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November 04, 2021
The Morning Report - 11/4/21
Good morning, kids. First of all, humble apologies to all of you who tuned in last night to hear me talk about my book with Ben Braddock and Peter Navarro. For some reason Twitter would not let me join in on a conversation that I was supposed to be a guest. At least Navarro's insights were well worth tuning in for. In any case, I'll keep you posted for future appearances, please G-d never again on Twitter.
Now on to the news and the first of the big stories is New Jersey where one year later it's deja vu all over again.
. . . Then something interesting happened in Bergen County. We went to bed last night with Ciattarelli up by 5% with 100% of the county reporting with 219,894 votes.
We woke up with 261,528 votes counted and Murphy up by 4%. The county somehow found 40,000 votes overnight.
That was 12:30PM yesterday from the estimable Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection. But then reality/insanity came and bonk-bonked us on the head with the Pelosi clown-gavel.
The delay in having the race called likely stemmed from a snafu out of Essex County, where a poll worker mistakenly shut off voting machines in 56 districts before the count had finished.
"A mistake by a poll worker led machines in 56 voting districts in Essex County, the state's second-most populated region, to be turned off before their ballots were tallied, local election officials said," reported the New York Post.
Beyond Essex County, Passaic County had similar voting issues in five districts that heavily leaned toward Murphy, which likely delayed the call into Wednesday.
To paraphrase the late lamented Willie Cicci, "Mistakes. Yeah, the family had a lot of mistakes!" Well, we'll see if the victim, Jack Ciatarelli and really everyone who voted for him have the wherewithal and the stomach to take this to court. Not that there's the proverbial snowball's chance that this will be reversed because "no standing" and "it's a tax," or whatever." Certainly the GOPe, with turds like Lindsay "Pull the tregroes" Graham and Mitch McChinless, are singing along to the Dem anthem of "the people have spoken." I suppose the silver linings crowd are declaring that Ciatarelli coming so close is a sign. Yes it's a sign that the Democrat mantra will be mirror universe GOP: "cheat harder!"
Actually, the optimist in me does think that everything up until the magic '76 Buick LeSabre pulled up with the 40,000 ballots in the trunk is a very positive sign. New Jersey is one of those blue bastions (at least where the metropolitan shit-holes dominate the rest of the state) where it's now a lead pipe cinch that Republicans will never get elected. Mostly because of corruption, fraud and now masses of newly minted Democrats from south of the border and as far away as Africa and Asia, but that's another story. And yet, Ciatarelli got a real majority of real votes to oust that degenerate creep from Trenton.
Hell, Seattle, viper's nest and breeding ground of Antifa terrorism, ACAB insanity and Ted Wheeler's fever dreams actually elected a Republican as city attorney beating not just a mere Democrat but a psycho progressive. But back in New Jersey, the shocker of the night was a truck driver named Edward Durr with $153 dollars (pre-primary, about $8,000 after) and "a big mouth!" as he said of himself, unseated the second most powerful pol in the Garden State.
"The main issue was rights," Durr said, via phone. "People talk about how New Jersey has the highest taxes, and we're the worst state for business, with high debt, and so on, but bottom line is rights. It's family.
"When somebody's messing with your family, you'll do anything," he said. "The governor was messing with people's families. When you mess with somebody's job, their livelihood, their home, their children -- people just won't take that."
Durr said that New Jersey's harsh coronavirus policies had helped create a "perfect storm" that made his victory possible.
"It was the combination of a governor who acts like a king, and a senate president who acts like a court jester, and does nothing. That made it very easy to convince people they were not being paid attention to. And when they got ignored, they got angry."
Amazing. On the upside, Durr is a complete outsider and from what I have heard from him is not likely to stand for a lot of shit. On the downside, he's a complete outsider, and like Trump, may not truly understand the power of what he is up against. The Left/Media, Jersey Dems and probably the DoJ will doubtless attempt to smear, sabotage and railroad the truck driver. So, we shall see if he'll be able to withstand the blowtorch his face is about to be shoved into.
