lot of Republican Congress Members Are Trying to Foil MAGA Candidates
- "The biggest game of political chicken is being played. Does anyone win here?"
Donald Trump vs. the World
- "President Trump made every effort to keep his promises, but he lacked the killer instinct that would have allowed him to drain the swamp." (he lacked any allies as well as anyone who had a fealty to their oaths, ethics and morality is what he lacked! - jjs)
Why Donald Trump Should NOT Be the Republican Nominee
- "The news further raises questions as to Ortagus' fitness for the MAGA base."
Trump’s TN-5 Pick Morgan Ortagus Launched a Consulting Firm with Her "Best Friend" a XiNN Contributor Turned Biden Official Who Called Trump "Hitler"
- "Nancy decides to limit attendance at the SOTU address -- just in case."
Malig-Nancy's Plan for the SOTU
- “It’s a positive step but more can be done,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing on Tuesday.
White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan
- "It could be the beginning of the Trump comeback."
With Launch of Truth Social, Trump’s Exile is Over
- “Not all opinions are created equal.”
SHOT: Video -- Potato Head Stelter Says Joe Rogan Doesn’t Have the Credibility That XiNN Does
- "Fox News as a network also performed well among Democrat viewers in primetime."
CHASER: Tucker Carlson Has More Democrat Viewers In Key Age Range Than XiNN Or MSLSD
- "On two separate occasions, Ocasio-Cortez over Christmas break was seen maskless partying and relaxing in South Florida while her home state sheltered from the omicron spike."
"Anxious": Titty Caca AOC Announces a Break from Twitter After Being Caught Maskless, Catching Chinese Coronavirus
- "His sin was asking questions."
In Defense of Joe Rogan
- "Are we individual thinkers or are we submitting to the group in order to affirm preconceived notions that have nothing to do with truth or, even, the search for it?"
Out, Out, Damn Spotify!
- "Protecting an unindicted co-conspirator through journalism malpractice."
The Washington Post’s Public Relations For CAIR
- "NBC Profits From Chinese Oppression" (Nothing But Communists - jjs)
Pro-Hong Kong Group Lights Up NBC Headquarters To Protest Winter Olympics
- "Policy comes amid surge in Facebook groups devoted to human smuggling." (Zuckerberg is cancer - js)
Meta Will Allow Solicitation of Human Smuggling on Its Platforms
- "We need new, independent, domestic end-to-end ammunition plants, and right away." (what we need/want and what we'll be allowed to have are two very different things - jjs)
The Backdoor Gun Ban
- "2020 manual touts mission to 'create language that reflects our way of looking at the world today and that helps shape the world for tomorrow.'"
NATO Prepared to Mount "Gender-Inclusive Response to Putin’s Aggression in Ukraine
- “Their most important task is to contain Russia’s development,” Putin said of the United States -- a theme he has been returning to again and again in recent weeks.
Putin Says U.S. Is Trying to Goad Russia Into War With Ukraine
- "Erdoğan’s visit to the Ukrainian capital on Thursday is part of a planned annual meeting of the Turkey-Ukraine High-Level Strategic Council (HLSC), the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet reported on Monday."
Turkey’s Turd-ogan to Lend Support to Ukraine with Kyiv Visit
- "Nuclear negotiations will end in coming weeks, with deal or no deal." (if Israel strikes preemptively, what will the reaction be from Russia, China, and the Biden Junta? -jjs)
Iran Weeks Away From Having Fuel To Power Atomic Bomb, State Department Warns
- "The Biden [junta] is desperate to sign any deal they can, looking for some kind of foreign policy triumph as inflation, a slowing economy, and probable rising unemployment drags the [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] approval numbers down even further." (and they think that this will boost his numbers? RUFKM?! - jjs)
Biden is Close to Reviving the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Useless Iran Nuclear Deal
- "The Chinese Communist Party last year sentenced a Uyghur author to death and two others to life in prison."
In America, Books Get "Banned." In China, Authors Get the Death Sentence.
- "National conservatives have gone all in for virtue to the exclusion of freedom."
The Nationalist Project -- OK, One Cheer
- “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish. I am Jewish.”
Daniel Pearl Was Murdered 20 Years Ago Today
- Robert Spencer: "All part of the Left’s advancing authoritarian agenda."
Immigration Fraudster, Incest Enthusiast and Whoopie Goldberg Joke Writer Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's Husband Accuses Iranian Dissident of "Islamophobia"
- "Dad Mohammed Patman and cousin Darya Khan Safi were also said to be outraged that she married a Jew. It’s alleged that in August 2018, Patman flew to Slovakia and was 'actively searching' for Ali. A hitman allegedly stated that he would kill the porn star for $70,000. Patman and Safi are now in the process of being extradited to Slovakia." (Jewish pornographers! Where's Whoopie? - jjs)
Afghanistan’s Top Porn Star Slams Taliban After Dad's Alleged Plot to Have Her Killed
- "As Kabul stood on the precipice of falling into the hands of the Taliban after nearly 20 years of U.S. occupation, documents showed that several top administration officials had not yet established a strategy for exiting the country and evacuating the thousands of American citizens and allies still left."
