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January 05, 2022
CNN Thumb Chris Cillizza: Weirdest Thing, I've Noticed That Now That My Palz in the Media and Laptop Class are Getting Covid, We've Stopped Stigmatizing Covid and Treating One's Covid Status as a Mark of Social Rank
I wonder why, Chrissie!!!
Chris Cillizza
I've noticed something amid this Omicron surge that's made me reconsider the first 20 months of this pandemic.
For months and months, no one I came into contact with admitted they had Covid. Not neighbors. Not co-workers. Not friends. Not acquaintances. No one.
Chris Cillizza
Except that, with Omicron surging and lots and lots of people [I know] now getting it, I've found some of these same people telling me they had it last fall or at the start of the pandemic or whenever.
By the way, that's now how "Except that" is used, Elite Expert Professional Writer.
Which is fascinating to me. Because it suggests that they were embarrassed or scared to say they (or their family) had it before.
Why? Probably not one reason for everyone, honestly. But I do think societally we unknowingly turned having Covid into some sort of judgment on your character.
Well, perhaps -- you assholes literally turn everyfuckingthing you do into a class marker which you claim elevates you above the peasantry. You literally do this every day with every single minor consumer purchase. So I suppose at this point it is purely habitual, reflexive, unthinking, and "unknowing."
Like, getting Covid was a sign you weren't being responsible or careful enough. Not being a good member of society.
Do tell.
He's just noticing this now.
Trust the media. They're so perceptive! They're such keen observers of society!
The ubiquity -- thanks to its contagiousness -- of Omicron has changed that dynamic. Some of the stigma of getting Covid has worn off, and made people more comfortable acknowledging that they've had it before.
Made You People more comfortable.
Which is a good thing! We need to recognize that getting Covid isn't a moral failing! It's a super infectious disease that you can protect against, sure, but can't guarantee you won't get it.
Anyway, just an observation. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Now it's not a moral failing.
Before it was. Before the media was getting it. Before the Laptop Class -- the only group in the world that could really self-isolate enough to avoid dealing with anyone outside their immediate household -- started getting it.
This pudgy Disaster Brain imbecile...
...is probably paid over $200,000 per year to work about two real hours per day typing out his insignificant chickenheaded stupidthoughts, but will babble about "income inequality." Incoherently, of course.
The children of privilege in Daddy-Got-Me jobs doing Make-Work tasks at a third grade level, calling themselves The Masters of the Universe.