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November 15, 2021
The Morning Report - 11/15/21
Good morning, kids. The start of a new week and up front, the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse, on trial for the heinous crime of defending himself with a firearm from having his life mostly peacefully snuffed out by white dopes on punk, who have now been elevated to the status of honorary negroids because the race card must be played. Remember that despite all the players here being white, the rioting in Kenosha was to protest the death of a black man. . . 400 miles away in Minneapolis. (yes, I did overlook the incident with Jacob Blake but that would've been a nothing-burger without George Floyd)
As commenter "..." (elipsis) said "The Democrat Party is white everywhere you look but constantly hiding behind black people. It's political blackface." With the prosecution's case collapsing faster than a soused Hillary Clinton at a 9/11 memorial service, this calculus in the media was totally predictable. That was before Friday, but I digress.
Some people will look at what's going on here and of course to the events that led here and think America has devolved into a lawless society. If that were the case, to paraphrase a certain Mr. Manson, the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse would be "no more important than eating an ice cream cone." That's pregnant with meaning considering a Joe named Brandon who evidently consumes it on an hourly basis these days (one scoop each of Ben & Jerry's Broken Cherry Garcia and Rachel Corries 'n Cream).
If we were a "lawless society," human nature being what it is dictates that what happened in Kenosha and half a hundred other urban areas would have happened perhaps dozens of times given the events that occurred in the wake of the unfortunate yet sadly inevitable demise of George Floyd. Meh, the mostly peaceful rioting would likely not have happened because the presence of "rooftop Koreans" would have prevented it in the first place. And George Floyd might be alive right now since even with a perpetual crystal-meth-induced haze he'd have thought twice about pushing the queer in a store that might have an armed shopkeeper. But, that's not lawlessness. It is, as stated, human nature filling a void and doing its thing, as it has done now since Moonwatcher and his companions defended their turf somewhere in Olduvai Gorge 3 million years ago and the bone he tossed in the air morphed into an anti-sat weapon in low earth orbit.
No, America is not a lawless society at all. Mostly because American society as founded and as many of us grew up in, ceased to be as of last January 6th. But there are laws, alright, and you better believe they are being enforced mercilessly. Look at people from Donald Trump to David Daleiden to James O'Keefe to parents that are anti-CRT/vaccine/transexual rapists, to Boyd Camper and his fellow J6 political prisoners in the Garland Archipelago, to the Wyoming farmer fined $37,000 a day (where were the Cheneys?) to Ashli Babbitt, and so many others. The entire criminal justice system has been weaponized to absolutely crush any and all dissent while an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy issues edicts that have the force of law which you will obey, or be punished. If they can rig and steal elections like they did in 2020, they can sure as hell rig judges and juries, as they did with Derek Chauvin, and given the bizarre turn of events on Friday with the special delivery from "the evidence fairy" seem poised to do with Kyle Rittenhouse.
The corporate media is shifting narratives about the Kyle Rittenhouse case because his self-defense claim is bulletproof. They want to erase the long-understood obligation for all able-bodied citizens to come to the defense of their community when the normal authorities are unwilling or unable to do so.
The constitutionally sound principle that allows and expects this is the left's most-abused part of the Second Amendment, the "well-regulated militia." This is the false premise being pushed by many historically ignorant moral scolds.
"Do we want a society in which political conflict is settled on the streets between people with guns? One in which everyone is armed and can therefore view the other people armed as a plausible threat?" MSNBC's Chris Hayes wrote on Twitter. "Is that the society we want?" It's tempting to answer with the online meme, "Your terms are acceptable". . .
. . . There is plenty of case law about this, but essentially it consists of able-bodied citizens who are available to help with the defense of the country. This can include actions against foreign enemies presenting a threat inside our borders, but it also includes cases of internal unrest or natural disaster. . .
. . . citizens are very likely to be the only force capable of responding in defense of the common peace and lawful order, at least for a short time. In the recent crisis, however, we have seen several occasions when the police vanished from afflicted areas of cities for a whole night or longer. Citizens who are left to themselves by a failure of state and local power have every right to defend the common peace and lawful order against those who would destroy it. . .
