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December 13, 2021

Monday Overnight Open Thread (12/13/21)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"Remember, this is a change in mission, right? Not necessarily a change in physical posture. There won’t be a dramatic shift from yesterday to tomorrow, based on how we’ve already been working ourselves into this new mission." Pentagon spokesman John Kirby

Quote II

And liberty will win. Or at least free men will. But liberty — or truth, or anything worth having — is never free. And in the end there’s only a coin men pay with. It’s the only thing of true worth we have to give. Sarah A. Hoyt

Quote III
"What this gentleman did is disgusting. He deserves everything he is going to get.

"He shouldn't be working with the public." Sheryl Harkins

Quote IV

“I’ve known and worked with all of them. They are extraordinary examples of courage, grace under pressure, ferocious fighting for the rights or working people, and for Democracy,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

No word in the story if he was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt.


The nation that gave us Hitler has arrested Santa Claus.

German Police Arrest Santa Claus For Not Wearing a Mask at Christmas Market

Comrades, December is a time of joy and festive gatherings at the famous German Christmas markets. However, the COVID madness has caused the worst in government authority to surface. Not even Santa Claus is immune from the control efforts.

Video has surfaced of Santa Claus being arrested at the Stralsund Christmas Market for the crime of not wearing a mask outdoors in public


Schadenboner, SNORT & LOLGF all wrapped into one story.

An NBC Sports crew working on assignment in Oakland, Calif., was robbed at gunpoint Saturday morning, according to a report from The Mercury News, and the robbers got away with a camera from the crew's vehicle.

No one was injured during the robbery, the newspaper noted, citing an Oakland Police Department spokesperson.

AOC didn't have a pithy rationalization to give.


It is what it is. Time's Person of The Year - Elon Musk.

Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk has been named Time's 2021 Person of the Year. The magazine also honors vaccine scientists who tackled COVID-19 as their heroes of the year, and Olympic and world champion gymnast Simone Biles was named athlete of the year.

Time said it gave Musk the award for his "dreams of Mars as he bestrides Earth, square-jawed and indomitable."

"The richest man in the world does not own a house and has recently been selling off his fortune," Time writes in tribute. "He tosses satellites into orbit and harnesses the sun; he drives a car he created that uses no gas and barely needs a driver. With a flick of his finger, the stock market soars or swoons."


Suck it up Californians. Face diaper time unless you are an elected Democratic office holder.

In a surprise move Monday, California state officials announced that the state is instituting a universal indoor mask mandate, effective Wednesday, December 15. The current mandate will run through January 15, 2022.

“We will require universal masking in indoor settings statewide,” said state director of health and human services Dr. Mark Ghaly Ghaly, noting that the order will cover the 58% of tCalifornia’s population not currently under such a mandate.


Whatever happened to diversity Hillary?

But it was what he did, and how he abused the office and how he mistreated people. Starting, you know, with the Muslim ban, through the outrageous behavior in trying to overturn the election, and encouraging an attack on our Capitol. And sadly, the Republican Party has gone along with him. Honestly, they have hung their spines up on the wall as they walk into their offices. They have no conscience. They have no spine. And we are seeing the results of a party that has been taken over by a demagogue. It’s a time to decide whether we’re going to be a grownup country or not. Are we going to give in to all these lie and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?"

She really is a conceited bitter old bitch. I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


Rudolph kicks ass in reindeer games.

NORTH POLE—Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer received praise for taking a stunning and brave stance against outdated binary gender stagnation by changing his name to Rolanda and subsequently dominating every field in the North Pole’s annual Female Reindeer Games.

“Rolanda is a shining beacon for young, female reindeer in more ways than one,” stated the president of the North Pole Reindeer Games Committee, Bob Chairman. “She has shattered records in every event she has entered, which says so much about the physical potential of all female reindeer.”


The solar industry. Would it stand alone without government subsidies? Californians will be finding out the hard way. The old bait and switch.

California regulators are eyeing sharp reductions in subsidies for residential solar systems in what would be the first major reform to a program that helped jump-start the rooftop solar industry, according to Bloomberg.

As part of a proposed series of changes issued on Monday by a judge at the California Public Utilities Commission, residential solar customers would receive a much lower credit for excess energy sent to the grid - with credits ranging from around 30 cents per killowatt-hour, to less than 10 cents depending on time of day.

The proposal would also stick solar owners with nearly $500 per year in grid-connection fees.

