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January 13, 2022
On a Day When "President" (lol) Brandon's Dementia Is So Obvious That It Horrifies the Nation, Kumala Tries to Sound Even Less Qualified Than Her Boss
Some White Man has failed to position Kamala for success again.
And that White Man is Joe Biden. Seriously, I give her a half-pass here because how would you attempt to spin Biden's covid policies, if you were required to?
Still. This answer.
She was a disaster in other ways, too, as Nick Arama from RedState notes.
She claimed that anyone who doesn't support ending the filibuster to permit a federal takeover of voting laws --and an end to all voting integrity rules -- is violating their oath to "uphold and defend the Constitution."
And I'm sure that Sinema and Manchin were happy to hear that when asked, Kumala did say that they were among those so violating their oaths.
What a charmer. Like they used to say of the Germans, she's either at your throat or on her knees.
Can you feel Brandon and Kumala healing America's whole soul"? Bringing us all together? Representing all Americans?
Here's a non-shocking revelation: Kumala doesn't seem to think that Brandon will be on the ticket in 2024. (Spoiler: She won't be, either.)
Arama notes that she was asked about fat idiot clown Tom Friedman's idea of replacing her on the ticket with a different woman with a huge amount of charisma, Liz Cheney.

I just got an email from Corky from "Life Goes On:" "Tah Freemah realleh shyuh seh suh rehtahdah shih."
Arama comments:
Harris was even asked if she heard about the ridiculous rumor of a Biden-Cheney ticket. She denied it. But her long pause in responding is fascinating. Something is up there. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has already said that Biden intends to run again, so why is there the reluctance on Harris' part to say it? This is the second time she's refused to answer the question. It would seem that she doesn't want to commit to Biden.
Maybe she knows something we don't.
Or maybe she knows exactly what we do, and is capable of some quick-and-dirty on-the-fly back-of-the-envelope actuarial guesstimations in her head.
Biden is not getting any better. Quite the opposite. He is degenerating at an accelerating pace.