. . . This is exactly what happened in Kenosha. The authorities there ordered the police to abdicate their responsibility to protect and serve the law-abiding citizens. They abandoned the community to a violent mob. When local folks, including Kyle, who worked there and lived nearby, rose up to defend their lives and livelihood, they were acting entirely in accordance with the constitutional concept of the militia. . .
. . . The prosecution in the Rittenhouse case has even attacked Rittenhouse's right to defend himself in the face of obvious deadly threats. They asked why a man who threatened to kill you and then tried to take your weapon away was a danger, why being hit over the head with a skateboard warranted a response, and what possible harm could present from a guy with a pistol pointed at your head six feet away. It takes a strong aversion to the idea of self-defense to make those absurd arguments -- and yet. . .
. . . The obscene part is that the charges of capital murder brought against him were entirely politically motivated to appease the very mob he and the others were defending against. But his fate now rests in the hands of a group of citizens who were also at risk from that same mob during the riots, just like Kyle.
The author seems confident that Rittenhouse will be acquitted but it's not clear if he wrote this very well done essay before the judge allowed the computer-corrected picture allegedly showing Rittenhouse "threatening" his would be assassins. More importantly, the fact that these jurors' identities are more than likely known by the armed militant wing of the Democrat Party - Antifa/BLM - makes an acquittal that much more problematic to say the least.
The Rittenhouse show trial - and that is exactly what this is since from the moment we saw the video evidence as well as the numerous eyewitness accounts we knew it was self-defense - is meant as a warning for anyone and everyone who dares oppose this regime. Make no mistake; the rioting and looting of last year were fully sanctioned by the Democrat Party as both voter intimidation and with the inevitable actions of someone like Rittenhouse to be used as a pretext to disarm the citizenry. Remember, the lowlife Antifa scum are heroic, peaceful demonstrators in support of justice and civil rights. Anyone who opposes them is an evil white supremacist oppressor and so must be severely punished "to preserve our precious democracy" (spit). And since the prime threat to "our precious democracy" (spit) is not the Chi-Coms, Russians, Iranians or the "Religion of Peace" but anyone who wants to return to the days of white supremacy and slavery, since the US Constitution itself is a sham and a lie that was written by the latter to oppress colored people of color, then the right to keep and bear arms is a negative right that must be abolished if we are to achieve true social justice. Shit, I can be a speech writer for Titty Caca and dress up in a "tax the rich" ballgown. Winning.
Seriously, this is topsy turvy world. I'm to the point where if Rittenhouse is railroaded, I'd say bust him out of jail and smuggle him to Brazil. If that skank murdering filth Joanne Chesimard can flee to Cuba and be hailed as a freedom fighter, we surely can protect our own. Frankly, I'm kind of shocked that her namesake godson Chesa Boudin is facing a recall election in Frisco. I would have thought that given the fact that with an eco-terrorist running the BLM (no, not that BLM, the other BLM) and a Mongoloid skell with the "economics" degree from Patrice Lumumba University may be running our banking system, that Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, has still to be given a full pardon, returned to the US as a hero and given a cabinet position in the newly formed Department of Peace, alongside Mumia Abul Jamal.
I guess that that's what "President" Harris will do when she's sworn in.
* * * * *
My book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World, is available now at the link.
Note, regardless of how you purchased it, please leave a review on Amazon as it helps boost visibility while putting me on Moloch Garland's watch list. Win-win!
- "Notable: ADA Binger mentioned "provocation" zero times in his opening statement."
Andrew Branca at Legal Insurrection: Rittenhouse Analysis -- State's Weak Provocation Argument Is Still The Major Threat to Acquittal
- "Even if all the prosecution gets is a hung jury, that's a 'win' for the prosecution; re-trial would be certain."
Getting Jurors to Imagine "Provocation" in Blurry Photo and Video -- Rittenhouse Prosecution Endgame
- "A pixelated photo and new charges may destroy Kyle's claim of self-defense and allow the jury (which knows the mob is out there) to convict him."
One Fuzzy Drone Image May Send Kyle Rittenhouse to Prison
- "It is hard to understand how the count could be given to the jury without a clear understanding of what it means. It is also hard to instruct a jury on an ambiguous statute. Criminal laws are supposed to be interpreted narrowly. It is called the "rule of lenity" and has been around in the English system for centuries."