The proposed amendments will undoubtedly impact the business of bolting solar panels on roofs across the U.S., an industry valued at more than $13 billion a year. A deep cut to incentives would likely slow installations in the largest solar state and prompt other sunny jurisdictions to follow. The issue has divided solar firms, consumer groups, environmental advocates and utilities.

New residential rooftop solar customers would get a four-year credit to help them transition to the new rates that would allow them to pay back the cost of a solar and energy storage system over 10 years... -Bloomberg


Of course he missed the football game due to the chants that would be forthcoming. Let's go Brandon! Fvck Joe Biden

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) speculated that the White House kept President Joe Biden away from the 122nd annual Army-Navy Game on Saturday due to fear of a “Let’s Go, Brandon!” chant from the audience.

The Army-Navy football game was hosted at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Breitbart News reported on Saturday that the White House broke away from presidential tradition in not having Biden appear at the game.


I suspect the Pro-Choice Greens of the world have no problem with this.

Wind turbines kill mostly female and juvenile bats
December 13, 2021
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW)
Many bats die at wind turbines when colliding with the spinning blades. Currently it is unclear whether all age cohorts or sexes are equally vulnerable. A comparison of age, sex and geographic origin of Nathusius' pipistrelles killed at wind turbines and living conspecifics from nearby populations now reveals that juveniles are killed more frequently than adults compared to their proportion in local populations. Females are killed more frequently than males -- yet in line with their higher proportion in local populations. The high number of killed females and the elevated vulnerability of juveniles may have a negative effect on the long-term survival of populations, indicating that the current practice of wind energy production may not be ecologically sustainable. Emphasis added


I can't speak for the others. I hope it's your last breath as well.

But one woman in particular was horrified when she left the salon after getting her eyebrows tinted and found that they were so dark, they looked like they had been drawn on with a ‘Sharpie’.

Sydney Woy posted the video revealing her dark eyebrows to TikTok and said: “I just got my eyebrows threaded and tinted and please tell me why it looks like they drew on my face with Sharpies.”

She then joked: “I hope my next breath is my last.”


We all know that Jussie Smollett is a convicted lying piece of pond scum. Is he a deadbeat as well?

The City of Chicago confirmed it will still pursue its lawsuit against Jussie Smollett, who was convicted last week on five felony charges stemming from a hate crime hoax in early 2019, in a bid to collect more than $100,000 in costs that were incurred by the Chicago Police Department.

A jury found Smollett, who appeared in “Empire,” guilty on five of six charges during his hate crime hoax trial on Thursday, Dec. 9.

After the guilty verdict was handed down, the City of Chicago confirmed to news outlets on Dec. 10 that it would seek to recoup its losses.


The ONT Musical Interlude



No mention of a "Plumber's crack". Genius Award Winner.

While “being intimate” with a friend inside a restaurant bathroom, a Florida Woman broke a sink off the wall, leading to her arrest for criminal mischief, according to police.

Investigators say that Kathryn Trammel, 37, caused $500 in damages Tuesday during an afternoon encounter inside a bathroom at Irish 31, an eatery in Seminole.

According to an arrest affidavit, Trammel and a friend were asked to leave the restaurant after staff discovered them in the bathroom. “The defendant and her friend then left the bathroom and sat at the bar,” a sheriff’s deputy noted.

Trammel, cops allege, subsequently returned to the bathroom. It was during this second trip that the sink was damaged. After being read her rights, Trammel reportedly said that, “her friend and herself were being intimate in the bathroom and as a result, caused the sink to break.”


Home Sweet Home. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Ebony Johnson works at a Dunkin' drive-thru in Cincinnati where Suzanne Burke is a regular customer. The two became friends about three years ago.

Recently, Burke noticed her favorite employee was not at work for a few weeks. She learned that Ebony and her family were evicted from their home.

"When she experienced this hardship, I just wanted to see if I could help her," Burke told WCPO.

Burke teamed up with nonprofit organizations and partnered with a staging designer to surprise Ebony with a fully furnished home she can call her own -- just in time for Christmas.

"The Lord really looked out for me because I kept praying and saying 'can I be at home before Christmas?'," Ebony told the news station.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Shit That I Want For Christmas.

12 13 br0ught.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. ONT tips, accordion sheet music and beef pot pies to petmorons at the gmail thingy. We don't accept pissing, moaning, complaining or cream style corn.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:57 PM

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