This leads me to what I feel is hands down an even more important victory than that of ousting "Punk" McAuliffe. And it was central to why he was ousted, which has tremendous importance nationwide.
Parents unhappy with the woke takeover of their local education systems won big on Tuesday when they ousted progressive school board members and beat out pro-critical race theory candidates in multiple districts across the nation. . .
. . . Parents' frustration with the education bureaucracy not only played a huge role in pushing Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin over the finish line to the governorship in Virginia but appears to be growing into a movement that could continue to influence statewide and even national elections in the future. Ballotpedia reported that more than 84 school board recalls have occurred this year against at least 215 members. That's nearly three times the amount of school board recalls that occurred in 2020 and four times the amount of school board recalls that occurred in 2019.
Someone ought to send a basket of fruit to Moloch Garland for bringing this about. Ideally it would be a barbed wire-wrapped pineapple set alight and delivered via a Mach 2 enema bag until it appears in his throat. This is crucial. As I have been screaming lo these many months and even years, you can win every elective office with a slate of Trumps, but unless and until you smash the brainwashing factories and wrest control of what your kids are being taught, it's a losing cause. Three or more generations of Americans have been taught with ever more toxic propaganda to loathe their nation, their heritage, their families and even themselves. We have pod people not just in government or in the media and entertainment but in every walk of life from coast to coast.
At long last, we have finally landed on Omaha at Dog Red. Let's see if we can at least move inland, let alone get all the way to Berlin.
An observation; friend and publisher of my book Gray Delany (who was instrumental in "bagging a RINO" named Eric Cantor) posited a theory which given the past few years may not be all that tinfoil hat. His thought was that the Dems wanted/allowed McAuliffe to take a dive because they wanted to counter the growing realization and evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by declaring "See? You evil reich-wing racists actually beat us! There is no election fraud! You only say that when you lose!"
Total BS. McAuliffe losing in no way, shape or form disproves the facts of one year ago Tuesday. The fact remains that while Youngkin was no scintillating candidate to be sure, the combined words and deeds of McAuliffe, the VA educational/brainwashing complex and the attempted political persecution of parents protesting their kids' mind- and body-raping is what did the trick and overcame whatever rigging might have been in place, not to sabotage McAuliffe but to drag him over the line.
And as commenters here rightly raged about, why the hell should we accept having to always beat the cheat? That shit has got to stop somehow, some way. Given the political landscape especially of the blue and purple districts, that is a hard nut to crack. The other issue is now that Democrats undoubtedly have crossed the line to vote against the evermore insane policies of their party, will that become a trend and not merely a flash in the pan? Those who were put into office to stop the madness had not be merely content to just win the election. They have got to deliver! Or at least get bloodied, bruised and beaten up in the process of trying to defeat and actually reverse this insanity. We need a party that we want to vote FOR. Just like we voted for Trump in '16 and '20 for the first time perhaps since Reagan.
Lastly, and to underscore my admonition and warning to the GOP newly-elected, for those who think the Democrats are for sure facing a bloodbath come next November, how quickly you forget the expected bloodbath that was supposed to happen last November. If you don't think the Democrats, either with or without the help of the Chi-Coms, can't or wouldn't dare create another "crisis" to use as cover to rig and steal some or all of the midterms, I've got a Hunter Biden original I can let you have cheap.
Pelosi don't care jack about polls. The Dems might lose elections, when they don't rig them, or even get wiped out in some. But Thostaer's ratchet will never unwind. It is always tightening ever leftward. The best we have ever hoped for or experienced is that it doesn't get tighter while a GOPer is in office or when the party has the majority. That is exactly the attitude we do NOT need going forward. We need to rhetorically speaking fight hard, dirty and to the death if need be to win the nation back. At every level from school board up to the White House come 2024. And forever. That assumes that the Democrats don't "cheat harder!" going forward.
* * * * *
My book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World, is available now at the link.
- "The injustices toward the J6 political prisoners, none of whom have been charged with 'treason,' continues. Most of them are in jail on non-violent trespassing charges or disorderly conduct charges which would normally be a ticketable offense with no jail time and possibly probation, and yet they are being treated like Guantanamo detainees with no relief in sight. Will they get away with this? If history is any indication, the answer is most certainly yes."
