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December 22, 2021
The Morning Report - 12/22/21
Good morning, kids. Wednesday, and as Rod Serling used to say, "submitted for your approval."
Some time before Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, the junta that is now controlling our government is going to declare a state of emergency, most likely as a result of the Phi Beta Kappa variant of the original Chinese Lung AIDS, and suspend the midterm elections. The reason will be to protect the health and safety of the American people. Naturally, the US military will be called in to use deadly force on anyone who protests, since protesting is a threat to our collective health and safety.
If anyone would have said this even in the run up to 2020, I'd have called them a tinfoil hat nutter. Now? After everything we have been subjected to for the past "two weeks" (91 in human years), that ain't just Kreskin channeling the spirit of Nostradamus. If, and as I always use now as my standard qualifier, Dao-Min Yen is not going to be a factor, the Democrats are facing a wipe out to end all wipe outs at the polls. Having come within one vote of putting the final nail in the coffin that was the Constitution, they are not going to be denied.
Look, these evil maggots telegraphed and outright declared that Donald Trump would not be allowed to be re-elected. Like plutonium-frosted Kaboom, the 2020 election was "fortified" with vitamins and minerals but mostly a healthy dose of agitprop combined with the evisceration of whatever fig leaf of a pretext of a pretense of election security there might have been, and then the last minute emergency ballot dumping at 9PM in 6 states to seal the deal. Stanley McChrystal, a loathsome fiend who once desecrated an American uniform by putting it on, was the chief engineer behind this so-called "orange revolution" that overthrew President Trump and the will of at least 78 million-plus Americans to install the angry, shambling, dotard of a kiddy-diddling Aqualung in the Oval Office.
Another key player in that conspiracy was none other than Hillary Clinton. Despite reports of a fire sale at Clinton Crime Family HQ, as contributions dwindle, reports of her fading away into the wilderness could be premature:
The other day, in an interview with NBC News, Hillary Clinton went public with a warning -- or was it a dog whistle to Democrats and the left? It might be an instance of Hillary's mouth running ahead of her brain, but don't count on it. Hillary is a coldly calculating woman -- and that might be one of her better qualities.
Hillary suggested that if Trump or "someone of his ilk" is elected president in 2024, then American democracy is kaput. Foolishness? Knowing the conceits and delusions that infect her intended audience, her suggestion might not seem ludicrous. Hillary's side listens to her, so her words carry weight.
From National Review, December 13:
"I think that could be the end of our democracy," [Hillary] said. "Not too be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this could be a make-or-break point. If he or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, especially if he had a Congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country."
Hillary's inference? If Trump or DeSantis (the most likely GOP presidential nominee should Trump not run) wins the presidency -- in a democratic and presumably fair election, no less, and has the backing of an elected Republican Congress -- then the nation has arrived at a "make-or-break point. . . "
. . . Goes the logic, if Republicans assume control of the national government in January 2025, they'll destroy all that we believe in and live by. If Republicans end democracy, as Hillary says, then the normal mechanisms for redress and change (elections, primarily) disappear. What's left? Is the recourse rebellion, armed conflict, war... government overthrow? . . .
. . . Does Hillary want civil war? Doubtful. Her calculations are shorter term and always self-interested. Her comments are a way of recapturing centerstage in her party. Her eye is on a 2024 presidential run, so her words were meant to grab attention and galvanize the Democrat base. Hillary wants to lead the charge, starting with the midterms, to boost her White House prospects.
Whether or not she wants a civil war is irrelevant. Yes, she is making these appearances and statements in the hopes of perhaps positioning herself as the contender that replaces Joe-Blow by some sort of acclamation in Congress, if that is even legal. Not that that matters for much these days, but I digress. But as to civil war, she perhaps knows - as was the subject of yesterday's editorial - that the military, as well as perhaps national and even state and local law enforcement are in the junta's pocket and ready to crush any sort of armed or even unarmed and peaceful resistance.
And then there's this madness from the other contender for the worst woman in the world, Malig-Nancy Pelosi:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Democrat lawmakers on Monday detailing "a full program of events" to remember the January 6 riot in the Capitol.
