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October 22, 2021
The Morning Rant
WHITHER THE NATIONAL DEBT?So, how about that national debt? When was the last time we had a serious conversation about it? Sometime in the early 2000s, perhaps? I don't really know.
I'm old enough to remember when Reagan tripled the national debt. Of course, the congressional Democrats promised that there would be spending cuts to offset the increases, but, get this, the Democrats reneged on the deal and the cuts never happened.
I'm old enough to remember the last time we had a balanced budget, back in, I think, 1998, when we actually had a budget surplus. Democrats crow about how this was all Clinton's doing, but the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and they forced it on him since they could peel off enough moderate Democrats to override his veto.
Things didn't get any better with George W. Bush and his super-spending, which was followed by Obama's hyper-spending which pretty much continued under Trump. Fiscal conservativism was never one of Trump's selling points, anyway, so I can't say I'm disappointed.
In order to understand how big the national debt actually is, this is what it would look like if you lopped off enough zeros to reduce it proportionally to the size of a family budget:
So, as you can see, when you're spending $38,000 per year, a spending cut of $385 is simply laughable. But hey, another thing I'm old enough to remember was when Congress would propose a reduction in the rate of increase of spending, and call that a 'cut'. Even though the actual spending was higher. It was such a transparent lie, but they continued to lie, and so here we are.
And another thing, do any of you morons remember when was the last time Congress formally sent a budget to the President to be agreed to and signed? I think it was sometime during the Obama years, but I honestly don't remember.
We've kicked the can down the road for so many years, I think Congress has difficulty believing that the debt is real. We've outsourced it to some Chinese guy without any consequence for so many years, we think we can just keep on doing it. And, quite honestly, I don't know why they keep accepting our IOUs.
There used to be fiscal moderates/hawks on both sides of the aisle who were genuinely concerned about runaway federal spending, but that all seems so old-fashioned now. Especially with the proposed $3.5 trillion progressive-wish-list spending bill that the Democrats still haven't given up on. The one they're claiming costs $0.
I don't think progressives believe money is actually a real thing. It's something they can just call into existence whenever they need it, like different genders or different sexual orientations or yet another aggrieved victim group. There is no end to the stuff they can bring into being ex nihilo. "And God said, 'let there be light', and there was light." And progressives say "let there be two-spirit, ambi-sexual femboy furries", and so there is.
They're total delusional. And the entire country is going to pay for their delusions.
Hooray! The 1970s Are Back!
"Put On A Sweater, Peasants!"
What The Ruling Class Thinks Of You:
Compare & Contrast:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3 (leggy!)
Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7 (leggy!)
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2 (shirtless!)
Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5(bonus shirtless)
Wednesday Who Dis: The heyday of British Actress Jean Kent was the 1940s-50s, for example, as a seductive gypsy girl in the 1946 adventure film Caravan, opposite romantic leading man Stewart Granger.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Bacon Mac and Cheese:
(Click for bigger mac and cheese)
Mac and cheese recipe available here.
posted by OregonMuse at
11:38 AM
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