D.C. Jail Transfers Out 400 Prisoners for Disgusting, Inhumane Conditions -- But Not a Single J6 Detainee
- "The company is contributing to corporate leftism, high gas prices, low-quality airline service, and the housing shortage. BlackRock is also risking our national security with its ties to China."
How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. Prosperity and National Security
- "Lots of moral preening and apocalyptic rhetoric on the agenda."
The Glasgow Festival of Globalist Virtue-Signaling
- Robert Spencer: "Afghan refugees?" (un-possible! - jjs)
ISIS Threat in Northern Virginia
- "Fucking disaster."
Red Wave Inflames Democrat Infighting Over Biden's Radical Agenda
- "The problem that conservatives seem to have is that they think that once they win an election their work is done. They cannot seem to understand that once you win an election that is when the work starts." (he read my column yesterday - jjs)
Not So Fast: Tuesday's Elections Are Nothing but a Data Point -- For Now
- "Biden mentioned Trump 24 times last week during a 17-minute speech for McAuliffe in northern Virginia. In a post-election statement, Trump said that Democrats blew the election by focusing so heavily on him."
Biden Blames Election Woes on Trump and Conservative Voters -- But Not His Agenda
- "The decision to overrule liberal consultants and sign a pledge against critical race theory was the first indication of change -- and saw Glenn Youngkin beat out the favorite for the nomination."
In Virginia, the Consultant Class Fades as the New Culture Wars Dawn
- Daniel Greenfield: "Suspenseful but not shocking."
The Lessons of Virginia
- "When politicians align with the people, they succeed. But when they abuse their power and the trust placed in them by the people, they will be consumed in wrath as Terry McAuliffe was."
Virginia Results Show the Importance of Governing Wisely
- "The party's attempts to deny reality are a political loser." (the difference they double, triple, quadruple down and ram through the agenda elsewhere, like the courts and bureaucracy - jjs)
Reality Bites the Democrats - "It can make a critical, perhaps, the critical difference in this election," Rozell correctly forecasted.
Virginia Exit Poll: Youngkin Wins Big with Hispanic Voters
- "She mentioned not only education issues, including the implementation of CRT pedagogy in the classroom, but drug trafficking over the southern border and vaccine mandates. The mother specifically mentioned her fear of fentanyl and losing the freedom of choice for her child."
Loudoun County Parents On Youngkin Victory: "It's a GREAT Day to Be a Virginian!"
- "There are some who want to divide us and we must not let that happen. They would like us to believe we are back in 1963 when my father came" to America from Jamaica. (you Winsome, they lose some - jjs)
New VA Lt. Gov. Republican Winsome Sears: "What You are Looking at is the American Dream"
- "Virginia's Republican gubernatorial candidate focused on opposing Democratic radicalism on education and [Chinese] Covid-19."
Youngkin's Formula for Success
- "I think we should produce for the American people." (thanks but you already produced -- in your pants at the Vatican - jjs)
Biden's Takeaway from Dem Loss in Virginia Gubernatorial Race: Pass My Economic Agenda
* * * * *
- "Win," as in STEAL. Losing with 88% of the votes counted and magically, 40,000 votes from Essex County magically appear yesterday morning. Dao-Min Yen strikes again.
New Jersey: Democrat Phil Murphy Projected to "Win" Reelection After Fiercely Tight Race
- "A defeat of Sweeney, the longest serving legislative leader in the state's history, would cause a major rearrangement of New Jersey politics."
Top Democrat in New Jersey State Senate is Close to Losing His Seat to Republican Truck Driver Who Spent $153 on the Race
- "When somebody's messing with your family, you'll do anything. The governor was messing with people's families. When you mess with somebody's job, their livelihood, their home, their children -- people just won't take that."
Truck Driver Edward Durr: How I Took Out New Jersey's Top Democrat Boss
- "Mayor-elect Eric Adams struck a different tone -- and a more encouraging one -- than his predecessor, Bill de Blasio, did in 2013." (we'll see if he can overcome the equally Maoist city council, that is if he really wants to - jjs)
A Tale of Two New York Election Nights
- "New York City's incoming mayor should treat public order and equal opportunity as complementary, not contradictory, goals."
