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November 02, 2021
The Morning Report - 11/2/21
Good morning, kids. One year ago today. One. Friggin'. Year. And look where we are. I still grieve, and I will grieve until I draw my last breath, for what the Left did. It still boggles the mind to see how everything we believed was diamond-encrusted granite wrapped in a 100-foot thick solid iridium shell crumbled and vaporized right in front of our eyes. It was an illusion, while at the same time the reality of who and what did this was in our faces for decades. The blame lies equally with those who failed to do their duty to stop this as it does with the perpetrators. Not just in the time period between November 3rd and January 6th - the corruption was wide, deep and omnipresent by then - but in the years leading up to that day. It's heartening (and terrifying) that parents at last are reacting to what is being done to their children's minds and bodies. But that should have been the case long ago. Joe McCarthy tried to warn us but our forebears abandoned and shunned him - just as those that came after did to Trump and his allies, and especially we the people who still cherish a seemingly dead We The People.
In hindsight, it appears more and more that President Trump's greatest accomplishment, beyond everything he achieved virtually singlehandedly that puts him in the pantheon of the greatest presidents, has been to expose the rot and corruption that had so thoroughly eviscerated the foundations of the republic and exposed for all to see the fact that our government was some sort of perverse fascistic oligarchy. I don't think he even knew the extent of "the swamp" which ultimately consumed him, and us. He, too, could never imagine that the guardrails and firewalls that were supposed to protect us from self-destruction were just not there and in fact had been gone well before even he arrived on the scene. Or that even the most partisan of operatives would not dare cross the line and give in to the will to power, which is exactly what scores of them did on both sides of the aisle, the bureaucracy, the courts and of course the media. If that was his greatest failing, so too was it ours.
But, no more illusions. And right now, I'm all cried out. But my anger has not only not diminished but has been stoked on a daily and sometimes hourly basis since last year. And so, that brings us to an election day with the main event being the Virginia gubernatorial race, with several others here and there including the race of mayor here in NYC.
Given everything we have learned about how 2020 was first rigged with mail-in voting, early voting, same-day registration, ballot harvesting and the gutting of even the barest of fig leafs of integrity laws, and then witnessed on that horrendous night and morning after of the mass ballot dumps when all of the former seemingly were not going to produce the intended outcome of a Biden "victory," should you still go out and vote and will you go out and vote?
That is entirely up to you to decide. I'm not going to make a value judgement on either those who don't or those who do. For sure, wherever Dems control the electoral processes, either whole or in part, some level of fraud on their behalf will occur. Therefore, it certainly seems that NYC is not going to see a Curtis Sliwa victory. Adams is being pimped as "moderate" which even in his most moderate incarnation he's still at best a flaming liberal, if not a Marxist, and that's bad enough. The only reason DeBolshevik won twice was because the GOP candidates were horrendous, and worse, the overall turnout was ridiculously low which allowed that lanky hunk of anal cancer to slither into Gracie Mansion. In a way, it's too bad the Maoists didn't steal the primary (as they tried to do with that insane "ranked choice voting") since that might have been enough of an incentive to go for Sliwa. Or not.
"Comrade de Blasio," real name Warren Wilhelm, took over as New York City's mayor after five successive and successful terms with a Republican at the helm, two with Rudy Giuliani and three with Mike Bloomberg (who paid convinced the city council to let him run for a rare third term).
When de Blasio took over as mayor of NYC, it was like inheriting the 2009 championship Yankees. Eight years later, he is leaving the city looking more like the Detroit Tigers. Almost 200,000 people signed a petition to have him impeached. Nothing came of it because communists never quit. We might as well change the name of New York City to "Moscow on the Hudson. . . "
. . . The problem with New Yorkers is that they never learn. Better to be a woke lefty than a "racist right-winger." Progressive mayoral Democrat candidate Eric Adams is likely to easily become New York City's next mayor tomorrow. You get what you vote for, and New Yorkers are likely to vote for more murder and more mandates.
