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February 01, 2022

Supposedly, ABC/Disney Is Hopping Mad At Whoopi Goldberg and May Fire Her
Update: Should The View be Boycotted? And Cancelled? Let's Ask the Grotesque Toads of The View!

I don't believe that for an instant.

What I do believe is that they got very angry when she went out on Colbert and basically doubled down and made it worse. And I think they blew up and maybe put out the word that they were angry enough to fire her, just to get her to back down off her "White People Cannot be the Victims of Racism, and Jew are White People" black racist political stance.

For the moment.

I have a feeling the "learning" about the Holocaust and what Hitler was up to from 1933 to 1945 she's claiming she's done in the last 24 hours -- something she somehow did not learn about for all 70 previous years of her worthless life -- will not stick, and at some point not far down the road, she'll be making noises about racism only being something that can happen to dark-skinned people.

Before getting into Whoopi Goldberg's Please Don't Fire Me Listening Tour, I want to underscore what she said yesterday -- a part I'd missed myself with all the other crazy racist shit she was saying.

The quote, from Newsbusters:

Whoopi described the Holocaust as "white people doing it to white people. So, this is y'all go fight amongst yourselves."

Wow. The Holocaust is just white people shit, white people Doing Some Things to each other. Got nothing to do with me. Not interested!

Well, you know, the great majority of white people whose ancestors did not emigrate to America until after the Civil War, or were far too poor to own slaves, or who were Northerners, would also like to explore this "ain't got nothin' to do with me" philosophy you're sketching out here, Whoopi.

But that is a really dismissive and nasty take on the Holocaust. And therefore it's 100% honest -- this is white people shit. Whoopi don't care. She's got no Grievance Stakes in this.

And furthermore, she insist that there are no racial Grievance Stakes to be had here, because "it's not about race." Racial grievance is something only her race gets to wallow in.

This is all a nasty political game about deciding about which races deserve racial sympathy, and which -- such as, here, the Jews -- do not.

Or maybe she just is this ignorant of any history or experience outside her own. In which case, I guess I have to ask why I grew up having to constantly learn and relearn about black civil rights icons, when Whoopi could obviously give no cares about anything not directly affecting her.

Do you know how many times I had to read about Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes, or W.E.B. DuBois?

Or you know, I had to read The Invisible Man thinking "Oh fun, it's the invisible man," but no, psych, it's a racial metaphor, see?!

Not fun at all. And I'm supposed to be "learning" about the politics of the radical black community. In ninth grade.

And meanwhile, Whoopi doesn't even know that the Nazis had some interesting ideas about race.

Must be nice.

Must. Be. Nice.


Supposedly -- per Page 6, a gossip page, which has lower standards for publication than the regular media does, and you know how low the standards are for publication in the regular media -- "insider" at ABC are contemplating a firing.

There is growing fury inside ABC over Whoopi Goldberg's controversial Holocaust claims, with insiders insisting that her apology isn’t enough and demanding that she be fired.


[S]ources tell Page Six that staffers and fellow hosts on "The View," as well as insiders at Disney, are furious that Goldberg has not been disciplined.

"ABC staffers and Disney Network execs are saying Whoopi went way too far. And board members are not happy with her apology and want a fuller retraction. The word is that Whoopi is in 'deep s--t,'" one ABC insider told us.

"Why does Whoopi seemingly get a pass when others don't? Perhaps this time she won't. Many at the network -- including her fellow hosts -- believe Whoopi is too controversial now for the show."

The insider also told Page Six that the situation "isn't just going to blow over."

Oh yes it will. The rules are different and we all know that.

Whoopi's racial calculus is odious but it's all but accepted as Scientific Fact by the Media-Government Complex: There is no such thing as racism against white people, and as conservative Jews realized long ago, and as progressive Jews are only learning now to their alarm, "white people" is defined as including them for these purposes.

But the rage and bluster was enough to get Whoopi to climb down, for the moment, from her insistence that she was right, "as a black person," that there is no possible racial animus unless there's a black person being victimized.

Wow, Hitler viewed Jews as an inferior race poisoning the German bloodline and dreamed of purifying the Aryan nation into a Master Race? Who knew?!!?

Man, someone should write a book about this, or maybe make a movie.

Why have Whoopi's Hollywood friends been hiding this obscure information from her for so, so long?

Who is responsible for failing to position Whoopi for success?

Well, friends:

I'd like to think we've all been on a Learning Adventure today. True, we -- you and me, us -- didn't learn anything. Because we're older than seven years old, and have read books, and/or seen The Twilight Zone movie segment where Vic Morrow hates all other races including, oh yeah, the Jewish race.

But we got to witness Whoopi Goldberg learning, and that's a Learning Adventure by Proxy!

And let's keep in mind that Whoopi Goldberg essentially has a third-grade education, except a shoddy third-grade education with large embarrassing gaps in it, so the the next time she and her idiot cow co-hosts decide to lecture us on anything having to do with history, or medicine, or science, or What Colors Are, or What Shapes Are, or What Number Comes After Five, or, anything at all, really, we should just laugh and laugh and laugh at the low-functioning morons!

Update: Should Whoopi be #Canceled? Should The View be boycotted?

After all, they do push a lot of Disinformation.

Well, here are the ignorant, nasty, ugly cows of the view calling for Joe Rogan to be boycotted and for Spotify to take away his show, which Joy Behar says "isn't cancel culture, it's consequence culture."

So let's have some Consequence Culture for Whoopi Goldberg and The View!

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posted by Ace at 06:22 PM

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