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December 27, 2021
Bloodthirsty Media Doxes Man Who Said "Let's Go Brandon" To Biden
Because of course they did. You're not allowed to insult leftwingers.
What could possibly justify this? Well, the media has decided that insulting Brandon is a "slur" -- you know, like a racial slur.
Is "slur" used in any other context any longer?
Apparently Biden will be honorarily given Obama's (half) blackness so that the media can claim all criticism of him is Officially Racist and therefore justifies doxing and firing campaigns, as they did with the Rodeo clown.
Erick Erickson, the emotional and moral spastic who alternates between declaring he'll murder census-takers with a shotgun and calling for his political enemies to be gunned down for no reason and then offering left-leaning sanctimonies intended to inform CNN that he is Now a Safe "Conservative" to Hire because He's Not Like Those Other Conservatives, does his One Trick:
Blogging note: I'm taking the day off because, you know, Christmas fell on a Saturday. I have posts for today but they're light in content and were written the past week. I'll post some current stuff as needed but it will be very superficial coverage.