As I said, the Left controls the elections and you would have needed a 100% turnout of registered GOPers to even come close. And between mass immigration of illegal aliens, mass indoctrination of children of already braindead liberal parents and mass migration of normal people to Florida and elsewhere, NYC is more than likely a lost cause. And speaking of mass migration out of town, as of next summer, it will be in my rearview mirror as I finally leave for greener, and hopefully politically redder (party politics, not communist) pastures.
But of course all eyes are on Virginia.
Political analysts say that Democrats are more likely to cast early ballots, which could explain why the 2021 numbers favor Democrats. However, voter turnout is going to be the deciding factor in Tuesday's election. As the Washington Post reports, "About a third of the early ballots cast have been in heavily Democratic and voter-rich Northern Virginia, which could benefit McAuliffe if that translates to a higher overall turnout in the region."
If the turnout in 2021 is the same 47.6 percent as in 2017, a total of 2.8 million ballots will be cast in the state, just 1.7 million more than have been cast to date. However, with increased access to voting and national attention on this race, voter turnout levels could reach the 59.5 percent they did in the 2018 midterm elections. If that is the case, then 3.5 million ballots will be cast, which is 2.4 million more than early ballots cast.
With the increasing enthusiasm and an education-focused election, these numbers could foreshadow good news on election day in Virginia for Youngkin. If most Democrats vote early and Youngkin wins the Republican vote and keeps his lead among independent voters, he would be in good shape in the election. However, if Democrats can continue their early voting patterns into election day, McAuliffe will likely be successful on Tuesday.
This of course is conventional wisdom and of course assumes that those who are counting the votes are not of the Joe Stalin, or "Joe Stolen," variety. And all things considered that should never be an assumption ever again. Not that the Left ever concedes defeat, even in a blowout. But if they do win this one, even by a vintage Ann-Margret red nether hair, they will not only claim this as a mandate but as a mandate to sic a weaponized Gestapo-like FBI/DoJ on parents and anyone who opposes the mind- and rape-raping of their children. Hell, if they lose, they'll still be pushing for that.
Psaki-psircling back to choosing to vote or not, again, you have to decide what this all means. For those who are in the camp to no longer participate in what may be rigged elections, you're going to have to figure out in both the short and long term what your options are going to be in terms of meeting the Leftist juggernaut face to face, as sooner or later we are all going to have to do. I'll not elucidate here for obvious reasons.
So, one year later, I'm all cried out. But my rage at what happened and the nonstop rapid-fire depredations will not be quenched and continue to be stoked. That fire is not going to be put out any time soon.
Yup. What a long strange trip it's been. How fragile it all is.
* * * * *
My book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World, available now at the link.
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Saule Omarova is not the first Leninist to vie for a high government position."
The Battle Over Biden's Currency Comptroller
- Daniel Greenfield: "The invasion is coming from inside the White House."
Biden's New Move Makes All of America a Sanctuary State
- "It's a real possibility China could take over Taiwan and seize the majority of the world's production of chips, which are used in aircraft, warships, submarines, cars, iPhones, computers, and more."
If China Controls Taiwan's Chip Manufacturers, it Will Control the World
- "The purpose of the voluntary work strike is to protest vaccine mandates in the workplace. This event carries the social media hashtag of #AxeTheVax."
Nationwide Walkout & Stand for Freedom Slated for November 8-11
- "Judge Raymond Mitchell granted a temporary restraining order sought by police unions that the city [Chicago] cannot fire employees who do not receive the coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year. The order is meant to allow the unions to address their grievances through arbitration with the city."
Judge Grants Big Legal Victory For Police Unions Against Chicago's Vaccine Mandate
- "Levine's response was mocked after users pointed out that firefighters who put their lives on the line for others on a daily basis are far from selfish."
Top NYC Democrat Claims Firefighters Are Losing Jobs Over Vaxx Mandates Because They're Selfish
- "They're coming for you next: Actor and rapper Icecube, who has throughout his career been linked to leftist and pro-black racial causes, has pulled out as one of the leads of a Sony film because he refuses to comply with the film company's [Chinese] COVID shot mandate."
