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December 24, 2021
Biden's Puppetmasters Think It Would be a Swell Idea to Invite Nurses to Show off the Song and Dance Routines They've Worked Out During the "Overflowing" Hospital Shifts
Bonus: Santa Put Brandon On His "Senile" List
The hospitals are so overflowing that some of their choreo could use some further workshopping.

Note that that idiot influencer was photoshopped into the picture. He wasn't actually there. He was at the White House in a previous PR visit. Via Deb Heine.
What a stupid time to be alive, as John Ekdahl so stupidly put it.
President Joe Biden's White House played host to a group of singing and dancing nurses in the East Room on Thursday.
The majority of the group was masked during the performance, though first lady Jill Biden observed the event in the room without a mask.
"Doctor Jill" Biden suspended the White House rules and did not wear a mask. What a shock.
President Joe Biden was slammed on Thursday for holding Christmas festivities at the White House this week, complete with nurses singing 'We Need a Little Christmas' and a maskless First Lady, as critics claimed the event was 'tone deaf' and meant to distract from the president's COVID policy failures.
The White House invited the famous Northwell Health's Nurse Choir to perform at this year's 'Spirit of the Season' TV special Tuesday night, and many were quick to point out the poor visuals of happy nurses singing amid the current Omicron surge.
The performance also featured some singers without masks, as well as a maskless Jill Biden off to the side, despite the White House's indoor mask mandate in place.
Covid cannot be transmitted when Democrats want to get their dance on. This has been well-established in all the literature.
As a friend of mine mocked The Regime's propaganda almost a year ago:
30 Hey! By the way. Are you in Oregon? Where's your home? No joke. I want to send you a present. I am not kidding.
Posted by: Joe Biteum
He wants to alert the FBI Special Gift-Wrapping Squad.