What happened that day isn't really in dispute. A couple of hundred people breached the Capitol and behaved like idiots. But if what occurred that day was an "insurrection," it will surely go down in history as the most comical and futile attempt to overthrow a government in history -- more ludicrous than the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923.
This begs the question: Why do the Democrats feel they have to portray the events that day as a "rebellion" or a "revolt" when the chances were less than zero that the election results could be overturned? It was a riot, nothing more.
It's all about the narrative, of course. It doesn't matter that there wasn't a serious plot to actually overthrow the government. That's beside the point. If a bunch of drunken Oath Keepers, QAnon kooks, and Proud Boy mouth-breathers conspired in their little fantasyland to keep Trump in power, how is that relevant to national security?
First of all, a hearty fart in the general direction of author Rick Moran for ignoring the fact that the break-in and rioting such as it was, was caused by agents provocateurs of the FBI and even glowies themselves. Meanwhile scores of innocent protesters still remain political prisoners of Biden and Pelosi. But, he does note the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Schickelgruber and company turned that day into a combination of Christmas, Easter and Ramadan all rolled into one gigantic state religion complete with blood-soaked flags and uniforms as relics of the martyrs. Pelosi and the junta doing this is akin to zombie Reinhard Heydrich planning a Holocaust Memorial Day. Ludicrous on the face of it, unless of course you get your news and information from the New York Times and CNN. It serves a purpose to further a narrative that "our precious democracy" (vomit) remains imperiled by Trump and his supporters, i.e. 200 million or so American citizens who still revere and want to restore the Constitution as written.
Despite all of this careful or really ham-fisted propaganda and gaslighting. the whole illusion is being shattered by the absolute train wreck of domestic and foreign policy disasters that the Klain/Kalorama Klown Komintern has unleashed on us. People want no more of it and in fact, polling shows Trump kicking Biden's ass in a theoretical re-match. So the whole J-6 as the greatest threat to our democracy is not cutting any ice with the electorate.
What to do, then? Ah yes. Continue to instill fear that not only is a friggin' flu virus going to kill you but that anyone refusing vaccinations, boosters and masks is a threat to your life -- and of course "our precious democracy."
That there is the "x" factor that scares me. And that will be the pretext that lights this whole shithouse up in flames.
On another note, I came to a realization yesterday that while it's great that Manchin torpedoed the Bolshevism Uber Alles act, I have to temper all the "attaboys" and praise by asking where was Manchin when McCain turned his thumb down on killing Obamacare? More importantly, where was he seven years earlier when it came up for the original crooked vote back in 2010? Perhaps torpedoing Obama back then might have saved us from where we are now. Meh, this has been our trajectory since 1913. The best we ever got was Reagan slowing it down and then Trump even stopping it for a while and almost throwing it in reverse. Of course, that was not to be allowed and, as Jimmy Durante said, "deez are da condishins dat prevail."
I'm mortified.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Daniel Greenfield: "If you 'like' a pro-life group on Facebook, the new woke military will purge you." (related article in the Defense section below - jjs)
Biden Bans Conservatives and Christians from the Military
- "Hillary is projecting. It's Democrats who are intent on driving a stake through democracy's heart."
Is Hillary Clinton Suggesting Civil War?
- This is akin to Reinhard Heydrich planning a Holocaust Memorial Day.
Pelosi and Dems Plan Day of "Solemn Observance" and a "Prayer Vigil" for January 6
- Robert Spencer: "So why are the Jan. 6 committee and Pelosi targeting Flynn? Flynn's complaint suggests that it may be because he was one of the many Americans who were skeptical about the integrity of the 2020 presidential election."
Gen. Michael Flynn Files Restraining Order Against Malig-Nancy Pelosi
- "Perry's claim that the committee is 'illegitimate' likely refers to the fact that it has departed from its own enabling resolution, which requires that it have 13 members, with five from the opposition, the latter to be appointed in consultation with the House Minority Leader."
Rep. Scott Perry Rejects Invitation to Testify at "Illegitimate" January 6 Committee
- "House Democrats appear to be fabricating more J6 evidence." (well, the are the ones that led the actual rioting on J6 and framed Trump and the political prisoners now rotting in jail - jjs)
Jan. 6 Committee Cooks Up Another Misleading Text To Demonize GOP Colleagues
- Kirby said the military will provide a "training and education program that includes very specifically the guidelines for social medial, what's permissible and what's not with respect to extremist prohibited activities."