Today's Blacklisted American: Leftist Actor/Rapper Icecube Forced From Sonly Film Rather Than Get a Chinese COVID Shot
- "Reynolds, who has long opposed vaccine and mask mandates, said that 'no Iowan should be forced to lose their job or livelihood over the [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccine.'"
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Signs Bill to Give Those Fired for Vaccine Refusal Unemployment Benefits
- Rabbi Chananya Weissman: "What does Jewish Law say about rulers forcing people to stay inside?"
The Torah and the Lockdowns
* * * * *
- "Caught in the act -- while insisting he never lies."
Watch Anthony Fauci's Lies EXPOSED As He Makes Them
- "The new data reveals how far the public's faith in Fauci has fallen, with a similar survey from June showing most Americans back then wanted Fauci to stay in post."
Majority of Americans Demand Fauci Resign
- They got shanghai'd. . .
China Locked Over 30,000 People In Shanghai Disneyland Over One Case of Chinese COVID-19
- In a world of 7.5 BILLION people. And then, when you factor out those who were asymptomatic and actually died of other causes, and sad as it is for each death, it's a rounding error. And yet, global reset we much.
Global Chinese Coronavirus Death Toll Reportedly Reaches Five Million
- "A new NIH letter reinforces the lab-leak hypothesis for the origins of [Chinese] Covid-19."
The Evidence Mounts
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Could it help alleviate [Chinese] COVID, and if so, could it find itself demonized as a treatment?"
What's All The Buzz About Quercetin?
- "We give you guns for a reason. Use them."
Report Reveals What Lindsey Graham Instructed Senate Sergeant-At-Arms to Do During Jan 6 Democrat-Organized and Led Riot
- "Barnes alluded to trouble on the defense team during an interview earlier in the week but confirmed in a Sunday night livestream that he is now officially off the team." (ugh, an innocent kid and hero's life is on the line! - jjs)
Rittenhouse Defense Team Implodes Hours Before Jury Selection
- "U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland's refusal to back off from investigating parents is rooted in the belief that all dissent against the leftist establishment must be repressed."
Democrats To Americans: If You Disagree With Us, You're An Insurrectionist
- Julie Kelly: "It's malfeasance for powerful government authorities, including Joe Biden, to intentionally mislead the American people by stoking unjustified fears of a pending domestic terror attack."
Where Are the Real Domestic Terrorists?
- Alveda King: "To today's critical race theorists, my uncle was hopelessly naive. They reject the vision that the civil rights movement fought for, and they will not stop until our institutions are torn down and remade."
Crackpot Disg-Race Theory's Re-Segregation is Undoing All of MLK's Gains
- "Monger described each student in detail, stating that one had a 'prominent hooked nose.'" (where's Juan Williams with his "code book?!" - jjs)
Cornell Prof Vows To Fail Students Who Improperly Wore Masks During Class
- "The professor said that one student had a 'fairly prominent hooked nose.'" (but did he have Ubangi lips? - jjs)
Cornell Responds After Professor Threatened To Fail Maskless Students
- Candace Owens Who Appears to Be Not White: "What Marxists do is they constantly move goalposts. You can see that he's moved the goalpost beyond just not being a racist. 'Do as I say, or I'll brand you as a racist -- even though you've already confirmed to me that you're not a racist.'"
Ibram X. Krement Doubles Down, Blames "Disinformation Operatives" Over Deleted College Admissions Tweet That Debunks CRT
- "What were you thinking?"
State NSBA Members Slammed Letter To White House About Domestic Terrorist Parents
- "Lee allegedly demanded the pupil come to her office after she read a comment thread on the Instagram post that challenged her new award, accusing her of using the N-word in classes." ("numbskull, nitwit, nebbish?" - jjs)
Florida "Teacher of the Year" Arrested for Hitting Pupil Who Criticized Award
- "After holding steady but consistently negative throughout the spring and summer, the public's opinion of the U.S. economy suffered a dramatic downturn last month, a poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs showed. Earlier, 54 percent said the economy was poor and 45 percent said it was good. In October, the share saying poor jumped to 65 percent."