Legal Eagle Jonathan Turley: Judge Should Not Allow Rittenhouse Jury to Consider Firearms Charge
- "The Rittenhouse trial exposes, once again, the mendacity, malevolence, and stupidity of the media and the Left as a whole."
All He Had Was a Handgun
- "'Just got a call from the media asking if my Twitter account was hacked. That is, the reporter couldn't conceive of the idea that I could believe that Kyle is innocent because I am not a right winger. Crazy,' investor Bill Ackman tweeted."
Some Liberals Now Willing To Admit They Were Duped By Media About Kyle Rittenhouse
- "It's injustice from top to bottom in Kenosha, and it's provoked by the media."
The Real Crime in Kenosha
- "The goal of the media provocateurs is to delegitimize the most basic right to protect our communities and ourselves in the absence of official security forces."
Left's Attacks on Kyle Rittenhouse Are Part of a Bigger Plan to Disband the "Well-Regulated Militia'
- "None of us is safe, so long as CRT and other Marxist ideas pollute our law schools, our judges' minds, and our legal system."
Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Destroys American Justice
- "Basically the argument goes that if a white person has an emotional reaction to an accusation of racism, that in and of itself is proof of the racism. It is a concept that makes the Salem witch trials look like the gold standard of jurisprudence. Put another way, it's absolute trash."
Progressives' Attacks on Rittenhouse Betray Their Obsession with Race
* * * * *
- "The guards decided that refusing to wear a mask merited severe punishment. And while I'm at it, let me talk a bit about political cowardice."
January 6 Prisoners Evacuated on Stretchers After Guards Gas Them
- Lloyd Billingsley: "January 6 judge shows preference for judicial abuse."
The Chutkan Chronicles
- "The indictment of Steve Bannon is intended to make Biden's presidency look legitimate."
Bannon Indictment: Joe Biden Takes Another Political Prisoner
- Remember, to the junta our speech is violence.
Biden DHS: "Anti-Government/Anti-Authority Violent Extremists. . . Pose a Significant Threat to Our Homeland"
- "Meadows' attorney George Terwillinger said earlier this week he would not comply and indicated he would not appear."
Mark Meadows Marked Absent for House Inquisition Deposition Deadline
- Robert Spencer: "Look in the mirror."
Feds Warn of Rise in "Domestic Violent Extremists" -- But Where Are They?
- "From Lenin to Pol Pot to Pelosi, for the royalist Left democracy becomes the road to serfdom, not the remedy for it."
The Royalist Left
- "The two major political elements in play over the past year are closely intertwined."
The Left's Bungled Revolution
- "Make no mistake about it: when these rioters whip themselves into a frenzy over the next dead criminal -- and they will -- we will once again be on our own."
Don't Cede the Streets to Violent Communists
- "Haven't we already witnessed five or six of these red flags?"
The Ten Stages of Genocide Are Hitting a Little Too Close to Home
- Julie Kelly: "In an e-mail to American Greatness, Boyd Camper shared a poem he wrote over the summer."
A Poem of Persecution and Faith by a January 6 Trespasser
- But still, they persisted . . .
CDC Admits It Has No Evidence of Recovered Chinese COVID Patients Spreading the Chinese Virus
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Just as we should be reaching herd immunity, the situation in some places seems to be as dire as it was at the beginning of the pandemic. What's going on?"
Why are Chinese COVID Cases Spiking? Again . . .
- "In a decision written with rare clarity; an exceptional grasp of facts; and the cool, rational application of law, the 5th Circuit completely destroys the mandate."
The 5th Circuit's Brilliant Opinion Staying OSHA's Vaccine Mandate
- But Larry Elder's a Klansman, right?
Newsom Quietly Extends California's "State of Emergency" for Third Time
- "The usual threats of fiscal punish do not seem to be swaying this district, due to the number of parents who will outright leave the public school system if the mandate goes forward."
California School Board Votes To Refuse Compliance With Newsom's Chinese COVID Vax Mandate
- "Many New York City cops are weighing our sub-standard salary against the ever-increasing challenges, scrutiny and abuse, and they're voting with their feet."
