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December 17, 2021
The Morning Report - 12/17/21
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and once again, we have a Venn diagram where the Peking Pox non-pandemic, crime, and authoritarian oppression intersect at a point that is America in late 2021. The "crux of the biscuit" as it were, is the mechanism by which our tormenters will "gently nudge" us to their way of thinking -- or beat us bloody until we cry Uncle. Joe Biden or Joe Stalin; either way since you get that one you're bound to get that other one.
Hungarian-born philanthropist Soros and his Open Society group of non-profits have mainly doled out cash to political action campaigns controlled by attorney and criminal justice reform activist Whitney Tymas, 60. She is the treasurer of the Justice and Safety PAC as well as 20 other similarly named groups at both the state and federal levels, according to public filings.
The goal of the myriad PACs is focused on electing progressives to end tough policing and mass incarceration, according to Tymas. "If we are to reach a place of true progress, it will take the sustained efforts of local elected prosecutors across the country to rectify and reimagine their role in the criminal legal system -- not just as gatekeepers, but as active catalysts for change," wrote Tymas in an opinion article last year.
Her efforts coupled with Soros' largesse have played an outsize role in some of the most controversial district attorney campaigns in the US, including Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, George Gascon in Los Angeles as well as Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and Kim Foxx in Chicago, among others. Soros also donated $1 million to Alvin Bragg's successful DA campaign in Manhattan, funneling the cash through the Color of Change non-profit, according to public filings.
"George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of 'shock and awe,' on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system," said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia. (Calls to Soros' camp went unreturned on Thursday.) . . .
. . . "I don't think we've ever seen anything like this where federal election level money and resources are brought to bear and coordinated to effectively flip local level races where campaign finance restrictions make it almost impossible to counter," said Anderson, adding that conservative opponents are hamstrung by local campaign finance laws that Soros doesn't have to abide by because he is using independent expenditures and not directly coordinating with the campaigns.
Critics say the policies of Soros-funded DAs, which have included abolishing bail and, in the case of Chicago, placing hundreds of violent criminals on electronic tracking systems, have led to a spike in crime throughout the country. According to the FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report released in September, the country saw a 30 percent increase in homicides in 2020 -- the largest single-year spike since they began recording crime statistics 60 years ago. The report also saw a 24 percent decrease in arrests across the country.
Let's cut to the chase right here; the reasons behind so-called "criminal justice reform" insofar as the American criminal justice system is allegedly intentionally rigged to incarcerate blacks and only blacks is complete and utter horse-shit. It goes hand in hand with the same cancerous lie that America itself is an illegitimate nation built and sustained on white supremacy. I can spend months on these topics alone but for now let's leave it as it is as the excuse the left has used to gin up division and strife for political gain since at least the early 1960s. Look what the hell is going on in every blue hell-hole around the country. Most recently, the mass terror attack at the Waukesha Christmas Parade that killed or maimed dozens. Aside from right here, where else in the house organs of Leftism also known as the media are you going to still see any reference to this attack?
What is going on now is an orchestrated effort to demolish one of the key underpinnings of society: law and order and the right of ordinary citizens to feel safe in their homes and communities. Combine that with the concerted effort to destroy our economy and the ensuing anarchy, chaos and mayhem create the perfect conditions for those pulling the strings behind the scenes (and really right in front of our eyes) to rescue us from this "crisis" - one that they will not let go to waste since it gives them the opportunity to "build back better." Nudge-nudge-wink-wink.
No, this crime wave is no accident nor the unintended consequences of the misplaced ideals of mere liberals. It is the intended result of truly sick, twisted, power-mad leftists who seek to build paradise on earth on the corpses of millions of us.
The issue though is law enforcement itself. That is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, of getting an unwilling populace to comply. This is where the other fraud, the phony non-pandemic pandemic, comes into play. People tend to be much more compliant and cooperative when they think that a plague is upon them; they look to so-called medical authorities for instruction and guidance. After all, this isn't politics, it's our health. And they're doctors, so we can trust them implicitly (sarc), but I digress. The fist in the glove is of course law enforcement.
