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November 05, 2021
Adam Kinzinger Is, Get This, Considering Running for President, He Tells His Friends At, Get This, CNN
Humiliation is part of the kink.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger is actively weighing whether to seek his political fortunes in the Senate, the Illinois governor's mansion or even the White House, despite serious questions about whether there's any future at all for a Donald Trump critic like him in today's GOP.
Acknowledging his potential career options and timeline for the first time since announcing his retirement from the House last week, Kinzinger told CNN he is considering at least a statewide run if not a presidential one, and that he'll "probably" make his decision on whether to launch a bid for governor or senator by January.
"The key is, how do we restore the honor of the party in the country?" Kinzinger told CNN, adding that he "definitely" wouldn't rule out a White House run in 2024.
Oh lawdy lawdy lawd.
Whatever you do, Adam, don't get a real job. Anything but that indignity.
So far beneath your station!
A friend wrote, "He'll get as many primary votes as Kamala."
I wrote, "He'll suck twice as many d***s."
TheJamesMadison engages in Baseless Misinformation which I completely disavow:
"I think you misunderstand. I have no intention of actually running for president. I fully intend on doing a bare-bones campaign, mostly on CNN, that draws in a few million dollars from delusional big dollar donors who think that I could possibly beat Trump in a Republican primary. I will pocket 90% of the cash, at least, when I fold my campaign before Iowa."
-- Adam Kinzinger
What a terrible thing to say.
This firm-rumped Barracks Betty, whose tidily shaven back is an LZ for male DNA "coming in hot," only wants to restore honor to this country. Didn't you hear him when he praised his own honor sixty-three thousand times?