Which Eric Adams?
* * * * *
- "Davison is the first Republican elected in Seattle since 1989."
Crime Stricken Seattle Chooses Republican Ann Davison for City Attorney Over Progressive Challenger
- I guess Jones wants them to be polite and demure when they pimp the totalitarianism. Yeah, that'll do the trick.
Card-Carrying Commie Van Jones Flames Democrats, Says They Come Off as "Annoying and Offensive"
- Long Islanders see what DeBolshevik hath wrought and said, "nope, not here."
New York GOP Gets Best Election Results Since 2016
- "Despite the challenge of running as a write-in candidate, Byron Brown won in a landslide with 59 percent of the votes over Walton's 41 percent."
OF COURSE: Socialist Refuses to Concede Despite Being Trounced in Buffalo Mayoral Election
- "Their complacent elitism finally trips them up."
The Democrats Choose Wokeness Over Winning
- "Just like the 2016 Brexit campaign, Obama's intervention may well have backfired."
The Virginia Result Heralds the End of the "Obama Effect"
- "It was about putting a stop to your failed American Marxist policies that have been fundamentally transforming and dividing our country by race, class, and ideology. We see it, but, unsurprisingly, you don't." (now let's see if those we put into office actually carry out this mission or sabotage it - jjs)
Dear Leftists: Tuesday Wasn't About Us, It Was About You
- "Details are not yet available, but the rule would reportedly impact approximately 80 million American workers, nearly two-thirds of the American workforce."
Biden Junta Finally Drafts Vax Mandate For Private Sector Companies: Report
- "Fighting the Chinese virus isn't easy."
The Third Time Is No Charm
- "In an August 3, 2021 letter to 'airport leaders,' FAA administrator Steve Dickson noted that as the number of passengers has increased, so has unruly and unsafe behavior on airplanes and in airports."
FAA: 72% of Unruly Passenger Cases Involve Face Mask Violations
- Don't believe the hype. Adams may not be a Shining Path Maoist like DeBolshevik, but he is solidly leftist. He should be hounded now 24/7 about this and every other issue that turned NYC into a shit-hole that would scare even Snake Plissken and Paul Kersey to death.
Eric Adams Heckled Over Vaccine Mandates Day After Winning NYC Mayoral Race
- "Today's blacklist story illustrates that no one is safe from the oppressive thumb of government, not even those who are clearly liberal and generally support Democrats. In this case we have the parents of two children, Eli and Kavitha Kasargod-Staub, who decided to keep the kids from their Washington, D.C., school because of their continuing concerns about [Chinese] COVID. As a result they were threatened with losing custody of those children by child protective services."
Today's Blacklisted American: Parents Threatened by Child Protective Services for Protecting Their Kids from Chinese COVID
- "The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly."
Paul Joseph Watson Video: Mask Mandate Madness
* * * * *
- "The Washington Post tried to coordinate a hit piece against the White Coat Waste Project for exposing Fauci's NIAID for funding cruel experiments on dogs."
Washington Post Targets Group Exposing Fauci's Cruel Beagle Experiments to Shield His Flailing Reputation
- The old "honest, Mrs. Crabtree, I lost my term paper" gambit. Works every time . . .
REPORT: FBI Lost HD Rittenhouse Video, Never Told the Defense It Existed
- "The witness acknowledged that demonstrators set fires and some were upset that others in the area were putting out those fires. Rosenbaum may have been one of the men shouting that he was upset about the fires being put out."
Witness: Man Rittenhouse Fatally Shot Acted "Erratic"; Hurled N-Word, Shouted "Shoot Me" Near Gas Station
- "Binger's statement was intended to leave this question in the minds of the jury: 'Gee, why would anyone have to use deadly force against a guy with a skateboard?' Skateboards, and their potent and hefty metal trucks, are used as weapons in Antifa black bloc violence all the time."