US Military Defines "Extremist Activities" That Are Now Explicitly Prohibited for Service Members
- "There was a time when every kid, and a lot of cops, fantasized about becoming FBI agents. Not anymore."
The FBI Is Not What It Used to Be (it never was what we thought it was- jjs)
- "He promised to 'shut down the virus.' (Fact check: He has not.)"
High-Risk [so-called quote-unquote] Presidency: 79-Year-Old Joe Biden Coughs His Way Through Chinese COVID-19 Press Conference
- "Amid rising inflation, an ongoing border crisis, and a stalled legislative agenda, Biden is looking for someone to blame."
As His So-Called Quote-Unquote "Presidency" Founders, Biden Scapegoats The Unvaccinated
- Michael Goodwin: "It didn't help that Biden coughed and cleared his throat repeatedly during a speech warning about death and disease. He rarely looks robust, but given the context, this was worrisome. Nor was he persuasive when he insisted to reporters later that nobody anticipated that any [Chinese] COVID variants could spread as rapidly as Omicron, while in the next breath saying 'I knew that was coming.'"
Biden Delivers a Double Dose of Ineptitude as Chinese COVID, BBB Bedevil His his So-Called Quote-Unquote "presidency"
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] condemned unvaccinated Americans, accusing them of being selfish."
Joe Biden: Unvaccinated Cannot Celebrate Holidays Safely - "Putting Other People at Risk"
- "The shortage of [Chinese] COVID tests is not because of the Omicron variant. It has been a problem for several months."
Biden Lied About Why Chinese COVID Tests Are In Short Supply
- "To the [junta], the contrast between the in-group and out-group isn't that one is rid of [Chinese] COVID. It's that one has 'done the right thing.'"
The White House's Vaccine Threats Aren't To Keep You Safe. They're To Keep You In Line
- "Stop it now!"
Biden Scolds Cable TV and Social Media "Purveyors of Lies" on Vaccines
- "If you wanted to create an army of conspiracy theorists who don't trust the medical establishment and increase vaccine hesitancy in the populace, what would you do? You'd suggest using microchips to store vaccine status, of course! And a Swedish company is doing just that -- it has developed a subdural microchip implant that can be used to store vaccine passports."
The Mark of the Beast? Implanted Microchips Storing Vaccine Status Are Already a Reality
- "The ghoulish White House has cranked up a climate of fear."
Biden To The Unvaccinated: Drop Dead
- Robert Spencer: "Shortly after Biden began pretending to be president, he rejected Trump's 'America First' policies. This, however, is something far worse. The Biden [junta] is so committed to its draconian, authoritarian, and hysterical [Chinese]COVID policies that it is staking its credibility upon the lives of Americans. This is nothing less than monstrous; in a sane political culture, there would be insistent calls for Biden's resignation now, and impeachment proceedings would begin. But of course, the authorities who should be holding the Biden [junta] accountable right now are just as compromised and corrupt as Old Joe.
The Biden Junta's Truly Ominous Christmas Wish List for America
* * * * *
- "Why is it vaccine or fire? Jabs or jobs. It's not right. We are from the city. We live in the city. We work for the city. These are our communities. We want to serve them."
Boston's New Mayor Heckled Relentlessly While Announcing New Chinese COVID Restrictions
- Michael Walsh: "The irony is, had the novel coronavirus been treated the same way as its immediate predecessors, including SARS, the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, and the Hong Kong flu of 1968, no one would be talking about it, there would have been no lockdowns, no masks, no ruination of the economy, no destruction of the travel industry, no stealth takeover of private medicine and, most important, no unconstitutional loss of personal liberty."
Time to Fire the Decepticons and Get Over Chinese COVID
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Why the 'real Anthony Fauci' must be held accountable."
Tuskegee Tony, the American Mengele
- "When asked by multiple viewers why health officials are focused on case numbers when evidence suggests that most cases of Omicron are mild or asymptomatic, Walensky downplayed evidence that the variant is mild."
