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February 09, 2022
TIME Magazine: Natural Immunity to COVID is better than the vaccine [TJM]
The body mounts a wider-ranging immune response when it encounters the actual virus as opposed to a vaccine, Presti says. So if you had a breakthrough infection, you probably walked away from the (hopefully mild) experience with an even stronger and more robust immune profile than you had before you got sick.
Can we be done with covid now?
Well, most of America has moved on. I think it's well established that the only places clinging to their shots and their masks are blue enclaves. Going from smaller cities in Republican areas like Charleston to places like New York and back is like traveling backwards and forwards in time.
This latest entry from TIME magazine (where I first heard of Asian Dawn, as it happens) is the latest round in the civil war on the Left over COVID. TIME, it seems, has been captured by the faction dedicated to giving Joe Biden a political win, any political win, before the midterms in order to salvage the election for Democrats.
This article is not meant for Republicans, conservatives, or anyone who hasn't worn a mask in more than a year. This is aimed directly at the Democratic base, begging them to allow Democratic governors to ease up on restrictions. Of course, Democratic governors have their own incentives, well beyond personal safety, for not letting go, but that's another matter. This fight is very long from over. We've all seen the people who put themselves in plastic bubbles to get the mail. We've all seen how Twitter moves to appease the most mentally ill of the left. We've all seen how Democratic politicians, media personalities, and celebrities ask how high when told to jump by Twitter.
But the tide continues to turn.
The problem is that blue enclaves have been chasing out the people most likely to try and turn the tide at the local level for more than a year.
Good luck with all that. The 2030 census is gonna be lit.

posted by Open Blogger at
05:46 PM
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