Vax Mandate Fail: NYPD Officers Flee New York for Better Opportunities in Florida Police Department
- "Our democracy cannot recover its health until our elites relearn that their job is not to rule the people but to govern them by consent." (FFS, we are NOT a democracy; we're supposed to be a republic, or at least we were until it was stolen - jjs)
Vaccine Mandates and the Decline of Self-Government
* * * * *
- "There are many reasons not to accept the [Chinese] COVID 'vaccine.'"
Chinese COVID, Strokes, and Trust
- "If Big Bird, Joe Biden, Alyssa Milano, Elmo or any other puppet wants to weigh in on your child's medical future, certainly a parent's voice should carry as much weight or more."
Et Tu, Big Bird?
- "Government medicine is on a power trip, so wedded to its vaccine mandates that it can only argue against the superior power of natural immunity, as in an astounding recent CDC report."
The Federally Funded Takedown of Natural Immunity
- "Dr. Anthony Fauci has known for years the serious threat the United States and the world faced from [Chinese] coronaviruses, and did very little to address it."
Dr. Fauci Warned About Chinese Coronaviruses in 2003 -- But Didn't Act On It
- "There is no scientific evidence that links domestic violence to [Chinese] COVID stay-at-home policies."
It's Time to Debunk the Chinese COVID-Domestic Violence Myth
- ". . . With one notable exception."
Europe is Going Back Under Lockdown
- "How things have changed! The [Chinese] Covid "room" was once filled with white coats and blue suits, all advocating for stringent measures to fight a novel [Chinese] coronavirus: compulsory masks, social distancing, house arrest, punitive fines, devastating lockdowns and mandatory vaccines to eliminate the perceived threat of mass infection. And there was always space for more politicians, medical officers, presumed "experts" and media personnel to convene, often unmasked and in close proximity to one another. No longer."
Chinese Covid Elephants in the Room
- "Maybe the trouble is that they demonstrate that the vaccine wasn't as safe and effective as advertised?"
The Unvaccinated: An Inconvenient Control Group in a Sinister Social Experiment
- "As the Joe Biden [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"] lurches on, average Americans are feeling the pinch as the Misery Index slowly creeps upward. Just one month ago, the index stood at 10.19% -- that's a 0.63% increase. Does it really matter who is in the White House? The answer is yes."
Misery Index: Average Americans Feel the Pinch of the Biden Economy
- "Critics contend that by using its own pipeline Spire can make more money than it can by using gas from other suppliers. Spire says that option is no longer feasible because of pricing and supply issues."
Spire Energy Warns Missouri Customers of Possible Outages
- "Persecution is now cool! Law professor Jason Kilborn at the University of Illinois-Chicago was suspended by his university and forced to undergo a mental examination plus drug tests essentially because some unnamed students objected to an exam question that referenced racial slurs and that Kilborn had been using in his tests for a decade." (Solzhenitsyn's Soviet-era "psychiatric ward" is here - jjs)
Today's Blacklisted American: Professor Forced to Undergo Mental Examination Because Students Didn't Like Exam Question
- "Sex ed curriculum has received $26 million in federal funding."
Thousands of Massachusetts Parents Pull Kids From 'Woke' Sex Ed Classes
- "How Democrats bury the truth about CRT in public schools."
The Left's Big Lie About Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- "No, CRT is not a "fairy-tale." It's very real and very destructive.
Don't Let Leftists Gaslight You on Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- "How insane have things become when school board members plan doxxing and harassment against the parents they are supposed to serve?"
Parents Threatened With Doxxing by School Board for Criticizing the Board's Mask Policies
- "Students should learn about how our country's founding was based on many great principles, as well as the mistakes that have been made throughout our history, but to say that our country is [systemically] racist is denying the truth about the struggles this country has made to ensure equality and opportunities for all minorities."
North Dakota Gov Signs Bill Banning Crackpot Disg-Race Theory From Public Schools
- "Group wants the justices to review the case alongside a similar challenge to Harvard."
Student Group Presses Supreme Court To Fast-Track UNC Affirmative Action Case
- "Show the activists and journalists that you have the goods, you've scouted the field, and you will let none of their prevarications pass any longer."
How to Waltz Around the Leftist Two-Step
- "Today's educators substitute causes for virtues."
How Not to Teach Morality
- "There are two important elections activities where the opportunities for cheating need to be greatly minimized, if not prevented."