65% of Americans Say Economy Is Poor, Only 30% Expect Improvement
- "He promised incentive packages for companies who take him up on the offer."
DeSantis Offers Florida's Ports to Relieve Supply Chain Crisis
- ". . . leftists punish people who don't do what they think they should. Conservatives believe incentives work much more effectively than punishments. In the end, those fines don't hurt the multi-billion dollar shipping companies because they will simply pass on those fines to the consumer in the form of higher prices."
Will Fines Finally Solve the Port Problem or Just Make Things Worse?
- "Supply chain woes remind us how much our digital economy relies on blue-collar workers. Government policies have made it hard to find workers for unloading ships, trucking, warehousing, and more."
Supply Chain Crisis Accents How Much We Need Blue-Collar Jobs
- "Staffing shortages have hit American Airlines, Southwest Airlines Co and Spirit Airlines Inc in particular, as they ramp up flights ahead of the holiday season but face problems finding enough pilots and flight attendants."
American Airlines Cancels More Flights; Total Tops 2,300
- "We have serious concerns about your vaccine mandate for Federal employees and how it will impact the already understaffed and overworked United States Border Patrol and our overall national security."
62 House Republicans Urge Biden to Halt Vaccine Mandates for Border Patrol Amid Ongoing Border Crisis
- "Tens of thousands amassing in Mexico . . . arriving soon."
Prager U Video: MASSIVE Migrant Caravan Makes Its Way To U.S. Border
- "That was six long weeks ago. DHS has not released any results of their investigation, nor have they provided status updates."
The Investigation of Those 'Horrible' Border Patrol Agents on Horses Has Vanished
- Margot Cleveland: "The investigation revealed both blatant violations of state election law by election officials and detailed evidence of voter fraud by stealing elderly Americans' votes."
Wisconsin Investigation Uncovers Potential Tip of a Voting Fraud Iceberg
- "ID requirements appear to be less stringent to vote absentee in Georgia than to enter an indoor establishment in Los Angeles."
Los Angeles Requires More ID To Enter A Building Than Georgia Does To Absentee Vote
- "Dominion Energy funded mailer aimed at suppressing GOP votes."
GOP Senator Probes Virginia Utility's Shady Push To Boost McAuliffe
- Yet, as our own Buck Throckmorton rails about, it's the GOP that is the sole target of the FEC.
FEC Records Show Gaseous Chi-Com Spy-Fucker Eric Swalwell Spending Campaign Funds On Ritzy Steak Houses, Limos, Liquor Delivery App, Casino
- "Manchin lambasted progressives, such as Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) chair Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), for holding the bipartisan bill 'hostage.' The West Virginia Democrat called for an immediate vote on the bipartisan bill and dared progressives to tank the bill."
Joe Manchin Demands Clarity on Biden Agenda Bill, Potentially Imperiling Multitrillion-Dollar Package
- "I've never seen anything like this."
Manchin Blasts Build Back Better Negotiating Process
- It will blow up the debt like Hiroshima and wreck the economy completely. Do you need to read thousands of pages to understand that, Joe?
Sen. Joe Manchin Says He Won't Support Reconciliation Bill Without Understanding Impact It Will Have on National Debt, Economy
- "Manchin, one of the key swing votes for Democrats in the Senate, said Monday that he would not consider voting for the Build Back Better Act without knowing about the bill's impact on inflation and the deficit."
Filthy, Degenerate Racialist Cori Bush Decries Joe Manchin's Concerns about $1.75 Trillion Infrastructure Bill as "Anti-Black," "Anti-Immigrant"
- "Youngkin shows a two-point lead over McAuliffe in the Virginia gubernatorial race poll with likely voters, conducted by Insider Advantage and first reported by FOX5. The poll found that 47 percent will be voting for Youngkin. The poll is bad news for McAuliffe, whom only 45 percent of respondents said they would vote for in [today's] race.