Despite Evidence, Talking Med School Cadaver Walensky Refuses To Call Omicron "Mild" in Interview With Fox's Bret Baier
- "Since these 'vaccines' appear to do little to prevent someone from getting [Chinese] COVID-19, and in the case of the newest Omicron variant the preliminary data suggests they are useless, why mandate the shots at all? To continue to do so in the face of these basic facts suggests that a lot of people are not using their brains, and are on automatic fear control, irrelevant of reality."
Pushback Against Blacklists: Boeing Cancels Mandate to Fire Workers Who Don't Get Chinese COVID Shot
- "Vaccine-free, your time is up."
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Heavy Hand
- "Workers told they'll be doing a lot of overtime."
Austria Hiring People to "Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers"
- "Today we are facing an economic commodification of human beings, in which capitalism blends with an ideology of surveillance."
Whose Body Is It Anyway?
- "The number of U.S. residents grew by just 0.1 percent for the 12 months ending July 1, showing just how much the pandemic is changing the country's demographics."
Chinese COVID-19 Pandemic Drives U.S. Population Growth to All-Time Low
- Carter at least was a complete incompetent. I think this destruction is intentional.
POLL: Biden's Economic Ratings Are So Bad They're Worse Than Jimmy Carter's In 1977
- "I was very close to going the other way."
Candace Owens Asks Trump Why He Didn't Pardon Assange, Snowden
- "In the summer of 2020, with violence and chaos raging in the streets of Chicago, she arrogantly refused an offer from then-President Donald Trump for federal assistance."
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Begs Biden for Help After Turning Down Trump Offer for Assistance
- "Urban violence triggers the rise of private security services for the affluent."
Public Safety -- If You Can Afford It
- "Why would a DA, whose job, first and foremost, is to deter crime through efficient prosecution, even consider letting serious crimes go unpunished?"
Why LA Must Show the Gascon the Door
- They voted this ass-clown in in the first place. Or maybe not, considering Dao-Min Yen.
Milwaukee County Residents Demand DA Be Fired After Waukesha Parade Massacre
- "Kimberlynn Jurkowski defrauded New Jersey of $24,000, abused dogs."
DC Librarian Who Made Children Reenact Holocaust Is Failed Dem Candidate, Convicted Fraudster, and Animal Abuser
- While parents as a whole said they wanted more educational options for kids, including those that point to opportunities outside of higher education (which 64 percent of GOP parents said "encourage radical values and political views"), 60 percent said they would choose for their child to be happily married with children over building a career and staying well off without children.
Fed-Up Parents Want Education Reforms That Prepare Their Children For Life, Not Just College
- Let me as Cory Booker's dickless doppelganger What about borrowing money you never intend to repay?
Squad Member LoPecia Pressley Calls Opposing Student Loan Forgiveness "Policy Violence"
- "Homeland Security announcement comes amid record surge in illegal immigration."
After Yearlong Halt in Construction, Biden Junta To Close Gaps Left in Border Wall
- "The CBP provides data on 'encounters' with illegal migrants rather than the number of actual individuals apprehended, because it says many migrants make multiple attempts to cross the border and get into the United States."
Ten Times More Nicaraguans Encountered on SW Border in Two Months Than in All of Fiscal Year 2020
- Margot Cleveland: "Pennsylvania county election officials were caught on tape plotting to hide alleged violations of state election law."
New Videos Capture Pennsylvania Officials Hiding Evidence Of Alleged Election Fraud
- Bitch, please. Call me when the FBI/CNN raid the Chappaqua compound at 3AM and they're arraigned.
Latest Durham Filing Reveals New Legal Woes For Clinton Campaign
- "[Org] also raked in nearly $26 million in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to records from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."
Youngkin's Education Sec Pick Founded Org That Calls For Collecting Children's Data, Raked In Nearly $26 Million From Bill Gates
- "Sources closer to the case have characterized Iniguez's behavior as belligerent, and at one point, saying 'You really effed up,'" Gregory said. "Not only is he the chief of staff of the D.A.'s office, but he also heads up the Justice Integrity Unit, which oversees police conduct."