Guarding Against Cheating in Elections by the Far Left
- Margot Cleveland: "Brookings was ground zero for the Russia collusion hoax, with many key staff embroiled in the damaging lie that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election."
Why Special Counsel John Durham Subpoenaed The Brookings Institution
- "Some ominous rumblings are coming from the long-invisible John Durham."
Who Will Be America's Churchill? (meh, who will be America's Pinochet? - jjs)
- "His Labor Department seeks to rescind a Trump-issued rule protecting them."
Biden Targets the Religious Freedom of Federal Contractors
- "Secretary spoke in front of former employer's buses at November event."
Energy Secretary Granholm Violates Ethics Pledge To Boost Proterra, Watchdog Claims
- "An alum of the Obama administration and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), she is the daughter of Bill Clinton's former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who has a long track record of working with Chinese Communist Party influence groups and officials."
Biden Nominee To Run Foreign Aid Agency Has 6-Figure Investment In Chinese State-Run Fund
- "N. Nick Perry -- Joe Biden's nominee for Ambassador to Jamaica -- participated in a lawmaker's delegation to China aimed at "building friendship" with Chinese Communist Party officials and establishing business ties."
Biden's Jamaica Ambassador Took China Trip Promising "Friendship" and "Understanding" of Chinese Communist Party
- "The senator added that Republicans spent many lunches 'yelling at each other' about the bill, with the Republicans who voted for it allegedly under the belief that if the infrastructure package were to pass, the Democrats' social spending bill would be 'less likely to pass.'"
Cruz Hammers Republicans Who Voted With Dems: "Breathed Life" Into Dem Agenda, Gave Joe Biden a Political Win"
- "Even among Democrats, Biden's nowhere near where an incumbent president should be, which is in the 90 percent range. Currently, only 80 percent of Democrats approve the job Biden's doing. Worse still, only 44 percent strongly approve. Those are awful numbers and why the bottom is finally falling out of Biden's approval numbers. Once you lose your base, it all comes apart."
Joe Biden Crashes to 38% Approval in Washington Post Poll
- "[Chris Dodd's] 'hoping' Biden runs for reelection? Why wouldn't he? Joe Biden has insisted that he plans to run for reelection in 2024. 'My plan is to run for reelection,' Biden said in March. 'That's my expectation.'"
BOMBSHELL: Longtime Biden Ally Casts Doubt on Biden Seeking Reelection
- Michael Walsh: "How much longer can this go on? As we head into the second year of the President Joe Biden 'administration,' with the country in a shambles and heading no place good but full speed ahead, it's time for all real Americans to take stock of our situation and formulate an emergency plan, with no time to spare. . .
America Needs an Emergency Plan, Right Away
- "The country is tired of inflation, vaccine mandates, the faltering supply chain and the border crisis."
Please Go, Brandon - Americans Want This So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Out
- "The survey, from pollster Rick Shaftan's Neighborhood Research and Media, shows Trump at nearly 56 percent with 55.7 percent -- leading his next closest possible rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, by more than 40 percent."
Iowa Caucus Poll: Trump Holds Commanding Intra-GOP Lead
- "Elites unmasked."
This One Photo Explains Everything You Need To Know About the Democrat Party
- "Behind Getty's immaculate wedding are children in cloth muzzles, jobs threatened by a medically coercive mandate, and homeless masses littering San Francisco with urine, needles, and trash."
Getty Wedding Guest List Shows Exactly Who California's Political Elite Are Listening To
* * * * *
- "Not a week after his election, Edward Durr is already a legend."
Dollars to Donuts
- "It wasn't just the women's vote that cost the GOP in the suburbs. It was the white vote that didn't give Republicans the majorities they normally got that hurt them at the polls. More to the point, Pennsylvania is a far more traditional Republican state, and Trump was not as popular there as he was in some other states."
Republicans on the Comeback Trail in Pennsylvania
- "Recent electoral trends indicate significant problems for the Democrat base."
The Conservative Latino Future
- "Even as Cuomo's reputation sunk further, after being forced to resign amid an Albany impeachment probe and findings of an investigation by James' office that claimed he sexually harassed several female staff members, 'his campaign coffers remain high,' the article noted."