Rittenhouse Prosecutor Pretends Antifa Doesn't Use Skateboards as Weapons. Portland Begs to Differ.
- Andrew Branca at Legal Insurrection: "Defense hints that Rittenhouse might testify, FBI 'loses' HD version of aerial IR video, and much more!"
Rittenhouse Trial Day 1: Defense Dominates Opening Statements and First Witness Testimony
- "In his opening argument, Kenosha Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger painted a wild version of events that isn't even close to what's in the state's original complaint against Rittenhouse."
Prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Are Telling Jurors a Story Refuted By Video Evidence and Eye-Witness Testimony
* * * * *
- "Here's a summary of the available data to help you think about that question and what other things are happening behind the scenes in America."
Did Provocateurs Spark The January 6 Protest at the Capitol?
- "No one likes a pessimist, but the only chance we have to preserve 'the last best hope' is to be totally, brutally honest with ourselves." (thankfully the author is not in the "vote harder" camp - jjs)
One Minute Before Midnight
- "Parents unhappy with the woke takeover of their local education systems won big by ousting progressive school board members across the nation."
Parents Unhappy With Woke Takeover Of Education Win Big In School Board Elections
- "While the GOP takeover at the state level was fun to watch, what grabbed my attention even more were the stories about concerned conservative parents running for school board seats . . . and winning."
Hallelujah -- Conservatives Finally Discover School Board Elections
- "It didn't start with CRT and transgenderism."
Public Education Has Always Been About Indoctrination
- "Unfortunately for America's schools, the latest news demonstrates that American kids' education outcomes almost certainly will get worse."
Latest Nationwide Tests Show Public Schools Failing Students Even Before Lockdowns
- "Lawmakers say Virginia election results show parents want government out of schools."
Republicans Slam Biden Admin Efforts To Nationalize Education
- "The incoming Youngkin administration must target obscene policies that claim to support 'transgender' students but really just indoctrinate and endanger all Virginia's children."
Virginia Must Clean House at Its Dept. of Education
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] called the initial report from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 'garbage,' agreeing that the media's reporting 'might incentivize more people to come over illegally.'"
Biden Says $450,000 Payments To Illegal Immigrants Are "Not Gonna Happen"
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden 'may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,' the ACLU charged Wednesday, after he labeled as 'garbage' a news report that his [junta] is considering $450,000 per person payouts to families separated after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border." (he's a bipedal composting rutabaga that shits himself in public; he has no idea if its night or day let alone what he promised! - jjs)
ACLU Suggests Biden Out to Lunch Over $450,000 Migrant Separation Payouts
- "Law blocked Montgomery County police from working with ICE to detain illegal immigrants charged with crimes."
Maryland Government Officials Worked With Open Borders Activists To Draft Sanctuary Law
- ". . . and, of course, the Biden regime is nowhere to be seen."
"G-d's Hand is With Us": Illegal Migrant Caravan Leaders Are Issuing Violent Threats to U.S. Border Security
- "The driver was arrested and faces federal human smuggling charges," said the press release. "The migrants were taken into custody and transported to the Tucson Coordination Center for processing." (processing, like Soylent Green? - jjs)
Border Patrol Finds "Undocumented" Girls, 4 and 8 Years Old, Trapped Beneath Plywood in Bed of Pickup
- "The [junta's] policies are not compassionate. They are part of a deranged agenda meant to slowly erode this nation's resources by importing much of the world's poverty problem."
Biden's Border Agenda Has Now Reached Peak Derangement
- "Ulloa, who turned 24 on Friday, had duped border authorities in Texas several months earlier by claiming he was a teenager named Reynel Alexander Hernandez -- and even told his mom about the ruse."
Illegal Alien Who Posed as Minor While Jumping the Border Charged with Florida Murder
- They got lost on their way to Bob Menendez's Dominican Republic villa . . .
Border Patrol Nabs Two Illegal Immigrants Previously Deported for Sexually Assaulting Children
- "Guess what? Supposedly suppressed voters turned out in droves. The final turnout was 168,212. That's right: 70,000 more people turned out to vote in Tuesday's election."