A group of unvaxxed protesters dared to try to order a meal at an Applebee's in the New York City borough of Queens on Wednesday. Thanks to Comrade de Blasio and Kommissar Hochul, you'll need to bend the knee and raise your sleeve if you want to snag an order of riblets.
FYI, despite what commies like MSNBC's Joy Reid would have you believe, these anti-vax mandate peeps aren't all white people in MAGA hats.
Did you hear the black woman yell that she was fired for not getting vaxxed and now can't eat? De Blasio did that!
One video shows an Applebee's employee refusing to give a glass of water to a child. . .
. . . The New York Police Department (NYPD) showed up in force to whisk the recalcitrant diners into the Paddy multi-national wagon.
What else do cops in New York have to work on today? Well, maybe. . .
-- chase the guys who tried to kill one of their own early on Thursday
-- find the home invaders who just killed a Staten Island dad
-- look for the "man" who attacked a Thai model on a subway platform on Wednesday
-- find the ambergris who attacked a delivery driver in broad daylight
-- go after the two guys who attacked a man with a brick earlier this month
-- get the gang of kids who attacked a 67-year-old man with a hammer
-- sniff out the thug who pushed a straphanger (that's NYC speak for subway rider) and fractured the victim's spine
In case de Blasio hasn't heard, his policies, as well as those of former Governor Cuomo, have left NYC in the gutter. Crime is exploding. New Yorkers, mostly black New Yorkers, are being killed in record numbers. De Blasio doesn't care; it's those rascally anti-vaxxers who need to go to jail.
Mercifully, DeBolshevik is gone when the ball drops on New Year's eve. But what of Eric Adams? Also, you still have a city council that is every bit as Maoist as the lanky hunk of Commie piss that has left my beloved hometown in ruins and now is all set to make the rubble bounce by, get this, banning natural gas in all new construction. And don't forget that the new governor is essentially Angel of Death Cuomo without the pierced nipples and she's a red-nether hair's breadth away from reimposing lockdowns and My Pillowing New York for good.
The battle cry of the armed militant wing of the Democrat Party, BLM/Antifa is "ACAB," meaning "All Cops Are Bastards." I don't know about all, but certainly far too many for my comfort these days. Yeah, I get it. It's a tough job and you're a target not only of thugs and goons high on crack and Critical Race Jive Kampf but of a governmental bureaucracy that protects the criminals and has no qualms about firing you for stepping out of line. But what of character, morality and decency? When the mostly peaceful rioting of 2020 wreaked havoc all over town, they held you back and did nothing as hate shakes, excrement in Glad bags and Molotov cocktails were hurled at you. For that, you did nothing except perhaps turning your back on DeBolshevik at a public appearance. How brave.
Jobs in law enforcement are fundamentally different than other jobs. That difference is the oath that all law enforcement officers swear. The FBI oath states:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me G-d.
All federal, state, and local law enforcement officials swear something similar.
Certainly, following lawful orders is important, but notice that there is nothing mentioned about obedience to leadership. That's because following orders is between the officers and their leaders. Upholding their oath is between them and us, the American people. We expect them to make judgements about right and wrong, and the oath is their assurance that they will do so conscientiously.
All law enforcement officers, including FBI agents, who are "just following orders" are missing the point of their oath. They may be bound by agency rules to follow orders, but they are bound by sacred honor to remain faithful to the American people.
There's a reason why people in law enforcement are required to place their honor on the line for the citizens they serve. No other occupation is allowed to detain, sometimes with restraints, another person solely based on their word that it's justified. A cop can pull over a car, administer a sobriety test, handcuff the driver, and arrest him if he's found to be impaired. No citizen who has not sworn the oath can do such a thing.
We grant the police the awesome powers of the state. In exchange, they promise to not abuse those powers. They promise to serve the public, as prescribed in the Constitution. That promise takes precedence over orders. So long as their leadership directs their activities consistent with the Constitution, there's no problem. But when leadership directs them to do something counter to the Constitution -- like ordering them to violate someone's civil liberties -- such orders are unlawful. An officer's oath, whether he be a police officer or an FBI agent, is a promise to assess the constitutionality of all orders before blindly obeying them.