Report: Angel of Death Cuomo Considering Run for NY Attorney General Post
- "Musk created the aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company SpaceX in 2002 . . . He reportedly employs roughly 110,000 people around the world. Sanders, on the other hand, has made his living as a politician supported by citizens' taxes for decades."
Elon Musk Drags Bernie After Attack On Wealthy: "I Keep Forgetting That You're Still Alive"
- If I've said it once, then I've said it a million times at this point. The "F**k Joe Biden" and "Let's Go Brandon" chants aren't ending at any point in the near future.
Fans Loudly Chant "Fuck Joe Biden" During the Indiana/Rutgers Game
- "Trump's move into high tech may be more significant for Trump's political future than the possible effects of the Virginia election."
Speculating About Trump's Future
- "China's sins grow deadlier by the day, sapping America's strength. Peter Navarro reveals why in his new memoir of his time in the Trump White House."
Why Trump's "Sudden Zen" Strategy Foundered
- Miranda Devine: "She has zero charisma and her ratings are lackluster. But for some unfathomable reason, she has Teflon protection at the network, even after being caught out for homophobic and anti-Semitic comments on her blog. She implausibly pretended her blog had been "hacked" and got a free pass."
MSLSD's Joy Reid's Crying Shame: Devine
- "Media organizations are taking aim at each other over the fake news reporting surrounding the Trump Russia dossier."
Trump Dossier Coverage "One of the Most Egregious Journalistic Errors" in History, Admits Corporate Media (what "error?" it was a crime of which they were coconspirators before an after the fact - jjs)
- "The outlet 'took the unusual step of correcting and removing large portions of two articles' that were published in both March of 2017 and February of 2019 "that had identified a Belarusan American businessman as a key source of the 'Steele dossier.'"
WaPo Issues Massive Correction About Steele Dossier, Says It Can Not Stand By the Accuracy of Two Stories
- "NBC News senior business correspondent and MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle said Sunday on Today that the 'dirty little secret' about soaring inflation was, on average, people have the money to pay more for goods."
MSLSD's Mulit-Millionaire Stephanie Ruhle: "Dirty Little Secret" About Inflation Is People Can Afford It
- "This is an industry populated by a lot of white men over the age of 55. This group of people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Some people have talked about aggressive truck drivers cutting them off or not being helpful. So, obviously, the more populated it is with people of color I think you'll see less of that."
MSLSD's Tiffany Cross [who?] Shames Trucking Industry For Employing Too Many "Aggressive" Trump Voters
- Lloyd Billingsley: "George Will, once called 'the best writer on any subject,' is the latest victim to this specter now stalking the land."
Biden Derangement Syndrome
- Robert Spencer: "Where are the media's howls of moral indignation?"
Biden Refers to Satchel Paige as "The Great Negro"
- "While discussing how the Catholic Church condemns abortion and gives it more emphasis than things such as immigration, housing, or poverty, Cordileone explained that there are levels of morality."
San Francisco Archbishop: "Abortion is at the Same Level of Lynching" -- Killing the Innocent
- "Continued cuts to SPD and underfunding the 911 center are not a plan for true public safety."
Rampant Crime in Seattle Forces County Govt To Provide Security Escorts For Employees
- "A deliberate policy to fundamentally change the American legal system that leaves ordinary citizens defenseless under law."
This Democrat Criminal Prosecution System is Deeply Immoral
- AP: "EU officials have accused Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko of using the migrants as pawns in a 'hybrid attack' to retaliate for sanctions imposed on his authoritarian regime for a harsh internal crackdown on dissent."
Moscow-Backed Belarus Organizing Middle Eastern Migrant Surge Into Poland, EU
- One day, the Lord of Hosts will set this insect straight . . .
"Great, Glorious, and Correct": Chinese Communist Party Passes Resolution Exalting Itself and "Comrade Xi Jinping"
- "I think they wanted just to say transnational criminal organizations because I don't think they wanted to lay all the blame on Mexico, they thought it was misleading."
DEA Stopped Saying "Mexican Cartel" to "Appease" Mexico, Recently Retired Agency Officials Say
- "It could have just been a group or individuals looking to get some street cred to tout on underground forums," said Berglas. "I would think that it would be some sort of criminal group or some sort of 'hacktivist' group, rather than a coordinated state-backed attack."