Los Angeles D.A. Gascon's Top Aide Files Complaint Against Police After Arrest For Public Intoxication
- "The poll comes mere days after moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced that he will not support the measure, essentially killing the bill."
Survey: Support for Biden's Build Bolshevism Biggerer Act Sinks
- "The truth hurts -- unless you're permanently blind to it. Then, it doesn't hurt at all."
It Was the Left's Stubbornness That Doomed the Build Bolshevism Biggerer Bill, Not Manchin
- Jeffrey Lord: "Manchin hits back at White House staff."
Biden's Bullies
- "Petulant White House and progressives in Congress lash out in rage."
Manchin Saves Country From Nightmare "Build Bolshevism Biggerer" Act
- "Additionally, one poll showed that since the 2018 midterms, there had been a 42-point swing with Hispanic voters. Hispanic voters now favor a generic Republican over a generic Democrat by two points."
Poll: Voters Favor Republicans to Control Senate, House in 2022
- "California, Illinois, and New York on the decline. Florida, Idaho, and Texas on the rise." (here's hoping the left their voting habits that caused them to flee behind."
Americans Fled Blue States for Red States in Massive Numbers in 2021, Census Finds
- "Dems' response: They're GOP plants!" (so many are switching parties, this may be somewhat accurate - jjs)
Kamala Harris Is Getting Destroyed on Spanish-Language Radio
- "Populism, in its economic, political, and technological forms, may be the only hope for reversing course on our society's path toward the edge of the cliff."
Populism: The Answer to China's Co-optation of Corporate America
- Later in the panel, Kirk asked, "So, Kyle, you have any plans to sue some media companies soon?" "I don't know, Charlie," teased Rittenhouse. "I don't know, but some accountability's coming. I'd be on the lookout. Accountability may be coming."
Kyle Rittenhouse Is an Absolute Rockstar at AmericaFest
- "CNN frequently uses the 'kill shot' metaphor in its coverage, but after Fox News' Jesse Watters used it, CNN threw a hissy fit."
XiNN Loved the "Kill Shot" Metaphor Until Fox News' Jesse Watters Used It Against Fauci
- "Watters implored conservatives to engage in 'Project Veritas'-style journalism against Fauci and others, including Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA), explaining how to execute a "set up" question, and then go in for the rhetorical 'kill shot.' Watters also told attendees to be 'respectful' when they encounter political figures."
Fox News Issues Strong Response After Fauci Calls For Jesse Watters to Be Fired
- Christian Toto: "The latest Tucker Carlson production [rightly] savages all the usual suspects."
Trial of Kyle Convicts Media of Gaslighting 101
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "If only Goldberg and Hayes could see beyond the personal."
Jonah Goldberg Tears into Fox, Tucker, and Trump While Pelosi Tears the Constitution and America
- "The Biden [junta] wants no questions from African reporters about how the illogical Biden travel ban is affecting their countries."
Biden's White House Discriminates Against African Reporter Merely for Doing His Job
- "[Sitz-]Pritzker called the repeal 'essential' arguing the original act punished 'vulnerable pregnant minors' including 'victims of rape and physical abuse.'"
Illinois Will Allow Minors to Get Abortions Without Notifying Parents
- UN watchdog IAEA warns Iran's nuclear program is "a short, technical step from weapons-grade levels."
Top Iranian General Taunts Israel, Says Jerusalem Can't Strike Its Nuclear Weapon Sites Without U.S. "Green Light"
- "We're hoping for peace on Earth, but a weak U.S. president might be inviting armed conflict."
Will Biden's Christmas Present To America Be World War III?
- She also stated "Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."
Chinese Tennis Star Now Says She Wasn't Sexually Assaulted by Government Official
- Daniel Greenfield: "Won't someone please help the poor terrorists?"