Poll: Republican Glenn Youngkin Leads Democrat Terry McAuliffe Day Before Virginia Election
- "This is your chance to break the grip on the radical left, that they have on the commonwealth."
Trump Urges Voters to Turn Out for Glenn Youngkin in Virginia Gov. Race
- "So how do Democrats plan to ensure they win Virginia's elections, from the governorship to its U.S. Senate seat? By using the same tactics they used in the 2020 contest nationwide."
Democrats Are Using the Same 2020 Election Shenanigans To Overtake Virginia This Year
- "GOP candidate poised to erode Democrat gains in Northern Virginia." (Dao-Min Yen notwithstanding - jjs)
Youngkin Campaign Bullish on Election Eve
- "Yes. It's catastrophic, and it's a panic button, because the last time a Democrat lost -- and you know this -- the last time a Democrat lost Virginia, we lost 60 seats in this House, right?"
Democrat Pollster: "If Terry McAuliffe Loses . . . It's Catastrophic. It's a Panic Button"
- "Ultimately, radical anti-American Democrats don't care one whit what we, the people, think or want."
If Glenn Youngkin Wins, It Should Give the Biden Left Pause, But It Won't
- "In a last-ditch effort to appeal to Virginia voters, Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe claimed that the state has too many white teachers."
In Final Election Push, McAuliffe Claims Virginia Has Too Many White Teachers
- Wilder napalms "punk" Mcauliffe.
America's First Elected Black Governor Warns Democrats Ahead of Election Day in Virginia
- "Trump lost the state by ten points last year [supposedly - jjs], but it seems McAuliffe realizes that Trump is not as toxic to Youngkin as he would have hoped."
McAuliffe Flip Flops, Says Election "Isn't About Trump"
* * * * *
- "And thanks to de Blasio's totalitarian health policies, quite a few of these people will have time on their hands tomorrow.Happy voting, NYC!"
Oops! Mandate Mayor Frees Up Thousands of Workers Just in Time to Vote
- "The problem with New Yorkers is that they never learn. Better to be a woke lefty than a "racist right-winger." Progressive mayoral Democrat candidate Eric Adams is likely to easily become New York City's next mayor tomorrow. You get what you vote for, and New Yorkers are likely to vote for more murder and more mandates."
The Cost of Communism: "Comrade de Blasio" Has Gutted the Big Apple
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Act out you dream tomorrow, to make sure theirs doesn't turn out everywhere else the way it did in California -- and remember the Alamo!"
When You Vote This Tuesday, Be a DREAMer
- "If all of this sounds like a perfect storm of ill-advised absurdities, that's because it is. This ballot measure is a dangerous progressive thought experiment masquerading as reform. Such nonsense may sound appealing in coffee shops and teachers lounges but it has no business being adopted in real world, life and death situations."
Enter the Collectivist Trojan Horse: Minneapolis Vote to Eliminate Police Department Only a First Step
- "Prop A would save American cities, starting in Texas."
Tomorrow, Austin Has the Chance to Stop the "Defund the Police" Movement in its Tracks
- An overdosing tweaker would nod off during that garbage so cut Goofy Joey a break on this.
Biden Appears to Nod Off at Climate Conference -- But Not Everyone Blames Him
- "Concerns about [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's mental abilities have gone mainstream."
I&I/TIPP Poll: Just 42% Now Think Biden is "Mentally Sharp"
- "We are turning Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" against them, and they are going bonkers."
They Can't Stand It When We Ridicule Them
- "Ask any progressive about what little he believes to be worth preserving in America, and you'll likely hear countless pieties about our 'democracy.'"
Federalism, Not Democracy, is What Protects American Liberty
- Conrad Black: "There has been an almost 100 percent media solidarity in declining to consider the obviously vivid possibility that the 2020 election result was false."