FBI Investigating Fake Emails Sent from Official FBI Account Warning of False Cyber Threat
- "Even with all of our resources as a superpower, it seems that the Chinese and the Russians are running circles around America in the new online theater of warfare."
New Foreign Cyber Attacks Target Both Public and Private Sectors
- "The armed services have been good at keeping the neo-Nazis out of the military. Unfortunately, in our national confusion about race, we have allowed the neo-Marxists in." (How does the military say no to radical insanity when the JCS and much of the flag officer corps of every branch embraces it? The only way is for mass insubordination and, dare I say it, mutiny. Which considering the likes of Vanilli Milley and the current fraud posing as C-in-C, is wholly justified. We need a few divisions of Pinochets right about now - jjs)
"Hold the Line!": Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics
- "This is the way the world ends."
A Swedish Pastor Converts to Islam
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Whether in Europe or the Mideast, Muslim reactions are always reliable."
The Jihad on Mimicry
- "As local officials plunge into controversial policy areas, they clash increasingly with governors and legislative leaders."
States Versus Cities
- "U.S. presidents making international commitments that they cannot deliver upon is the true danger of attending these global climate change conferences."
For Once, Greta "Scoldilocks" Thunberg is Right: The Glasgow Climate Summit is a Failure
- "The '97 percent' consensus is, as we said then, 'one of the greatest items of misinformation that has been circulated on either side of the climate debate.' But the propaganda continued; and continues to this day -- and is now more extreme."
Garbage in, Garbage Out in Glasgow, Scotland
- This presupposes that a changing climate - which it has been for at least 3 billion years with man having nothing to do with it - warrants a solution in the first place, as if we humans could do anything at all.
Nuclear Power Is The Only Viable Solution To Climate Change
- "As a signatory China is required to control every object it puts into orbit in order to prevent collisions. Instead, it performed a military test that created debris in the thousands, in orbits that threaten ISS. We shall get another demonstration of China's contempt for treaties in the next few months, when it launches two more large modules to its space station and the large core stage of the rocket comes crashing down somewhere on Earth, out of control."
ISS to Maneuver Around Space Junk Left Over From Chinese Anti-Satellite Test (three hours later and you're still hungry - jjs)
- "Data obtained by scientists using ground-based telescopes now suggests that the small asteroid Kamo`oalewa, which has an orbit that makes it a quasi-Moon of the Earth, might have originally come from the Moon."
Scientists: Asteroid in an Orbit Entwined with Earth Might Be a Moon Rock
- "It is a paradox that the gaslighters who try to convince us that men are women claim to occupy a higher moral ground than those who honor reality and truth."
Those Who Claim Men Are Women Are Brazen Liars Devoid of Moral Integrity
- "In the interview with the Prostasia Foundation, Walker made clear that abuse should not be tolerated and argued there is a distinction between a sexual attraction and acting on that sexual attraction." (yeah, not buying it; this is the foot in the door - jjs)
University Professor's Book Aims to Destigmatize Pedophilia Because There's No "Immorality" in Being Attracted to Children
- "Since the BLM protests began, actions to increase information of slavery and colonialism have become ordained facets of social, political, and cultural organizations."
Wokery In Art and Science
- "Unable to answer damning critiques of its historical claims, the New York Times' 1619 chooses to dodge -- and impugn the motives of its critics."
The Book Version of the New York Times' 1619 Project Doubles Down On Junk History
- "The product is you."
Paul Joseph Watson Video: Social Engineering in TV Commercials
- "Chappelle's high school alma mater postponed a fundraising event with the comedian because students were 'uncomfortable' with his humor."
Dave Chappelle Canceled By Alma Mater Because Of Student Temper Tantrum
- Christian Toto: "The beloved '90s show is in the woke mob's sights, but can Jerry and co. prevail?"
Out of Control Cancel Culture Targets Seinfeld Reruns
- "Pete Buttigieg's remarks on Robert Moses's 'racist bridges' flatten history in service to an ideological fad."
A Bridge Too Far
- "Peter Wayne Moe's fascinating book is part chronicle on whale-watching, part literary criticism, part memoir."
In the Belly of the Monster
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:58 AM
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