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December 12, 2021
How Do You Win? Never Back Down. Never Apologize. Never Explain.
How Do You Lose? Back Down. Apologize. Explain.
The vicious, partisan, mendacious left has been merrily destroying its political opponents for years using the same simple playbook. And it is a testament to the stupidity and lack of real-world perspective on the part of its enemies that the techniques still work.
And the current "cancel culture" makes it even easier for them, because they don't even have to do any of the work! Their useful idiots in academia are more than willing to speed the destruction of a civil, egalitarian society.
Fordham University professor fired after mixing up names of two black students
In what world is a simple mistake more than a five-second social exchange? Don't get me wrong...the professor deserved what he got because he is a feckless coward who bowed to the mob, even though it hadn't even come for him yet! The reality is that the left has the media and academia so well trained that they hunt out targets...even themselves...in service to an out-of-control cult of virtue signalling that demands ever more perfect behavior according to their psychotic standards.
And those standards are unknowable, because the goal is not to hold everyone to some objective set of behaviors (no matter how insane they are), but to drag down the target into the muck of racial and class distinctions whose goal has been obvious for 100 years: the destruction of Western Culture and the imposition of world socialism.
Sounds tin-foil-hattish. But what other explanation makes more sense?