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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (1/4/22) »
January 04, 2022
Rumble Cafe
Sunset at Le Dramont (French Riviera) by Eric Rousset
The Great Social Media Purge is on. There's an election coming up, after all. Democracy is at stake -- meaning, Democrats could lose power.
The Tech Monopolists can't have that.
I could not find the clip of Fauci announcing that children were in hospitals with covid not because of covid on YouTube; even though that is a very newsworthy, "hot" clip, YouTube censored it, so that Fauci's statements about children and covid from six months ago or a year ago filled up the search page.
YouTube decided that people just shouldn't have access to Fauci's quote about that. They preferred you only see his older, scarier quotes.
They are deliberately making themselves unfit for purpose.
That got me looking around on Rumble, so some clips are from Rumble today.
Man rescues baby deer from partly frozen pond where the ice has broken beneath her. It breaks beneath the man, too.
Pet raccoon enjoys belly pets so much it goes dead.
Bat giggling like Muttley from the Stop That Pigeon cartoon.
Cow hearts chicken.
Crow "fledged" on a guy's property and became pals with his dog.
Cute: dog and fawn are friends.
Electromagnetic fields, how do they work?
Dog shows a lot of power in fetching this stick.
Inman: Incivil disobedience.