And yet we've seen widespread infractions of that promise across the range of law enforcement. Churchgoers have been cited or even arrested for failing to comply with closure orders.Worship is a basic human right guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. There is no pandemic exception in the Constitution. Federal and local officials have no authority to order such closures. Orders for police to enforce the closures were unlawful. Yet, far too many cops simply followed their orders. . .
. . . Compliance with an officer's oath can involve personal risk. To refuse an order from one's superior carries the risk of seriously damaging -- or even ending -- an officer's career. But the thing is, they've already promised us that they would make that sacrifice on our behalf. That's the deal they strike with the public to be in law enforcement.
If their oath no longer binds them, how does that change our relationship with law enforcement? If their sworn word no longer means what it says, how can we believe them the next time they swear to tell the "truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" in court? When an officer assures us that they made an arrest for sound reasons, are they standing for justice, or using their authority for personal or political gain? If their oath is meaningless, they become no more credible than the person they've placed under arrest.
Far too many law-enforcement officers, FBI agents included, have demonstrated that they are no longer agents of the Constitution. At best, they're just employees doing as told. Their oath has become an irrelevant formality. Given that, why should we continue to vest them with the authority of the state?
The problem is that we no longer vest them with anything. We are a citizenry that is being ruled against its will by an illegal junta that stole an election and overthrow the nation. It took us a bit over a hundred years to get to this point but here we are. And given the fact that DC police in the form of Michael Byrd for one murdered an unarmed Ashli Babbit, beat to death an unarmed Roseanne Boyland, and their superiors in the DOJ continue to imprison scores of innocent Americans for the crime of protesting the theft of said election and overthrow of their country, how are we ever supposed to trust the police to preserve, protect and defend anything more than their jobs and pensions? Ditto a now almost completely subsumed judiciary all the way up to and including the Supreme Court?
Much of this shit can end today if the police, en masse, refused to "follow orders." And that should apply everywhere, and not just law enforcement. What happened in that Queens Cheesecake Factory does not fill me with strength and confidence. There has to be a Claudette Colvin among the men and women in blue and in the armed forces who will refuse to cooperate. We've had one or two. But it's an act of futility unless it inspires everyone else to really "serve and protect."
Have a good weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Under the Biden Junta, federal judges become the Democrat equivalent of Soviet commissars."
Gen. Flynn Persecutor Judge Emmett Sullivan Pivots to January 6 Defendants
- Julie Kelly: "Liz Cheney just set the stage for the latest letdown. Donald Trump won't be charged with insurrection, treason, or sedition. But obstruction may be on the table."
Democrats Promised an Insurrection But All They Got Was a Lousy Obstruction Case
- "This is how totalitarianism looks: The plight of America's January 6 prisoners in pre-trial detention."
A Visit to the DC Gulag
- "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence." (more than negligence; malice aforethought - jjs)
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6
' - Robert Spencer: "Now that Biden's handlers have admitted that there is still a jihad terror threat, they should be consistent and take measures to protect Americans inside the country from that threat. But nothing is much less likely than that they will do such a thing."
After Gaslighting Us About 'White Supremacist Terror,' Biden's Handlers Admit Jihad Still a "Pervasive Threat"
- "Jussie Smollett faced the music -- when will Kim Foxx?"
Chicago Consequences
- "If a lie reaffirms progressive dogma, then it isn't misinformation. It's just an honest mistake that will be repeated again and again."
No Contrition For Smollett Lie
- "There is truth . . . and then there is what our government demands we believe."
What You Must Believe as an American in 2021
- "In case de Blasio hasn't heard, his policies, as well as those of former Governor Cuomo, have left NYC in the gutter. Crime is exploding. New Yorkers, mostly black New Yorkers, are being killed in record numbers. De Blasio doesn't care; it's those rascally anti-vaxxers who need to go to jail."