The Wall Street Journal's Shabby Rebuttal of Trump Settles Nothing
- What the hell isn't code for white supremacists, Juan?!
Intellectual Pinhead Nebbish Juan Williams Claims "Parents' Rights" is Code For White Supremacists
- Robert Spencer: "Even if the pilot were just a Braves fan declaring support for his team, it might not even matter at this point. The authoritarians are out for his head and may get it, no matter what he actually said."
The Southwest Airlines "Let's Go Brandon" Narrative Appears to Be Crashing and Burning
- "It's a scary time. I never thought I'd see this in the United States of America, yet here we are."
Twitter Locked PJ Media's Account for Telling the Truth About Gender
- "While they are described benignly as seeking 'forgiveness,' 'spiritual power,' and 'peace,' these practitioners of witchcraft do hate something: Christians."
Washington Post Reports on Demonic Energy Behind the Left's Culture War
- What, My Mother, the Car-Bomb?
Fox News Programming Like ISIS Recruiting Films: Tiresome, Bloated Imbecile Joy Reid
- "The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California ruled Saturday that SB 742, signed by Newsom in October, likely unlawfully discriminates against Right to Life of Central California's peaceful outreach to women in need."
Pro-Life Group Scores Legal Victory Against Gavin Newsom Law
- "Justices Kavanaugh, Barrett signaled their intention to rule in favor of abortion providers." (if they strike it down, then nullification - jjs)
Supreme Court Could Clear Path for Challenge to Texas Abortion Law
- "The tensions comes during a big week for the pro-life movement in America, as the Supreme Court hears arguments about the Texas Heartbeat Act, which already has cut the Lone Star State's abortion rate in half and is estimated to have saved more than 100 lives since its September implementation."
"Decidedly Divisive": Catholic College in California to Hold Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
- "I think like a lot of retailers they've been experiencing increasing property crime and theft from their stores. I think the last 6 months from what they say has been sort of -- off the charts in terms of how bad it's been."
San Francisco Safeway Closing Early, Cutting Hours Due to "Off the Charts" Shoplifting
- "Maybe, just maybe, I thought as I started reading, we'll finally get some honest talk about crime in the L.A. Times. Silly me."
L.A. Times and LAPD Ignore the Realities of Crime in the City
- "In the race among blue cities toward dystopia, Chicago is a contender for the lead."
Meet the New Chicago Bail Court Judge Who Frees Perps on Recognizance and Restrains Victims
- "'Unless the Iranians understand that the pathway they are on is dangerous for them, the probability of the use of force will go up,' writes [Dennis] Ross."
Former Obama Mideast Aide: Iran Doesn't Take the U.S. Seriously
- "It's no longer out of the question, particularly if the U.S. can no longer be relied upon."
Taiwan and a Nuclear Deterrent
- "If the G20 was a dress rehearsal for COP26, then world leaders fluffed their lines," said Greenpeace Executive Director Jennifer Morgan. "Their communique was weak, lacking both ambition and vision, and simply failed to meet the moment."
"Last Chance Saloon": UN Climate Conference Opens as Prince Charles Calls for Action
- "These we will need to remember if we are to avoid further disaster, whether over Iran, the southern border, a return to nation-building, and much else."
October Footnotes to the Age of "Let's Go Brandon"
- "Syria faces years of instability and bloodshed."
No Peace on the Syrian Horizon
- "John Thornton has ties to Chinese propaganda group, Belt and Road projects."
Brookings Institution Boosts China Initiatives Linked to Board Member
- "One wonders, just exactly what the hell was the Joint Chiefs chairman studying when he attended the U.S. Naval War College to 'earn' a master's degree in national security and strategic studies?"
Mediocre Milley Has a "Near Sputnik Moment"
- "Barbara Sharief's tour of radical mosques pays off."
Muslim Congressional Candidate Accepts Money from Islamist Leaders
- "The judicial reform commission he appointed hasn't given progressives what they want -- but what a happens if there's a round two?"
Joe Biden Thwarts the Legal Left?