If Georgia's New Voting Law Was "Jim Crow 2.0," It's Bizarro Jim Crow
- "The announcement came the morning after Tuesday night's election, which seemed to bolster confidence among GOP voters, showing that Republicans can, in fact, win elections amid fears of election fraud and political malfeasance."
Ron DeSantis Announces Key Steps to Ensure Election Integrity in Florida: Ballot Harvesting Third-Degree Felony
- "Hardy's defeat is a loss for anti-Israel progressives who have been gaining influence within the Democrat Party and who in September successfully pushed Democrat House leaders to remove Iron Dome funding from a spending bill."
Pro-BDS House Candidate Soundly Defeated in Florida Primary
- "After the results in the Virginia gubernatorial election on Tuesday night, Democrats already have an uphill battle heading into the 2022 midterms; according to the poll, the spending bill will only make matters worse, with a full 56 percent of those polled saying they would be less likely to vote for a representative in favor of the agenda."
Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Biden's Spending Agenda
- "I just don't support 'unpaid leave,'" Manchin said. "That means getting more debt and basically putting more social programs that we can't pay for . . . I wanna support paid leave, I wanna do it in a bipartisan way."
Manchin Doubles Down Against Paid Family Leave Being Put Back Into Dems' Budget
- "His party needs an intervention, not $3.5 trillion." (his party needs to be outlawed - jjs)
Manchin Should Channel Nancy Reagan and "Just Say No!"
- "The governor reportedly unveiled a new package of election integrity reforms during the conference."
"Let's Go Brandon" Chant Erupts After Ron DeSantis Calls Biden Junta "Brandon Administration"
- Let's not start ingesting each others' genitals into each others' mouths just yet. It's a year away and Dao-Min Yen will be in full effect.
Republicans Primed To 'Comfortably Take Back' Congress In 2022 After Democrats' Election Disaster
- "What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on," she said.
Kamala Will Regret These Words After Tuesday Night
- "Democrats haven't grasped this yet, but it's too late for them. The die is cast. An electoral bloodbath awaits next year." (Dao-Min Yen notwithstanding - jjs)
In 2022, the Democrats Biggest Enemy is Voter Revulsion
- "The disgraced super PAC has a proven track record of electing Republicans."
ENDORSEMENT: The Lincoln Project in 2022
- "When I saw the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] yesterday, he wasn't just wide awake, but he was really on fire." (the old lighter-next-to-the-asshole trick waiting for the beans to kick in, Gina - jjs)
Former EPA Head "Va"-Gina McCarthy is Back and Defending "Sleepy Joe"
- "New York remains a one-party state, but signs of dissent emerge."
Cracks in the Foundation
- "Democrats do not seek to reform the law, but to dynamite the moral foundations beneath it."
Every Policy Idea Democrats Come Up With Is Designed To Destroy America
- "Oh my G-d."
Media Mourn "Bloodbath" for Democrats in Virginia
- ". . . the first black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia history. MSNBC's main political panel of commentators Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace, who argued throughout Tuesday night's election coverage that Republicans ran a racist campaign in Virginia, did not mention Sears a single time as it watched returns come in."
MSNBC Blacks Out Historic Win by Black Republican Winsome Sears
- You mean just like well-known far "reich-wing" terrorist James Hodgkinson?! Hmm?! Fucking bloated waste of space.
Red-State Dawn? Creepy Boy-Tuber Hybrid Brian Stelter Imagines How Anti-CNN "Insults" Lead To "Shooting" in 2024
- "Our unruly digital environs are frightening, but they're better than total bureaucratized control."
Man vs. Cyber-Nature
- Robert Spencer: "Disagree with the Leftist establishment about the causes of and/or remedies for climate change, and what else could possibly be your motivation but 'hate?' You don't want to see your country voluntarily impoverish itself and empower the People's Republic of China in service of unproven assumptions and selective application of accountability? Come on, man! You're just a bigot!"