Unvaxxed Protesters Arrested at Applebee's in NYC for Daring to Order a Meal
- "Despite my and other concerned individuals' attempts to get clarity about your [Chinese] COVID- 19 vaccine mandate, you have ignored our requests for information, and instead have allowed DoD to discharge service members for not obeying your ambiguous mandate."
Sen. Ron Johnson Torches Defense Secretary Austin for Discharging Service Members for Disobeying Biden's Vaccine Mandate
- Daniel Greenfield: "What happens when you fire nurses and then claim there's no more hospital space."
Biden's Vaccine Mandate Triggers a Winter of Lockdowns
- "Flight attendants only asked Waters to pull up her mask once the tipster pointed out the hypocrisy."
Maxine "Mikvah" Waters Goes Maskless On Cross-Country United Flight After Bumping Passenger From Window Seat
- "I think the best way to illustrate absurdity is with absurdity," Adam Jenne, who was flying to Washington, D.C., from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said.
Man Banned From Airline After Wearing Thong for a Face Mask
- "If unvaccinated guardsmen suffer any adverse consequences within the State of Texas, they will have only [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and his [junta] to blame."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Refuses Pentagon's National Guard Vaccine Mandate
* * * * *
- "Simply put, the city's real-estate, retail and hospitality industries won't survive even a brief second lockdown."
If Hochul Pushes the Lockdown Panic Button, NYC is Dead
- "On the other hand, the United States appears to have deliberately and significantly inflated the number of fatalities it has suffered. Why the difference?"
China Reporting No Chinese COVID Deaths Since January
- "As the Omicron variant spreads extremely quickly in the United Kingdom, the French government has decided to re-implement compelling reasons for travels from and to the United Kingdom, and to reinforce mandatory tests at departures and arrivals," the statement reportedly said.
France Restricts Travel With Britain Over Omicron Cases
- "Most people affected by the blood clots were between the ages of 30 and 49."
CDC Recommends Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Over Johnson & Johnson
- "It's remarkable that forty years ago, it was our nation's youth that refused to comply with authority. 1960's America was about defying the Establishment. How did we get here?"
Our Brainwashed Chinese Covid Youth
- "Take your mask off. As the spreading chestnut tree darkens many, under the sunbathed liberty tree shall I keep you and you keep me."
Stop Wearing Masks to Protect Others
- "The relatively high level of capacity utilization now indicates that there may be more inflation ahead if demand for U.S. goods remains strong. More fiscal stimulus from legislation like the Biden [junta's] Build Back bill would likely contribute even more to inflationary pressures."
Factory Production Growth Slowed In November, Pointing to More Inflation Ahead
- "A stronger trucking workforce is one where trucking jobs are good, safe, and stable -- jobs that employers can attract a new generation of drivers into while retaining existing drivers to deliver for clients and grow their businesses."
Biden Junta Rolls Out Plan To Alleviate Trucker Shortage
- ". . . given the long history of redlining and racist housing covenants in the United States, there's too great a risk of this [crime data] inaccuracy reinforcing racial bias," Redfin's chief growth officer Christian Taubman wrote.
Redfin, Realtor-dot-com to Stop Including Crime Stats on Listings Due to Possible "Racial Bias" Concerns
- "George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of 'shock and awe,' on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system."
How Nazi Collaborator George Soros Funded Progressive "Legal Arsonist" DAs Behind US Crime Surge
- "The jig may finally be up. Republicans have by and large moved back toward their traditional law-and-order posture, and even many Democrats seem fed up with our roiling national bedlam."
The Death of "Criminal Justice Reform"
- "They will blame everything for it but their own policies."
The Democrats Play Dumb About Crime
- "There is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don't know where . . . and we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Has No Idea Where "Attitude of Lawlessness" in the Country is Coming From
- "Reality has finally dawned on San Francisco mayor London Breed -- and not a moment too soon."
