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February 11, 2022
Taste the Blood of the Libs of TikTok
Some posts here aren't from Libs of TikTok, but were retweeted by Libs of TikTok. Or are just Libs of TikTokish.
Man is getting along well with woman... until he assumes her gender.
"I didn't get all of the state-coerced affirmations I think I am entitled to."
Digital blackface? Let's talk about actual clownface.
School personnel who are "All About the Kids" are really determined that children with zero risk of serious covid wear masks all day.
No big deal, just a teacher casually, jokingly (I hope) talking about violence against students if you "mask shame" him for wearing ten masks.
We're living in Black Mirror: A woman says she's not trans herself but her "headmates" -- the alternate personalities she says she has as a supposed multiple personality disorder person -- are trans, so she's going to undergo trans therapy, and experience the horror of being converted to the wrong sex. She seems proud of this.
Obviously, no ethical doctor in the world would ever assist a mentally-deranged person in getting inalterable elective surgeries, but gender reassignment "doctors" are not ethical, they are crazed lunatic zealots and butchers, and almost all of their patients are mentally ill and this has never stopped them before.
So this woman will get her Black Mirror horrorshow surgery.
In another Black Mirror episode, this woman claims that she has two personalities, or two "souls," a man and a woman, inside of her, and tells us the charming and disturbing story of how these two souls fell in love. Inside of her.
When is she scheduled for her surgery?
Woman who puts the word "health" in " " " air quotes " " " wants proof that "being " " " healthy " " " isn't always bad." She thinks being " " " healthy " " " is always actually just "rooted" in fatphobia, ableism, capitalism, and colonialism.
She will be married and devoted to the Democrat Party for 70 years. This is their prime recruiting pool.
Literally everything can be blamed on white supremacy, including this obese woman's inability to get dates.
Another Lifelong Wife of the Democrat Party: Another Groomer Teacher who is very focused on teaching young children how to use "their pronouns."
From 2016: MSNBC ideologue Melissa Harris Perry pushes the toxic, evil communist idea that children must be taken from their parents and made the custody of the state: ""We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families."
Virginia education official admits that she's teaching a curriculum designed within a "Marxist framework," and doesn't think that's controversial at all. She suggests that if the parent questioning her just reads Marx, then she'll understand the Marxist framework.
Black Mirror: Her eleven-year-old is now on hormone "therapy." And who could have guessed it? The child being used in a bizarre medical experiment to satisfy the sexual-political ambitions of vicious zealots now has depression.
On that: The woman whose child was converted to "trans" behind her back by California teachers is suing. Her child also became, surprise, suicidal.
But if you want to make a tranny omelet, you have to break a few confused-tweenage girl eggs.
Black Mirror and content warning: A "trans man" -- a girl who had her breasts lopped off -- shows off her pregnant "male" belly.
Gotta crate-train them when they're puppies.
Glad we #Resisted all that authoritarianism!
Let's be real and add the "S" to LBGTQ -- "Schizophrenic." It's a big one, we should acknowledge it.
Mentally unwell women are driving culture.
And other mentally unwell... persons.
These people, all in a "poly" relationship, actually have to think about what their gender and pronouns are. Even they can't figure out what they are -- but you're expected to know.