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December 02, 2021
"Sheriff Joe" Announces New Onerous Restrictions on Travel On His Own Dubious Authority
He's not going to shut down our freedoms -- he's going to shut down covid.
President Biden announced a new plan to combat the coronavirus pandemic heading into the winter, including stricter testing requirements for international travel.
“I’m announcing today that all inbound international travelers must test within one day of departure, regardless of their vaccination status or nationality,” Biden said in a speech at the National Institutes of Health. “And we are extending the requirement, both internationally and domestically, to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation through the winter months.”
Biden said his administration will require insurers to cover the costs of at-home coronavirus tests, in order to expand their availability.
Health insurers are now officially a slush fund for the Democrat Party, to be ordered to spend as the Democrat Party may require day-to-day.
It's hard to have sympathy for them -- they demanded to become socialist vassals of the state.
Still, here we are, with the president not even pretending at having any legal authority for his "demands."
To really drive home the point that we now live in a regime of biomedical fascism, Biden "joked" that Fauci is really the president.
PPresident Joe Biden drew nervous laughter Thursday by joking that Dr. Anthony Fauci actually is the president before announcing tighter COVID-19 travel rules amid fears of the Omicron variant of the virus.
“I’ve seen more of Dr. Fauci than I have my wife. We kid each other. But — hey look, who’s president? Fauci,” Biden said while announcing his “winter plan” for the pandemic at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland.
Nervous laughter, indeed.
Video here.
Flashback: In 2009, the press openly laughed at Biden's fearmongering about the H1N1 pandemic.
Back in 2009, the press wasn't yet entirely corrupted nor yet entirely an extension of the DNC.
Joe Biden made some comments deemed by many, including those in the press, overly alarming about the then-spreading H1N1 virus. Specifically, he said that he would advise all family members to stay clear of any "enclosed spaces," such as planes or trains.
This was a substantially more alarmist take than what Obama had suggested, which was that people showing signs of sickness should avoid public transportation.
Joe Biden -- of whom Obama would say, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up" -- then amplified that to telling all Americans, sick or not, to flee from public transportation.
Now is not the time to panic!
Oh wait, there it is! NOW IS THE TIME TO PANIC!
Democrats hustled to temper Vice President Joe Biden's comments today that he would advise his family to avoid flying or being in confined spaces because of concerns about swine flu, a comment that drew criticism from the travel industry.
At a news conference Wednesday evening, President Obama said Americans who may be sick should avoid airplanes and "any system of public transportation where you're confined," but the vice president today took it one step further.
"I would tell members of my family -- and I have -- I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. It's not that it's going to Mexico in a confined aircraft where one person sneezes, that goes all the way through the aircraft," Biden said on NBC's "Today" show.
"That's me," he said.
Below, then-WH-spin merchant JakeRobert Gibbs tries to spin Joe the Fuck-Up's fear-mongering, and the press corps openly howls with laughter.
Now, 12 years later, Joe Biden routinely makes fantastical claims about covid and proposes outright fascist responses to it and the press nods solemnly.
Or "laughs nervously" as Biden kids-on-the-square that Fauci is the actual president now.
By the way: "Sheriff Joe" -- a nickname Joe Biden gave himself, claiming that Obama had given it to him and that everyone called him -- now claims that he had been appointed as some kind of special secret liaison during the Six Day War.
The press isn't laughing now. They're too busy nodding at Grampa's tall tales of yesteryear.