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January 08, 2022
Chess Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
Good afternoon. This photo comes from an Instagram post, about “plotting her next move”.
I'm no expert, but maybe her next move should be to set up the board correctly.
In The Spirit Of Last Week's Chess Thread
I may not be an expert, but I do know the rules of chess and how the pieces move. Last week when I invented Weirddave Chess I tried to keep consistent to those parameters, the one big exception being that I allowed the king to be captured (I was going to set up “ransom” but decided not to, the thread was long enough as it was). In that spirit, here is today's chess question:
So, anyone got any idea for new chess pieces?
Chess Problem
Black to move.
What is the minimum number of moves needed by black to create a 3 X 3 grid of open squares on his home row so that black has somewhere to lean his elbow while he plays?
I did not know that the chess thread was supposed to include a section on dresses last week. Only problem is, I don't know anything about dresses except that they look good crumpled up on the floor of my bedroom *wink wink, nudge, nudge, hyuck, hyuck!*. What kinds of dresses do y'all like?
Prom Dresses?
Bridesmaid Dresses?
4th Of July Dresses?
Wedding Dresses With An Unfortunate Bouquet Placement?
Dresses That Say “Do Me”?
Whatever This Is? Linebacker Dresses, Maybe?
I'm sorry folks, I just don't think I'm going to be much help in the dress department.
Open thread.

posted by WeirdDave at
05:00 PM
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