About Face
- "Fired CNN producer John Griffin allegedly led a perverted double life in recent months involving the "adoptive" mother of a 9-year-old girl in Henderson, Nevada, who was part of a sordid BDSM ring that included the child, according to court and police documents."
Sick World of Fredo Cuomo's ex-XiNN Producer John Griffin Revealed in Police Report
- "Resign or repent."
Watch as Parents Unload on Teachers They Say Secretly Coached 12-Year-Old Daughter Into Being Trans
- "Governor Ron DeSantis takes a stand against racialist ideologies in public institutions and businesses."
Florida v. Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- Winsor DEI Plan: "External publications and communications have moved away from using 'she, her, hers'' and 'your daughter,' replacing the former with 'they, them, theirs' and the latter with 'student' . . . Faculty and staff are discouraged from addressing groups of students as 'girls' and 'ladies.'"
Elite Winsor Girls School In Boston Moving Away From Calling Girls "Girls"
- "Racial tribalism doesn't have to be part of the curriculum to dominate education."
CRT Forever
- "Biden's new nominee to the U.S. Department of Education, LaWanda Toney, is a frequent promoter of the CRT ideology that parents have strongly opposed."
Biden's Newest Department of Education Pick is a Race and Gender Radical
- "The textbook, titled 'Precalculus 6th Edition,' by Robert F. Blitzer features a graph labeled 'Measuring Racial Prejudice, by Political Identification,' which claims that conservatives are allegedly more racist than liberals." (Socialist Paradise on Earth Valley? - jjs)
Paradise Valley Unified School District Considers Adding Math Textbook That Claims Conservatives Are More Racist Than Liberals
- "The move comes as the Biden [junta] works to resolve nearly a thousand lawsuits that have so far been filed by families."
Biden Pulls Out of $450,000 Settlement Talks With Illegal Aliens Following GOP Backlash
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Getting a jump on the next 20 years so that Florida doesn't go the way of California."
DeSantis' $8 Million to Remove Biden's Illegals from Florida: It's Time for Statutory States to Counter Sanctuary Ones
- "Monthly cash for food, lodging, and 'movement' assistance amounts to material support for illegal immigration. It influences decisions to cross."
United Nations Grantee Uses U.S. Tax Dollars To Fund Illegal Immigration
- "The parliamentarian's ruling will not be easily overcome by the Democrats. A handful of Democrat senators want to preserve the parliamentarian's authority because she enforces rules that protect the clout of small states. But the parliamentarian's rejection still allows the Democrats to draft new amnesty plans for the BBB bill in 2022. Those plans include more public pressure on Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who is arguing the Democrats' spending plan will accelerate inflation."
Senate Parliamentarian Nixes Parole Amnesty in Build Back Better Bill
- "Here are the Biden [junta] top lies about the border."
14 Times Biden Straight-Up Lied About His Border Crisis
- IRS filings from the Center for Tech and Civic Life confirm that the nonprofit used millions from Zuckerberg to manipulate the 2020 election for Biden."
IRS Filings Confirm Left-Wing Zuck Bucks Recipient Funneled Millions Into Manipulating 2020 Election For Biden
- "Virginia's Democrat Party wants to block the state's social security number requirements for voter registration -- but a legal group is fighting them."
Election Integrity Group Throws Legal Wrench At Russia Hoaxer-Backed Democrats Trying To Overhaul Virginia Voting Rules
- "Non-citizens' voting rights in municipal elections raise questions about how the city will stop them from voting for federal and state officials.
Non-Citizen Voters in NYC Are More Reason to Worry About Elections
- "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi doesn't want Congress banned from trading stocks because she profits big from her and her husband's investments on a regular basis."
Of Course Pelosi Doesn't Want Congress Banned From Trading Stocks -- She Rakes In Millions From It
- "California's Superintendent of Equity Daniel Lee resigned Tuesday after Politico reported the six-figure-salaried employee works in Pennsylvania."
Six-Figure California Superintendent Of Equity Living In Pennsylvania Resigns
- "Don't just take it from me. No less an expert than the founder of the former Soviet Union, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, explained that '[t]here is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.' Lenin was correct."