Washington Post Wants Facebook to Shut Down PJ Media and Others for "Climate Denial"
- Why would any citizen be required to "show cause" to exercise any right in the Constitution? "The idea that you would need a license to exercise a right is unusual with regard to the Bill of Rights," remarked Chief Justice John Roberts. Indeed it is. Several other justices echoed Roberts' concerns, which led court watchers to believe that skepticism would lead to the law being struck down.
SCOTUS Appears Ready to Strike Down Restrictive NY Concealed Carry Law
- Margot Cleveland: "The initial question the justices must decide is whether the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms outside of the home."
Related: What You Need to Know About Today's Gun Rights Case in the Supreme Court
- "The e-mails concerned five cases of either individuals approved for Special Immigrant Visas or applicants of the program. One of those cases, a family, made it to America without the help of the State Department, according to [GOP Rep Mike] Garcia's office."
State Department Response To Urgent Plea To Help Evacuate Afghan Allies Two Months Late
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] has no power to permanently unwind sanctions, GOP leaders tell Free Beacon." (pfft, as if that deterred Obama from shipping them pallets of cash - jjs)
Republicans Warn Iran: Biden Nuclear Deal Will Be Trashed When GOP Retakes Power
- "The battle was a training exercising but the ramifications of the loss, which reveals the damage progressives have inflicted on the military, are extremely serious."
The Royal Marines Defeat the U.S. Marines at the "Battle of the Mojave Desert"
- "EPA will continue to move forward and use its statutory authority to be sure that we protect the public from harmful pollution, greenhouse gas pollution and pollution that contributes to the degradation of air quality," Michael Regan said in an interview with Reuters. "Irrespective Congress does, EPA will move forward with its statutory authority," Regan said.
Biden's EPA Vows to Draft Sweeping Power Plant Rules Despite SCOTUS Review
- "On Tuesday, [frog-mouthed slag Carolyn] Maloney revealed her intention to subpoena ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP America, Shell, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, according to a committee memo."
Democrats To Subpoena Oil Companies Over Alleged Disinformation Campaigns
- "Leaders and activists fly to the climate summit in Glasgow on private jets without even blinking."
With Chinese COVID, Elites at Least Bother Virtue-Signaling. With Climate Change, They're Not Even Trying
NB: Bob Zimmerman provides the lion's share of outstanding science posts to the MR. He's holding an annual fundraiser so if you could go to his website at and throw him a few shekels, it would be appreciated.
- "The real significance of this constellation, combined with those being launched by SpaceX, OneWeb, Amazon, and even the Chinese, is that they are creating a gigantic demand for launch services. A lot of rockets of all kinds from many companies are going to be needed to put in orbit the tens of thousands of satellites now proposed."
Boeing Wins FCC Approval for its Own Satellite Internet Constellation
- "This is not a 'glitch.' If used properly that word really refers to something that is akin to a short burp in operations. Hubble has been shut down now for ten days, and will remain so for at least one more week. This is a serious problem that remains unsolved."
Hubble Still in Safe Mode
- "Columnist argues Don McLean, Rolling Stones should be assigned to ash heap of history."
New York Times: It's Time to Cancel Classic Rock
- "To the left, racism is only something we're all expected to obsess over when they're trying to gain something, keep something, or have failed at either."
Whoopi "Rape-Rape" - Except in a Loudon County Girls Bathroom - Rediscovers Racism With Glenn Youngkin Victory
- "A crucial part of its strategy to fundamentally transform America."
The Left's Weaponization of Language
- "Intrepid stand-up cut his teeth in a comedy culture outside his own experiences."
How Comedian Steven Lolli Beat the System
- "The 'Dreamers,' and all minorities seeking to come legally or illegally, obviously believe the 1963 song and not the current talking points." (well, far too many believe in the Land of the Freebie; Jay Black passed away last week at age 82 - jjs)
In Recent Memory, the U.S.A Was Celebrated in Pop Culture as the Land of Greatest Opportunity
- "Enough with bosses -- they might need us but we don't need them. The bosses won't like it but humanity will."
Bosses? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Bosses
- "Progressives assume humans and society are perfectible by top-down pressure and expand the scope and function of government out of that belief."
Prohibition Was Always a Progressive Experiment
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:37 AM
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