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December 01, 2021

The Morning Rant

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History teaches us:

The people who pull down statues are never the good guys.

The people who burn, loot, and murder are never the good guys.

The people who would compel you to wear certain things are never the good guys.

The people who would compel you put substances into your bodies over your objections are never the good guys.

The people who would restrict where you can travel, who you can visit are never the good guys.

The people who restrict what you can read are never the good guys.

The people who restrict what you can write and publish are never the good guys.

The people who would withhold information from you "for safety" are never the good guys.

The people who want to restrict or prohibit your access to food, water, employment, medical care, and other necessities of life are never the good guys.

The people who justify any and all excesses in the name of 'public health' or 'public safety' are never the good guys.

The people who impose restrictive rules on others they have no intention of keeping themselves are never the good guys.

And those who support, encourage, defend, and cheer on the people who would do these things are never the good guys, either.

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Ladies And Gentlemen, the New Twitter CEO:

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From Our 'Did Not Age Well' Files:

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The Bear Necessities:

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AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Prayer Requests:

9/18 – Homer’s Donuts needs prayers for hope, healing, health, support, and strength as his wife has chosen to divorce him. They have a young son. Clinical depression and panic attacks, a constant in his life, are hitting him hard. He says he has such low energy that Jeb Bush looks down on him. The divorce is making things worse, and he feels completely obsolete and alone, without anyone on his side.
10/28 Update – Homer’s Donuts says he is undergoing more frequent panic attacks and fears that the frequency and severity will ultimately lead him to be declared “unfit” to have custody of his son. He has an exit plan in place and will move out soon, but life with the ex-wife is simply unbearable.

10/17 – Pollywog the ‘Ette passes along a prayer request for Brother Tim, who was admitted to the hospital Sunday for kidney stones and UTI. He needs both full healing, since this isn’t the first time he’s had these problems, and financial blessings. Prayer that he be able to have rest and peace, not something hospitals are known for, would be helpful as well.
11/16 Update – Brother Tim is healing, but still needs prayers for his job situation.

10/20 – Dr_No sends an update on his daughter, Megan, who we have prayed for while she was going through Stage III[c] cancer of the sigmoid colon. She has been done with chemo for a while and has received her ‘N.E.D’ diagnosis: ‘No Evidence of Disease’. Her doctors and caregivers were outstanding, and it means everything to see her able to live a normal life again. Yes, there’s always the unspoken fear that she may in future get a diagnosis of cancer’s return, but for now we enjoy that she’s healthy again and no longer in pain. After reading the prayer list, and understanding what others are faced with Do_No says he can only wish for them the joy and relief that he and the rest of the family have at Megan’s successful treatment, and sends his thanks to all for their words up.

10/22 - Pookysgirl asks for prayers for Pooky, as he is going in for extensive neuropsychological testing for 4-8 hours on Oct 27, so he could really use prayers today. He’s had issues with similar testing in the past, so prayers for calming and peace would be appreciated.
11/29 update – The results were not what they were hoping for. Pooky did not get any specific diagnoses but got put into 4 different “unspecified” categories. He sees his therapist and his med manager within the next month, and hopefully they can help them understand the diagnoses and any medication changes. This news has been very difficult to handle.

10/27 – R asks for prayers for himself and the woman he loves. He broke her heart with foolish decisions and now they are both brokenhearted. He is facing a future that will be filled with problems that might break him. He is trying not to fall into despair and could use a boost from everyone.

11/5 – Eeyore mood has an update:
I wrote you a couple of times about my friend's 4 year old grandson who was killed by the child's mother's boyfriend. He got out on bail because he was only charged with Negligence Resulting in Death. The autopsy report has not been formally released. The results could bring an increase in charges. The man is due back in court for a preliminary hearing on Nov. 15th. I would ask for prayer that the man who killed my friend's grandson be charged for the crimes he committed and justice be done. Also that God's peace be for the child's father, siblings and grandmother so they know He cares for them. Understandably, they are still devastated by this tragedy. Compounding this is that the child's mother is still defending her son's killer, saying it was an accident. If you are on Facebook and want more information, you can go to the Justice for Brantley page or go to the Thank you for your assistance.
11/18 Update – The mother’s boyfriend is still out on bond. No new charges were added. The tentative trial date is June 22.