Conservatives Should Have An Unlikely Ally In Opposing Build Bolshevism Biggerer
- "Build Back Better is the next step in the increasing institutionalization of small children."
Democrats' Cradle To Grave Welfare Expansion Targets Small Children Big-Time
- "This guy will oversee $1.2 trillion in 'infrastructure' spending. His record as mayor of New Orleans is appalling."
Biden's "Infrastructure Czar" is a Total Incompetent
- ". . . It's also why, despite Biden's predictions, his party will be demolished next November, and crooked Hillary Clinton, of all people, is emerging as a potential 2024 candidate."
Biden Blames GOP for His Abundant Failures
- "Lots of politicians are big, fat liars. Joe Biden is merely one of the most obvious."
12 Times Joe Biden Completely Made Up Stories, Lied, Or Said Something Crazy
- "I totally got fucked."
Democrat Rep Dina Titus Blasts Nevada's New Congressional Map
- "Ted Cruz shows the GOP how to negotiate like a Democrat."
A Page From Jesse's Book
- "You've probably heard the saying: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. In this day and age, those who really can't become Master Class instructors on how to fail."
REVIEW: What I Learned From Hillary Clinton's Master Class on "The Power of Resilience"
- "Doctor urged that [Chinese] COVID treatments are being sidelined in order to 'create acceptance for, and then promote, mass vaccination.'"
YouTube Censors Bombshell Joe Rogan Interview With Cardiologist Peter McCullough
- "Now, reporting facts is hazardous to democracy, according to the mainstream media."
Looks Like Dissent is No Longer the Highest Form of Patriotism
- The survey asked respondents, "What do you believe is the primary focus of the mainstream media's coverage of current events?"
Poll: Three-Fourths Say Mainstream Media "Advancing Their Own Opinions or Political Agendas"
- "Republicans have some legitimate beefs with Big Tech firms, but their support for government 'solutions' will blow up in their faces."
Sen. Cotton: Be Careful What You Wish For
- "Solution: More masks and jabs."
BuzzFeed Staff Test Positive For Chinese COVID Despite Masks, Vaccine Passports & Triple Jabs
- "It's a segregation mindset just like the pre-civil rights era, only the dividing lines aren't by skin color but by medical choice."
David Frum(p) Continues to Show His Disdain for the Unvaxxed
- "I'd like to do my bit to help it make amends for the libelous things it printed about President Trump -- and this idea might help."
The New York Times Still Hasn't Apologized for its Russia Hoax Coverage
- "Judging from the way they talk about abortion, Democrats aren't too confident that the legal merits are on their side."
Subliterate New York Times Writer Charles Blow Fears Abortion Battle Will Lead To More Democracy
- "Until the end of November, Jack Dorsey was the chief executive of both Twitter and Square. Upon Dorsey's resignation from Twitter, Square -- a financial services and digital payments company with many services that overlap those of H&R Block -- changed its name to Block in recognition of its blockchain technology capabilities.
H&R Block Sues Square for Copyright Infringement as Jack Dorsey Changes Its Name to "Block"
- "There's a local D.C. station that will suit you just fine." (easy enough to build a pirate transmitter and bump them off the air with some real truth; just make sure it's mobile - jjs)
Want to Hear Chinese Communist Propaganda Right on Your Own Radio?
- "Physicians say move will put mothers at risk of complications, death."
FDA Will No Longer Require In-Person Doctor Visits for Abortion Pill
- "While space is first given to residents of the United States and Americans, some spots are open for Afghans who have gotten through the visa process."
Report: Over 60,000 Visa Applicants, Interpreters Still in Afghanistan
- "Moscow deploys some 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border."
China Pledges Support for Putin Amid Russian Military Buildup on Ukraine Border
- "New funding comes after Israel relied on systems to stop Hamas rocket attacks."
Congress Approves $200 Million for Israel's Missile Defense Needs
- "Just one wrong move."