- "AOC's government welfare program is cradle to grave -- literally. AOC and Chuck Schumer have shelled out almost $1.2 billion in [Chinese] COVID funeral earmarks. Never mind that the average cost of a funeral is $3,000-$7,000, AOC's FEMA program will give you $9,000. There has been little to no auditing of this colossal waste of money, and the program is ripe for abuse and fraud -- even allowing illegal immigrants to receive money."
House Republicans Introduce "Stop AOC Act" to Stop Government from Funding Chinese COVID-19 Funerals
- "Why? Biden mandates much higher wages for child-care workers but only grants subsidies to households making their state's median income or less. So other families get stuck paying far more. . . Bottom line: Beware of politicians who say they're going to help you."
Biden's "Help" for Child-Care Would Make the Middle Class Pay $13,000 a Year More
- Robert Spencer: "Biden said he was determined to act on this appalling and fiction-based agenda all the more in light of Trump's refusal to buy this nonsense."
At UN Climate Change Bash, Biden Apologizes! (For Trump)
- "The goal is to break the west."
Trudeau Slammed For Promise To Cap Oil, Gas Emissions
- "India alone is a huge thorn in the sides of the Glasgow glitterati."
COP26 at Odds With Leaders of Nearly 40 Percent of World's People, Likely to Fail
- "The Biden Democrats and Europe's liberal governments are in denial, which is good news for China's authoritarians, but bad news for middle-class Americans."
Why Biden's Climate Agenda is Bad for America
- "Those who are regular readers of this webpage know that I generally have a low opinion of the American public school system, based on ample evidence. It generally fails to educate while working to abuse and indoctrinate young children in ways that are so ugly and inappropriate that often the administrators and teachers involved could actually be charged with child abuse. Today I am instead going to provide an example of a public school doing right by its students."
An example of good public education.
- "This activity suggests that either the solar maximum will arrive much sooner than expected, or will be much more active than predicted. Right now we do not know which it will be, and no scientist can really predict. While we know that the sunspot cycle is caused by fluctuations and activity in the Sun's magnetic field produced by its dynamo, the fundamental reason why it goes through these cycles is not understood."
Sunspot Update: Sun Continues its Higher-Than-Predicted Activity
NB: Bob Zimmerman provides the lion's share of outstanding science posts to the MR. He's holding an annual fundraiser so if you could go to his website at and throw him a few shekels, it would be appreciated.
- "The top-down push to groom children and inculcate them with gender delusions is nothing new, but Twix's latest commercial has brought it to the forefront."
Twix's Endorsement of Child Crossdressing is Just the Latest Elite Effort to Groom Kids
- "And so this one hurts me, because every day I get up, and I go out and try to help young African American boys become men, and try to instill those values. And when you have someone like this, who has the audacity to call multi-millionaires 'slaves' and compare a process of someone living their dream, going to the National Football League, comparing that to slavery, it's gone over overboard."
Ex-NFL Player on "Evil, Anti-American" Kaepernick: His "Doctrine" is "Largest Threat To Black Men" in U.S.
- "We should want professional sports to cut out the wokeness here at home more than we want pro athletes to stand with the Uighurs." (Kanter is pro-BLM and at best lukewarm on the USA - jjs)
The Pitfall of Making Enes Kanter a Hero for the Right
- Salena Zito: "The MLB made a big deal of moving the All-Star Game in the Spring to punish Georgia for its election reforms. Now that the Braves are in the World Series, not a peep. Fans are noticing."
Major League Baseball's C-Suite Cowardice
- Christian Toto: "The Disney+ original gets hammered on YouTube - 'looks like a parody trailer.'"
Users Target Home Sweet Home Alone Reboot, Trash Trailer
- "Our human need for connection should keep us grounded in reality."
Love Can't Be Uploaded
- "Balfour stirred the aspirations of Zionists after the horrors of the pogroms in Russia and the anti-Semitism witnessed in the Dreyfus affair in France."
Commemorating the Balfour Declaration
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:43 AM
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