11/8 – 496 requests prayers for strength and wisdom for him and his entire family.

11/9 – Weak Geek asks for prayers for his father, who is recovering from surgery. He is out of intensive care but drops into bouts of defeatism. Also prayers for WG’s sister, who is on site and therefore shoulders the brunt of this burden.

11/9 – Krebs v Carnot has 2 requests: First, that his father-in-law William, find peace and blessings in the presence of the Lord, having passed away Saturday after a brief illness, and hat members of his family be comforted and strengthened with the knowledge that their beloved Bill has found eternal and joyous peace at last. And second, that his mother, 3 siblings, and he be granted patience, strength, and wisdom, as they work through getting Mom to a state where she is able to continue to live her life as independently as possible in the place of her choosing, and that all those in the elder care community working with her continue to help Mom see and do what she much through their kind and loving teachings and that Mom’s eyes be opened so as to understand that they, too, will rejoice as she progresses toward her goal.

11/16 – Inspector’s best friend Tom was diagnosed with Covid last week. It’s been like a nasty flu, but he is recovering. Prayers for his continued recovery, that it not affect his job.

11/16 – Inspector’s co-worker Marie was diagnosed last week with uterine cancer. It was caught early, so they’re hopeful for the prognosis, but prayer for healing, and strength for her and her family would be very appreciated.

For Healing:

10/20 – Nancy at 7000 ft is asking for prayers for her friend Timothy, who just had a quadruple bypass yesterday. Tim owns and runs a small business repairing industrial machines, and has recently purchased an old church with his wife Gabrielle, and was in the process of moving when he experienced a minor heart attack. Further investigation revealed he had an aneurismic section of his aorta, a genetic condition, and required multiple bypasses. Pray for an easing of his post-surgical pain and a full recovery.

10/27 – J asks for prayers for his nephew, Tim, who has throat and tongue cancer. Tim is in his mid-30s, married, and has 5 kids.

11/3 – MammaB is asking for prayers for her father who is 84 and having kidney failure.

11/4 – Tonypete asks for prayers for his dear friend Beth’s daughter Dominique who is 36 years old and has been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. It has already spread to her liver and appears to be very aggressive. Please pray for a remission and for her doctors’ skill. Failing that, prayers for a Holy Death.

11/24 – commissar of Plenty and Lysenko gender fluid requests prayers for healing and no surgery required (20% odds) for a medical problem he is experiencing.

11/28 - Ladyl asks for complete healing for Hattie, a 3 year old who is undergoing multiple complex surgeries for a congenital skin condition. Brad, a middle-aged man diagnosed with colon cancer who may end up with a colostomy bag needs prayers as well, that his physicians find the best possible solution and cure his condition. And DR, a 65 year old man who also requested prayers for an undisclosed situation.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her.

Romans 8:26-27
[26] In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. [27] And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after five weeks or so unless we receive an update.


Who Dis:

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Photo 5 (busty!)
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Photo 7

For the 'Ettes:

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Photo 5

Monday Who Dis: Patricia Medina enjoyed an extensive career, finally retiring in 1978 after working in movies and television since the 1930s. She made a number of films with South African-born actor Louis Hayward: Fortunes of Captain Blood (1950), Captain Pirate (1952), Lady in the Iron Mask (1952), The Lady and the Bandit (1951). Hayward saw service in WWII. He was a United States Marine combat photographer, and his work during the invasion of the Japanese-held island of Tarawa earned him a Bronze Star for courage under fire.

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Lamb Stew:

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(Click for bigger stew)

Stew recipe available here.

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posted by OregonMuse at 11:13 AM

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