Leaked Documents Reveal Biden Unprepared for Afghanistan Fall
- "Unions raked in millions as they pushed for government lockdowns."
Labor Unions Collected $37 Million in Chinese COVID Relief They Were Ineligible To Receive
- "Revoking Trump’s good guidance executive order helps Big Business keep out competitors."
Biden Revives Secret Laws That Crush Everyday Americans
- John Stossel: "San Francisco, progressive ideas and catastrophic endings."
Sick City
- "Oddly these are the same two years commie leaders offered people donuts, french fries, and free weed to get the so-called vaccination."
Diabetes Deaths Hit 100,000 Two Years in a Row: Wonder Why
- The taxpayers probably forked over ten times as much for Hunter's coke habit.
U.S. Gov't Spent Over $2.3 Million Injecting Puppies With Cocaine
- "There are two sorts of societies that embrace mass civil hysteria: those that are stable and secure, and those that inherently unstable. In the first case, mass hysteria can be employed as a political tool because the institutions of a stable society are strong enough to endure the exercise. In the second, mass hysteria doesn’t matter because the wheels have already come off."
The "Science" of Climate Hysteria
- "Environmental economists want to hike price of beef by 56 per cent."
Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change
- "Government officials overlook problems with their preferred remedies to climate change."
The Wrong Solutions
- "Climate alarmist scientists want to sell you on how smart they are. But there's one huge problem they're overlooking."
The Great Climate Rip-Off
- "As the movement spread across the country, as in all cults, it acquired a religious-like character that persists to this day."
The Transgender Movement is a Modern-Day Castration Cult
- "The leaders of our most basic institutions will do everything in their power to ensure that you cater to their delusions. Don’t."
Catering to the Left’s Delusions Greenlights Sex Crimes, Looting, and Torturing Children
- “We want to express our full support for Lia in her transition." (Stockholm syndrome/hostage video - jjs)
"Several" Members of UPenn Swimming, Diving Team Voice Support for Lia Thomas
- Dennis Prager: "Ironically, Lia Thomas has rendered us a service. She has helped clarify the moral and intellectual state of the Ivy League and the New York Times, two formerly respected institutions. But, of course, that was a long time ago."
Trans Athletes, The New York Times, and the Ivy League
- Good for South Dakotans. But it's a transparent attempt at a mea culpa by Noem. She simply cannot be trusted.
South Dakota Passes Gov. Kristi Noem’s Ban on Boys Competing in Girls’ Sports
- “The chilling effect of self-censorship is real -- and can have an alarming effect on how Americans communicate.”
FIRE Survey Finds Most People See Cancel Culture as a Threat to Democracy and Freedom
- "There’s a generation gap on the Right, and it’s hurting us."
Boomers, Meet the Based
- "The Holocaust was not, as Goldberg put it, about ‘man’s inhumanity to man.’ It was about man’s genocide of Jews."
Whoopi Goldberg’s Ignorance About the Holocaust is What Happens When Intersectionality Rots People’s Brains
- "White privilege."
London Nightclub Charges Straight, White Males Six Times More Than Ethnic Minorities For Entry
- "I have good friends and mentors on both sides of the conservative debate. They are intelligent, patriotic, and courageous. Their issues do matter. But let’s remember who are the real enemies of fundamental truth, and not become immersed in internal debates over theological principles, as the Byzantines did in 1453 when the Ottomans were at the gate."
You’re Not Crazy. The New Left Really Is at War With Reality
- "Conservatarian Press vows to bring true diversity to the publishing landscape."
New Fiction Publisher Fights Silent Censorship
- "A&E series exposes Hugh Hefner's Sexual Revolution." (I'd be VERY wary of anything coming out of A&E, all things considered - jjs)
Hef’s House of Horrors
- "You’ve all seen them. Maybe some of you have them. They’re the identifying marker of a member of the New Woke Order and they are displayed in gardens across America where they stand with virtuous pomposity that demands you notice: someone in this house is better than you."
If It's Not an Election Year, Political Signs on Your Lawn Are Obnoxious
- The Commanders.
Washington Redskins New Team Name Seemingly Confirmed by News Chopper
- Thanks for the memories. . . mostly of the Giants beating you in the Super Bowl and ruining your perfect season. Other than that, considering the last item, I could care fuck all for the NFL.
Tom Brady Officially Announces His Retirement
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:14 AM
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