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Overnight Open Thread ( 11-11-2021 ) – Veteran’s Day Edition Like Old Times Again »
November 11, 2021
The High Price Of Dees Nuts Cafe
This squirrel cannot believe what F. Joe Biden is doing to his paycheck!
Via Buitengebeiden, photos by Albert Beukhof, Oss, The Netherlands
This bird has his Beer Muscles on, gettin' up in a cat's grill.
Ninja cat goalie.
Nice doggie taking care of his kitten fosters.
Puppy gives you the sad eyes, but then he gives you the happy face.
Bowl of kitten paws.
Cat wants to play hide-n-seek.
This cat is just hiding, supposedly to avoid going to the vet.
A little leopard stalks/hides from a big leopard, and then pops out, scaring the daylights out of the big leopard.
World's tiniest monkey.
Inman: Soy bitch threatens a man, then is struck by the cowardice that is characteristic of his ilk.
Thief succeeds in breaking into his confederate's greasy mouth.
On freedom.