Iranian Newspaper Publishes a Map With List of Targets in Israel
- "Ron Wyden, who blocked bill, backed down Wednesday."
Dems Signal End to Obstruction of Uyghur Anti-Slavery Bill
- "Economists blinded us to the threat from China."
See No Evil
- "Amphibious transport dock ship U.S.S. Portland destroyed a floating target as it tested Solid State Laser -- Technology Maturation Laser Weapons System Demonstrator, according to the Navy's press release. The Navy tested the laser in May of 2020 when it successfully took down a flying drone."
Navy Unveils New Laser Weapon in Gulf of Aden
- Yeah, we're going to really kick the PLA's ass!
Biden's Woke Department of Defense "Workplace and Gender Relations" Survey Asks Troops to Gauge Their Misogyny
- Robert Spencer: "What will happen to opposition to Jihad and Sharia?"
Jew- and America-Hating Immigration Fraudster Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's "Islamophobia" Bill Passes
- "Says says court packing is necessary to balance conservative justices."
Elizabeth "Musk Doormat" Warren Endorses Plan To Expand the Supreme Court
- "Back in 1989, the year that President Ronald Reagan left office, there were 89,178,355 income-tax-paying households in the United States, according to the IRS. At the end of January that year, the federal debt was $2,697,957,000,000."
Federal Debt Equals About $287,859 Per Income-Tax-Paying Household
- "New Medicare rules also reward 'trauma-informed care.'"
Biden Junta Offers Bonuses to Doctors Who Implement "Anti-Racism Plans"
- "The Biden [junta's] proposal to use a new Medicare metric to alleviate racial disparities won't have much effect."
Checking Boxes
- "Dem-backed measure passes 40 to 7, forces most newly constructed buildings to use electricity."
NYC Council Votes To Ban Natural Gas in New Buildings
- "The reeking hypocrisy of Western elites and their never-ending attempts to dictate energy policy to countries in which they are not elected is finally called out."
The East Slams the West's Climate "Colonialism"
- "At stake here is the integrity of women's sports," the letter said. "The precedent being set -- one in which women do not have a protected and equitable space to compete -- is a direct threat to female athletes in every sport. What are the boundaries? How is this in line with the NCAA's commitment to providing a fair environment for student-athletes?"
U-Penn Parents Plead with NCAA to Change Rules After Trans Swimmer Dominates Women's Competition
- "Glastonbury High School changed its mascot name from the Tomahawks to the Guardians."
Man Punches Connecticut School Board Member In Meeting About Changing Native American Mascot
- "Director slams woke mob as 'a small group of closed-minded, humour-averse ideologues.'" (Terry Giliam, brilliant though he may be, is still a braindead leftist, so there you go, Terry - jjs)
Monty Python Legend Cancelled By Old Vic Theater For Recommending Chapelle Special
- "Dutch TV star and influencer Maxime Meiland is attacked for her mother's Islamophobia."
Another Innocent Victim of Cancel Culture
- "I would not talk to those Stasi assholes. As a friend of mine who is in the military said at the time: Death is temporary. Dishonor lasts forever."
The Kavanaugh War and the End of Honor Culture
- "The auteur finds new layers of grime under a Depression-era carnival tent."
Nightmare Alley Tops Del Toro's Oscar-Winning Shape of Water
- "It has been a decade since the passing of one of my generation's most ferocious mentors. Today, we honour him."
Thank You, Mr. Hitchens -- 10 Years On
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:52 AM
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Duke Lowell :
"Good. ..."
"I have Bored of the Rings somewhere around but hav ..."
Northernlurker , Maple Syrup MAGA :
"Bombadil is sort of a primordial scat solo?
Poste ..."
"King Harv is a Macho Man. ..."
"[i]I kind of think Tom Bombadil was the creation o ..."
The Marketing Department :
"Ask your doctor if Bombadil is right for you. ..."
"[i]The old "I wrote the dictionary" flex.
Posted ..."
"Screeching hyena that hates America problem is tha ..."
"Everyone hates the Dems now. It's beautiful.
Post ..."
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