Samantha Power and the Business of Funding Terrorism
- "What Palestinians in Jerusalem know." (more than Rancida Taliban and the Brother-Fucker - jjs)
Poll: 93% of Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem Prefer Israeli to Palestinian Rule
- "The rapid intensification that turned this week's Typhoon Rai into the strongest storm to hit the Philippines this year surpassed all predictions, forecasters said, leaving nearly 400 people dead and almost a million displaced." (UN blames climate change because the race card isn't available - jjs)
Philippine Super-Typhoon Rai "Exceeded All Predictions" -- Forecaster
- Not when the goal is to identify "Americans" as terrorists and insurrectionists if they oppose the overthrow of the republic as founded. See the related Daniel Greenfield article in the Civil War 2.0 section.
Can the U.S. Military Still Protect Americans?
- "The involvement of U.S. government entities with Chinese biological weapons scientists and entities is deeply concerning."
Mixed Messaging from U.S. Government on China's Biological Weapons Program
- "Lieber was first arrested by federal authorities in January 2020 and charged with making false statements regarding his participation in the Thousand Talents Plan, a Chinese recruitment program that aims to foster foreign academic talent."
Top Harvard Professor Found Guilty Of Lying About Payments From China
- "Scholars at the Ivy League school decry DOJ initiative to root out Chinese influence."
Princeton Took Millions From CCP-Linked School, Think Tank Head
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Oh, and also, he was pro-Trump."
Egyptian Scholar Sentenced to Five Years Imprisonment for Recounting Accurate History
- "What should America do about its urban highways?"
Scars on the Cities
- "New York has become the perfect city for old affluence to spend its declining years. It is a gigantic, expensive geriatric ward."
Bye-Bye, New York
- "This survivor of Build Back Better could still send energy prices over the top."
Scrap the Methane Fee
- "Nikola scammed investors with video of non-functional truck rolling down a hill."
Electric Truck Company To Pay $125 Million Settlement for Misleading Investors
- "How do we resolve this regulatory conundrum? There have, in fact, been workable models of scientifically defensible, risk-based approaches to regulation . . . but they have not been widely or comprehensively adopted. Even so, we take the long view -- that sound science must prevail in crafting regulatory policy. Many of us in the scientific community will settle for nothing less. Forsaking science does not end well."
Regulation of Genetic Engineering Must Be Scientific and Risk Based. No Compromises.
- "The launch's big news however was that the company used a new first stage booster, only the second time in 2021 that it needed to do so (the first was in May). The first stage successfully landed on the drone ship in the Atlantic, completing SpaceX's 100th successful recovery."
SpaceX Launches Cargo Dragon to ISS Using New First Stage
- "Why should any rocket company choose this launch site, so close to residential areas and so opposed by many locals, especially when there are now so many other less risky and controversial spaceports to choose from? I suspect very few will do so, and this project will eventually die, even if it finally gets full approval and is built."
FAA Approves License for Launchpad in Camden, GA
- Dennis Prager: "Because of the Left, we are living -- no, drowning -- in an ocean of lies."
Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Is a Cheat -- Period
- "Fuck Lou Holtz."
Unfunny, Tedious Blivit Jim Gaffigan Attacks Iconic Former Notre Dame Coach for Calling Biden a "Catholic In Name Only"
- "We are deeply saddened to hear the allegations against Chris Noth."
Sex and the City Co-Stars Break Silence Following Sexual Assault Allegations Against Chris Noth
- "While voter anger might spook politicians on issues such as crime, wokeness in all its forms will be hard to root out of its institutional fortresses."
Defund the Speech Police
- "Tim McGraw stars in the new series as family patriarch, James Dutton, alongside Faith Hill as his wife, Margaret, and kids Elsa (Isabel May) and John (Audie Rick). The series premiered Sunday with two episodes and is already generating a lot of buzz."
Yellowstone Prequel 1883 Dominates Ratings Despite Critic Calling It, "Family Values Conservatism"
- "Modern society cannot understand the 'happy little world' that survives in medieval cathedrals."
Fragile Memory
- "Despite having been burned by a guide urging Whites to repent for systemic racism, the Salvation Army is again dipping into Critical Race Theory."
The Salvation Army Takes an Even Deeper Dive Into Wokedom
- "The Packers quarterback showed up to his weekly appearance on 'The Pat McAfee Show' Tuesday, wearing a black sweatshirt with the words "Cancel Culture" crossed out on the front."
Aaron Rodgers Takes Another Swipe at Cancel Culture
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:50 AM
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